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Question for Buyers about BR


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I was just wondering that whenever I reply to a BR who I am up against 😅

Against a lot of sellers who just send a really quick copypaste text as offer, which often clearly shows a buyer that they didn´t even really read the request, and that is your chance!

Read the request and write your offer text so that the buyer knows that and you might have a better chance than someone with a higher level who just sends a generic offer or something not even really to do with the request. 🙂

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2/3 Level 0 and Level 1.

1/3 Level 2.

TRS, practically never.

At least 1/2 of the level 2 I’ve hired off BR were very confusing. What I mean by that is the product they delivered were so bad, it made me wonder how they got to level 2.

The other half of level 2 were very, very good; worthy of 5 star and a great tip.

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