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Do not use vacation mode!


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I chose to activate vacation mode yesterday and have a question I hope someone can answer for me. I tried to leave feedback several times for a buyer, and while the message says “thanks”, it remains on my to-do list and isn’t showing up on the gig. Is it impossible to leave feedback while on vacation?

Also, I woke up to one new order despite the pause, but I’ll take it. Compared to some of the other stories I’ve read where multiples slip through, I guess I have it good.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest marcobongon

Hi, I am currently on vacation mode until the 5th of August, why am I still receiving job requests 😦 why is it doing that?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a weird one! I activated Vacation Mode and received one order on a gig that apparently hadn’t been suspended on Vacation Mode… Everything else was suspended!! Anyway, next time I’ll probably just set the delivery time to way later, or suspend the gigs instead of putting them on vacation!!!

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  • 1 year later...

i got a short trip in 2 days and i still let my gig as normal, when someone inbox i just say i go vacation, if they order i cancel it. I think this best way because when you suspend and do vacation mode, your gig view and click drop down and your sales goes down after it. not good at all.

Long vacation more than 7 days can be very harmfull to your sales after that.

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Extend gig times and raise prices.

It’s like a free vacation mode with added $$$.

That said, I haven’t had a holiday in 10 years (but I do live in a holiday resort, which has presented its own challenges). When I do eventually go to another nice part of the world, my laptop comes and I think I would put some time in every other day anyway.

I think vacation days are best kept as “I am dying, go away” days, or serious life issues. System’s too finicky and prone to breakdown. Longer deadlines and higher prices will give the same results anyway–and if that doesn’t work, well, PAYDAY!

Then you can REALLY enjoy that pina colada!

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The extended time limit helps! I can’t remember off the top of my head what the maximum is, but it’s like a couple of weeks to a month, isn’t it? Plus you can put a bold, highlighted I AM AWAY UNTIL MM/DD–DO NOT ORDER UNLESS PREPARED TO WAIT.

Someone who can’t read still will, of course 🙂

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I used the vacation mode for a day, and the sales slump is noticeable. However, I’m finding my main gig on the 2nd row in Recommended and the 1st row in High Rating. Which is surprising, I think my sales were better when I was in row 4th or 5th.

In the end, I think the vacation sales slump is only temporary, but I have learned from this experience. If you want to keep getting sales, get a laptop and do Fiverr everyday.

Here’s an idea, what if we could extend the delivery date for all gigs instead of one by one? I’m a 3-day guy, but maybe if I could extend it to 7-days, I could go on vacation occasionally.

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It can work with $5 orders, mostly by preventing them. I used vacation mode for 10 days in September and am still recovering. I won’t use it again if possible.

Recently I wanted 2 days without orders but could still check messages. Instead of VM, I set my hardest gig at a few words per gig (instead of hundreds) and a 21 day delivery time. My search ranking stayed normal and I got 2 messages, but no orders. If I had gotten a $5 order from a rich buyer, I would have done it within a few days and made serious $$$.

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I am back after using vacation mode for about 4 days. I have found my gig on the second row of the transcription gigs, so hopefully all will be good and back to normal. Will see. When did fiverr make the 4 rows of sellers on the gig search pages rather than 3? Nice surprise to see, and it is a MUCH MUCH MUCH better use of the space.

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I recently had to use Vacation Mode for 4 days, as I had a minor medical emergency and have been working on a renovation in my apartment. While I still received messages and orders (new orders had the remaining Vacation Days added to the time), I made sure to inform my current and repeat buyers of the issue. I’ve noticed a substantial drop in sales, which more than likely reduced my momentum I had hoped would push me into Level 2.

The largest revelation from this experience is that our rankings in our respective seller categories mean more to us than previously thought. After all, we can’t expect Fiverr® to keep boosting our position while we’re on Vacation.

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