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Strange returning buyer


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I worked with a guy, made for him 5-6 orders and everything was fine, I made my work, he always said that my service is the best.
And then couple days ago he requested to do a custom offer with very big sale. Okay, he was a nice returning buyer, why not? So i sent it. He placed an order. And 5 minutes later he asked to cancel this order. It was very strange, but okay, no problems. I canceled this order.
Yesterday he came with 5 little jobs and started to ask me to sent him 5 different offers, “$3.5 for every offer”. I said it’s impossible on Fiverr, and that all prices on this platform start from $5. So i suggested to make these 5 jobs as one offer. $3.5 x 5 = $17.5 or even $15, as sale for my returning buyer. He refused to accept.
And today he came again and asked a custom offer for new project with huge sale. Okay, no problems. I sent offer to him, he payed it and 1 minute after placing an order he asked to do a cancellation. WTF???

I asked really very polite - why? He said that i made a mistake in price, but i did not. I set exactly that price that he asked 5 minutes ago. Then he said - “ok, make your job”.
I finished this job and as bonus i made all things that he asked yesterday absolutely for free. He closed an order and left negative review. Check picture:


Wtf? Why? What? I have no idea… I was trying to be a nice seller and now I’m sad.
So i blocked this guy, i don’t want to be so sad next time.


I will advise to respect your profession never and never ask for cheap cost at least $5 for order ,
if you are costing less and less then you are not professional …
so be a professional ask for a reasonable cost,


You should have blocked him/her first time he asked you to cancel the order immediately, your safety is your concern not Fiverr’s concern so take complete precaution and never ever entertain customers with red flags.


A senior freelancer told me that clients who seek out these $5 bargains remember they are knocking your door with problems. So never get second thought just stay away from them. Never take their orders even if they would be nice to you.
As I am new in Fiverr I am just hoping if I would never get these kinds of clients.


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