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Everything posted by Yoav.M

  1. @josephmarve - thanks for sharing this here , please try to check for help here - https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us
  2. @nickkold - YES! Please hold-on! We will announce about few new features very soon...
  3. Hi there @emmaki, thanks for your response and for taking the time to write such a detailed message. Based on your various posts here, it seems to me that you hold a lot of anger or frustration concerning the issue of AI, which I can totally understand and accept. That being said, I encourage you to try and join this panel if you got the time, in order to understand better about the ways that we are trying to educate and address AI matters. Though this panel is mostly intended for tech savvy freelancers, as mentioned, perhaps you can also get some benefits out of it. I think you should try to spend a bit more time on hearing new ideas or suggestions, instead of mostly writing negative or critical posts, without giving us a proper opportunity to explain ourselves in advance.
  4. @donnovan86thanks for sharing your honest opinion. Firstly, the upcoming panel about AI is intended to be tech savvy, meaning that only freelancers who are super into-the-details of AI, will probably find it useful. Secondly, if you have any other ideas that you would like to share with us here, concerning new suggestions for workshops / webinars please do so 🙂
  5. Hi all freelancers!! Please take a moment to check this post written recently by our own distinguish @Kesha🙂 https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/328030-we-want-to-empower-your-ai-journey/
  6. We’ve got your ticket to staying ahead of the AI tech curve. As AI evolves and customer demands evolve with it, now’s the time to harness its potential as your new business partner—and we’re here to help. Join our webinar on April 18, 2023 at 10am EST to hear from four of our experts on optimizing AI in the tech industry: Eugenio Zuccarelli: Pro seller, data scientist, and AI leader working with companies ranging from the White House and Fortune 500 firms to startups, Eugenio has accomplished all of the following: Forbes 30 Under 30, Fortune 40 Under 40, speaking for TEDx, WEF Global Shaper, and more. Or Levy: Backend engineer-turned-software engineer and Fiverr developer, Or spearheaded the development of the ML Platform at Fiverr, which supports all of the data science and ML models trained within the company. Sapir Hadad: "Ex-FinityX" Co-Founder & CEO and a Fiverr product marketing manager, Sapir has 10+ years experience in product management and operations, utilizing AI to enhance products and streamline business processes. Asaf Azar: Fiverr product manager and software engineer, leading the software and AI verticals on Fiverr, Asaf has helped many businesses integrate Generative AI into their products over the past two years. Ready to tech about it? Sign up here.
  7. Hello distinguished Freelancers community! Please check out here our recent webinar for tried-and-true tips on climbing to the top. Meet the speakers: Holly Michael is a “Fortune 25” executive, who turned entrepreneur. Holly built her first marketing business, which she sold after only a few years. Today, as a TRS, she is enjoying her Fiverr customers and building her next business. Holly understands the value of customer satisfaction and builds customer first businesses. Yoav Marcus is Fiverr's Education & Engagement Manager. With vast experience in the Events & Marketing industry, he has hosted and produced various events.
  8. Hello again everyone! This webinar's recording can be found here , for your connivence. I wish you all a calm and relaxing weekend ahead...
  9. Please excuse us for the delay in this webinar, this is due to a technical issue. The webinar's recording will be shared with all of you within the next few days.
  10. Hi @webhoo, thanks for sharing this here. In addition to attending this upcoming webinar, I recommend you to check this one too - https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/23487040056465-Everything-you-need-to-know-about-Top-Rated
  11. @mandyzines & @rubeldmarketer - I'm sorry to read that you missed the last webinar. The recording will be sent to you on Friday, you will get it directly to your mail.
  12. Hi again everyone! Learn to climb your way to the TOP at our upcoming webinar where you’ll hear from some of our star freelancers. Tune in at 11:00 am (EST) on March 27th, for all the tips you need to hit every level on your way to Top Rated. Hope to see you there! Register HERE.
  13. Hi everyone! We hope you're having a great week so far. Please feel free to join us in watching this webinar's recording HERE. In addition to the recording, you will also find 2 useful articles with plenty of information for you about Top Rated. Thanks again for your engagement, for your willingness, and for simply being who you are. Much appreciation, Yoav 🙂
  14. @nesenili & @shuvo_va - I'm sorry to read that you couldn't join our webinar yesterday, most probably due to the capacity limits on Zoom. That being said, YES, I'll make sure to send you the recording ASAP.
  15. @mandyzines - yes indeed, this webinar will be recorded and shared with every seller who will register to it. @shuvo_va - thank you for the interest and kindness, looking froward to seeing you there...
  16. Thanks so much for your questions @carineb Please feel free to share this with more sellers, or simply type in more questions 🙂
  17. @panoslazarisads - thanks for letting us know! Please check here - https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/15140188560913-Top-Rated
  18. Have any questions about the Top Rated program? Share them with a comment, and we'll try to answer you on the webinar! We’ve been seeing a lot of interest in our Top Rated program, and as part of our larger commitment to transparency on the Fiverr platform, we want to make sure each and every one of you have all the information you need to succeed. From a clear breakdown of Fiverr’s Top Rated seller expectations to best practices on your way to the top, we’re bringing you the webinar you’ve been waiting for—join us on March 18 at 11:00 AM EST and take a deep dive into: - What it means to be Top Rated - Fiverr’s TR quality standards - Our evaluation process - Maintaining your metrics - What’s new & how the TR program fits into Fiverr’s new level system Ready to take your next steps to the top? Sign up here.
  19. @uk1000 thanks again for letting me know. I simply followed your suggestion and shared here the PFD version of the doc.
  20. @johnnewland thank you for the update, please request this access for the doc.
  21. Thank you @uk1000 for the update. Do you see this image when trying to download the guide? It requests to copy this file, in order for sellers to get an access.
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