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Everything posted by khan_abir

  1. Fiverr clients never go out of fiverr, those who take to Telegram are spammers! Let's avoid these spammers!
  2. Fiverr Gig Visibility Issue If your Fiverr gig is not appearing in the "Online Now" filter, try the following steps to resolve the issue: Check Active Status: Ensure you’re logged into Fiverr and your status is set to "Online." Navigate to your profile settings and verify your availability toggle is active. Clear Cache and Cookies: Sometimes clearing your browser’s cache and cookies can help resolve display issues. Try accessing Fiverr from a different browser or device. Update Your Gig: Refresh your gig by making minor edits to it. Save the changes to ensure it’s up-to-date. Internet Connection: Double-check that your internet connection is stable. A poor connection might affect your online status. Contact Fiverr Support: If the problem persists, reach out to Fiverr’s customer support for assistance. Provide them with detailed information about your issue. By following these steps, you should be able to resolve the visibility issue of your Fiverr gig. For further support, you can also visit Fiverr’s Help Center or contact their support team directly.
  3. khan_abir

    New Scam?

    Thanks for sharing informative topics❤️
  4. This is not the place to share gigs..it is out of fiverr community guidelines..
  5. Indeed, it's a fantastic method to present the seller's portfolio.
  6. Sure, here's a breakdown:Choose the Right Platforms: Pick social media sites where your target clients hang out.Create Compelling Profiles: Make sure your profiles clearly describe what you offer and why clients should choose you.Share Valuable Content: Post helpful tips, insights, or examples related to your services to attract potential clients.Engage with Your Audience: Respond to comments, answer questions, and participate in discussions to build relationships.Use Visuals: Share eye-catching images or videos to grab attention and showcase your work.Network with Peers: Connect with other freelancers or professionals in your field to exchange ideas and referrals.Run Promotions or Giveaways: Offer discounts or freebies to incentivize people to try your services.Track Your Results: Monitor your social media analytics to see what's working and adjust your strategy accordingly.By following these steps, you can effectively use social media to promote your freelance business and attract more clients.
  7. Thanks for sharing This Important Topic❤️
  8. As a new seller, getting buyers is key to success. Here's how: Quality Products: Make sure what you're selling is good. Quality attracts buyers. Clear Descriptions: Describe your products well. Buyers want to know what they're getting. Great Photos: Take clear, attractive pictures of your products. Visuals matter. Competitive Prices: Set fair prices. Check what similar products are selling for. Promote Yourself: Use social media, or online marketplaces to get your name out there. Engage with Customers: Respond to inquiries quickly and politely. Good service goes a long way. Offer Deals: Everyone loves a discount. Offer promotions to attract buyers. Ask for Reviews: Positive reviews build trust. Encourage buyers to leave feedback. Network: Build relationships with other sellers or influencers. They can help promote your products. Be Patient: Rome wasn't built in a day. It takes time to establish yourself as a seller. By following these steps, you can start attracting buyers and growing your business.
  9. It can be frustrating when you're getting clicks on your Fiverr gig but not making sales. There could be several reasons behind this. One reason might be that your gig description isn't clear or doesn't highlight the benefits of your service. Potential buyers need to understand what you're offering and why they should choose you over others. Another reason could be that your pricing isn't competitive enough. If your rates are too high compared to similar services on Fiverr, people might be hesitant to buy from you. It's essential to research your competitors and adjust your prices accordingly. Additionally, your gig images and samples might not be appealing enough. People often judge a gig by its cover, so make sure your images are eye-catching and your samples showcase your skills effectively. Finally, it's crucial to promote your gig outside of Fiverr as well. Use social media, forums, and other platforms to reach potential clients and drive traffic to your gig. By addressing these factors and continuously improving your gig, you can increase your chances of turning clicks into sales on Fiverr.
  10. Thanks For Sharing This Topic
  11. Try to Social media like linkedin, Twitter, Reedit, Quora, Pinterest,Instragram etc
  12. Undoubtedly beneficial. In some cases, it's even preferable to reject a potential order - even if the buyer is willing to buy, but it doesn't fit their needs. It is preferable to be truthful than to suggest and insist on satisfaction.
  13. This Topic Is Very Helpful for All New Buyers
  14. Fiverr's forums are not for advertising. Instead, you can advertise your services on social media. It's also important to understand the basics like when and how to share your information I hope that was clear. Thank You....
  15. Welcome to Fiverr Forum Community❤️
  16. You are welcome to the fiverr Community Forum
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