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Everything posted by tech_bd2

  1. Did you try to marketing your gig properly??
  2. How this even possible?? If they do then many people are going to loose there opportunity on fiverr.
  3. Research your KEYWORD very carefully, and nursing your gig until its full potential.
  4. If you don't get any orders then hunt for social media marketing
  5. Yes , It does actually. Try to make change only price or description, If you want to change your title then first delete your gig then change them, It will help you to rank it faster with good impression.
  6. Make sure that you include the best keyword possible.
  7. Contact support for further info.
  8. Research your GIG title for the best possible keyword and choose it on your GIG title
  9. As far as i know, You do have to maintain your keyword and be specific about what your services, and make your content price low for the competition.
  10. Here are some reason: Poor GIG Performance Quality Issues Lack of Nursing GIG No Competitive Price (Like higher price)
  11. Thanks for sharing this valuable topic. Hope everyone read it carefully
  12. That was a relief. This info is helpful for newest user on fiverr.
  13. Optimize your gig first, Like proper keyword and title Check on your gig that any tag have been missed or not. Nursing your GIG like offering competitive price Stay online Hope that is going to help you.
  14. There is no need to share your personal info like email. It against fiverr terms and condition.
  15. It takes time to rank your gig. Depends on some things like impression and clicks. A new gig should have to nursing like a child. Thank you!
  16. I'm facing the same thing here, but after all of that, I'm here for providing best support to others. There are actually no reason to facing like this problem. Hope Fiverr will fix all of those issues.
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