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Everything posted by vickieito

  1. Hi @fahadsikder4, Can you clarify what you are looking for? Are you looking for a social media marketing expert to help you get orders for your digital marketing gigs?
  2. According to CS it can take as long as 30 days (see article below): However, it only took me 3 days to resolve the "Withdrawal in Progress" issue by following the instructions shared in this thread.
  3. Hi @webcut, If people are clicking on your gig, that means they are curious about your services. However, if they aren't turning into orders, that means you aren't convincing them to buy your services. It makes no sense to pay for promotions if buyers aren't going to buy your services. First, optimize your profile so that it appeals to your buyers (so that they will want to buy your services). Once you can see that your gigs have a good conversion rate, then you can amp up the number of orders you are getting with Promoted Gigs. I took a look at your gig descriptions and can see that you use "I" statements a lot. Please make sure to include more "You" statements - don't just list services and talk about what you can do - talk to your buyers' pain points and show how you can solve their problems. When you phrase things in that light, you aren't just offering services, you're providing solutions to real needs that your buyers have.
  4. Hi @webcut - Currently, Fiverr is only approving Top Clients that are on their drop down list, so first make sure your clients are on that list. Your Top Client doesn't have to be on Fiverr, but you do need to have sufficient proof that the actual company hired you for the work. It doesn't count if your buyer worked for a big-name company - the actual company name will have to be on the invoice or work sample you provide. You should also retain a written approval from each company you add to show they are okay with adding them as a Top Client. I have a Top Client that is on Fiverr's list, but I can add them because they disappeared after the order and let the order auto-close (without giving their consent to be added as my Top Client). If you are on the Seller Plus Premium plan you can ask your Success Manager to follow up on the approvals of your Top Clients (to speed up the process). You should be able to pick your Success Manager from you program page on your desktop.
  5. HI @souravmandal83 - Unfortunately this isn't a unique problem but all of the sellers I know who had their accounts shut down due to ID verification issues had their accounts restored. I know how hard it can be to wait for 5 days with no response from CS. My account was restricted for 6 days and it was really hard when I couldn't even communicate with my buyers to explain why. At this point, CS has all the information needed to help you and further follow-ups from you might trigger an account warning. So wait patiently. I know this is super hard to do when you can't do anything but CS is the only way you can get your account back up, so it's worth it to be patient with them. It can take time for CS to get back with you, but let them respond first (even if you have to wait for several days) before sending another reply. I'll tag @Lena onto this thread so that she can just follow up on your ticket to make sure it's being handled properly.
  6. Hi @hadi2402127, Did you know that there are 111,386 gigs offering SEO services on Fiverr? So there are a lot of digital marketing/social media experts on the platform that are offering similar services to yours. You've got a lot of competition. You mentioned in other posts that you have good impressions, but you aren't getting enough clicks (and have zero orders). This means that Fiverr is showing your gigs to prospective buyers, but your gigs aren't attractive enough for the buyers to click on your gig. I looked at your gig images and they are generic (so buyers may skim over them) and don't clearly show what services you are offering (you should have 1-5 words clearly describing your services). I also don't see work examples of what you can do (this gives you credibility when you have no orders). Your gig descriptions only lists your services - they don't have a compelling message that will pull your buyers in and show them why you are uniquely qualified to solve their problems. Speak to your buyers' pain points and show them how you are the solution to their problems. You just started on Fiverr last month, so please know that it takes time to build a business. All sellers start at the same point - with no orders or reviews. How well you build your profile (and use all of the features that Fiverr has to offer) will often determine how well you can get buyers to trust you enough to start placing orders. Otherwise, they will go to other sellers with more orders and reviews.
  7. Hi @asharkhan_19 - If your clients are not listed in Fiverr's dropdown menu, you can't add your clients as Top Clients. I write a lot of resumes, so most of my clients can't be added as Top Clients either. I did have a few clients on Fiverr's list, but since I don't have written approval from them, I haven't been able to add them as Top Clients either. For your clients, you might want to showcase them in your gig gallery or in your My Portfolio section if they are okay with you doing that.
  8. It took me a month to get my Top Client approved the first time but I accidentally sent my Top Client into "pending" status because I corrected a grammar error. I also added a new Top Client at the same time. With the help of my Success Manager, I was able to get both Top Clients approved within a week.
  9. Hi @muscle_threads, I really hope you did your market research on Fiverr before you quit your day job. If you are charging as high as $1,000 to tell businesses how they can "stand out" from the competition with a guaranteed 10-25% increase in sales, you need to give them evidence so they can trust you. Simply making guarantees won't cut it: I find it really hard to trust someone who only makes guarantees but has no other proof of credibility on their profile. There are other flags that make me shy away from your gigs: 1. You state that you are fluent in English, but your gigs are full of grammatical errors. At a price of $1,000, I would expect that you at least proofread your gigs to show your buyers the level of quality that you are promising them. Also, based on how your profile and gigs are written, it's really hard to tell if you are working alone or if you are working as a team. 2. You state "I help businesses that are stuck at a plate sky rocket." Then you come onto the forum and say, "I have tried everything to get people to even look at my gig and nothing is working." Be careful what you say on the forum - I've had buyers check out my forum posts before placing an order. Buyers will expect that you can do the same thing for your business as you promise to do for theirs. 3. You mention how you've helped many companies, but your profile doesn't show any case studies of what you've done. It just mentions what you did for your own company. Fiverr allows you 3 images, a gig video, and 2 PDFs for each gig. Use all of these resources to build a strong case for your buyers to buy from you. After viewing your gigs, there should be no doubt in the buyer's mind that you can deliver what you promise. 4. You actually can't guarantee 10-15% increase in sales because there are so many other factors (outside of your control) that can affect a person's business.
  10. Hi @wealthmine821, You can put in a ticket with Customer Support and they can help you with the verification process. You can contact them here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/account-and-security/account-verification-and-security/id-verification/create-ticket Or by email at: support@fiverr.com It can take CS 1-2 days to get back to you, but they should be able to help you (even if your account gets temporarily restricted until the verification is complete).
  11. Hi @glow_writer, this is your own answer on the forum: When I search the forum, I can find a lot of content by @filipdevaere that is detailed and helpful for new sellers to gain visibility in Fiverr's search and gain more orders: @glow_writer, Can you also share your experiences as well? I noticed that you have been on the platform for ~9 years and have over 2.4k orders. That isn't an easy thing to do and I think we have a lot to learn from you. I know at one point you mentioned that you hit all requirements for TRS as well.
  12. Hi @mpb0707 - Did you reach out to your Success Manager when that happened? They may be able to help find out why your account was shut down. I saw two sellers recently on the forum who reported being falsely accused of manipulating the rating system (and their accounts were restored once they were able to prove the legitimacy of their orders). One seller had a buyer who placed/closed 30 orders within a week and another seller had a repeat buyer who was using the same copy/paste review for two back-to-back orders. Both instances seemed to trigger an immediate flag of their account.
  13. Thanks for another great post @katakatica! I was hoping more newbie sellers would read this thread! I think they might have if this post was only labeled "Tips for New Sellers." But the second part might have scared them away because "asking the right questions" requires work. It requires you to think. It requires you to have the mindset that you could be wrong. ⬅️ Honestly, this mindset is probably what allowed me to grow as fast as I did on the platform. From my first day on the platform, I have been peeling away all of the misconceptions and beliefs that I had when I first joined. I thought I knew what I was doing. I didn't. I thought it was going to be easy. It wasn't. I thought I wouldn't have to work hard. I've never worked harder in my life. I thought I would make it "big" with proofreading and data entry (*ahem* converting PDFs to Word). 😅 I had no idea it would be resume writing and technical writing that would launch my business forward. I've experienced imposter syndrome because I joined the platform thinking "zero skills" were required to make money (which is why it took me 2.5 years to post my first gig ... I had to think of a skill to sell). So I surprised myself there - I thought I didn't have skills, but then I realized I did. I think I'm a great example of someone who had no idea what they were doing and thought they were doing the right thing. However, I was able to pivot whenever I found out that I was going in the wrong direction. Pivoting is hard (it took me a year to finally agree to do Zoom calls), but it can be done. This has been a concern of mine, too. There are so many sellers on the platform who don't even know what they are doing ...so it's easy for them to believe that they are doing the right thing (based on what the "no skills required" YT gurus are saying). It makes me sad that there are so many sellers who are unwilling to challenge these beliefs, consider that they might be wrong, and make the changes needed to start moving in the right direction.
  14. Hi @sarakhhan0987 - Try clicking on the test button again. I also lost internet connection while taking the Fiverr Skills test (for English), but when I clicked on the "Take Test" button again (even though it said to wait for 90 days), I was able to take the test and publish my first gig. It wasn't considered a retake because there was no test on file.
  15. Hi @klaosc - as @priyank_mod mentioned, you can have more than 3 images if you turn on the Live Gallery option. See below on how to do that:
  16. Hi @samuelstarks - In addition to your 3 gig images, video, and 2 PDFs, if you turn on the "Live Portfolio" option, you can select one of your delivery files to be added to your gig gallery. As long as the buyer approves the images for use, they will be added to your gig gallery. To turn on the "Live Portfolio" option, go to your "Gigs" tab under "My Business" and click on the "Live Portfolio" option. When you make a delivery, you'll have the chance to select an image to add to your gallery. If the buyer checks the box to include their delivery image, the image will be added to your gallery.
  17. Hi @vipin1324, making websites more appealing is your expertise. In your gig description, you write: How effective is your own design of your gigs and profile? How many impressions are you getting? How many clicks? This will tell you how effective your design and messaging is with your target buyers. If you are able to convert impressions into clicks and clicks into orders, you will be able to help your clients do the same. Here are a few things that I noticed in my review of your profile and gigs: 1. Your gig thumbnails are too busy and wordy - limit your text to 1-3 words that clearly describe your services. 2. Your design is too generic - your thumbnails and images don't really communicate your unique value proposition to your clients - with generic images, your gig will get lost in the sea of web designers who are offering the same services (buyers only have a few seconds to decide if they will click on your gig or not). Find ways to call out what makes you unique and why buyers should pick you, rather than another web designer. If you can add a video, that will increase user engagement with you gigs and may convince them to visit your profile and gigs. 3. You are stuffing your gig titles with SEO keywords. In the words of @frank_d: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/243824-welcome-to-fiverr-30/ If you want to know what helps you gain better visibility in Fiverr's search, you can read the article above and @frank_d's other articles here: https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278118-fiverr-30-revisited-aka-fiverr-31/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/300818-fiverr-40-some-thoughts-on-the-current-state-of-things/
  18. At least the response rate is 100% - the response time shouldn't affect you too much. It should only filter out the buyers who want immediate responses from their sellers (which isn't a bad thing - I prefer the buyers who can wait for my replies).
  19. It's shows up as a filter in the inbox: Once I click on the icon in the upper right corner, I visit the "Unread" and "Spam" folders. I then click on any messages that are in gray or have a red timer on it.
  20. @mandyzines, @marjanul, & @alphagev - you might want to contact CS to have those stats adjusted. The site and app always seem to be glitchy ... I've had instances when messages don't show up immediately in the inbox (but they show up later and my response times are affected). I also always visit my spam box several times a day to mark the messages as "read." Sometimes the messages Fiverr automatically marks as spam get counted against you. My Success Manager fixed my stats to 100% when a glitch incorrectly counted the spam against me and brought my stats to 96%. When I mentioned these glitches to CS, they always tell me to reach out to them so that my stats can be corrected.
  21. Loyal buyers are a result of sellers who take care of their buyers (and this can be shown to buyers even before the first sale is made). Do you care enough about your buyers to do your research so that your messaging resonates with them? Do you even know who your target buyers are? This will differ for each seller because each seller has a unique set of experiences and skills. If you know your buyers, you will know how to communicate with them, how to appeal to them, and how you are the best qualified to help them achieve their goals.
  22. I agree! We are so lucky to have her as our SPM! When my account was shut down by the hacker, she fought really hard to try to get everything restored for me. It's nice to know that someone is fighting for me behind the scenes. 😊
  23. Oops! Did I mention three? I have two kids - my daughter (Mia) is 10 and my son (Kenta) is 14. I might have mentioned Jun (in another post) as the third kid. 😅 That's really kind of you! But I don't know how that would be possible. Your sweet, thoughtful post is enough - thanks for the offer! @sabinespoems - I love how you tied this into the title. 🥰 Oh, @rabihumakhan - you have a good memory. My whole family was living in Japan last year, but my kids were really struggling in the Japanese school system. Their school couldn't handle both the pandemic and two foreign children. So I sent in an application for a charter school in Hawaii and two openings popped up several weeks later. The kids and I had to move to Hawaii very quickly so that we could secure those spots. Jun stayed behind to wrap things up. He also started a new job, so he didn't want to abandon them that quickly. We last saw him (in person) on December 13th, 2022. We had plans for Jun to come in the summer, but that was pushed back due to ID theft issues. By August though, Fiverr was doing really well, so Jun purchased tickets to come to Hawaii. By that time, the kids were really thriving - Kenta skipped a grade and Mia's reading improved by several grade levels. The kids were counting down the days when Jun would be here and were excited to show their progress in real life (not just in video chats). We also needed Jun here to help renew the kids' passports. So it was a huge shock when he passed away. Instead of Jun coming over to Hawaii, I had to fly over to Japan. My kids couldn't come with me because I didn't have a death certificate to process their passports. It was really hard to be away from them when they needed me the most. But I was able to bring Jun back home with me after he was cremated and we had a nice memorial service for him on Sunday.
  24. I keep trying to respond to specific messages but keep deleting everything I'm writing. Sorry - I really do appreciate all of your kind words! It makes me happy to read so many heartfelt messages from all of you! I also love the hugs and 💗 that you sent my way! I know that I'm not the only one who is going through hard times, so thank you @grayprogrammerz and @rabihumakhan for sharing your experiences, too. My heart goes out you for the loss of your brother and father. It makes me sad to see your pain and suffering, too. You're both really strong. I'll try to respond to a few comments in the next post, but I wanted to thank all of you for your support here. 💗💗💗
  25. Actually, Fiverr might not even look at your gigs once you reach all the TRS requirements because there are other quality metrics, such as your Buyer Satisfaction Rate (BSR), that need to be at a certain level before Fiverr will even do the manual review. This is what prevents most Level 2 sellers from becoming TRS - they aren't meeting the requirements of the hidden metrics to be flagged for the manual review. And if the seller doesn't meet the "other quality metrics," their account won't even be considered for the manual review for another 4 months (Fiverr will take a look at the account again after 3 months have passed). If a seller has hit all the minimum criteria for TRS, but they lose access to certain features, such as the Early Payout feature (as a Seller Plus member) or Promoted Gigs, that indicates that the hidden quality metrics aren't at the point for your account to be considered for the manual review. Even if all your visible stats are perfect. This means that to be considered for TRS, your last 4 months have to be perfect on all visible and hidden metrics. Your past performance doesn't matter at that point (it will in the manual review, but not in the initial screen). This level of perfection can be hard to achieve because life isn't perfect and things do happen. After I hit all the requirements for TRS, I had my first cancelation in a year. This resulted in a BSR score lower than the allowable threshold, so I was told I wasn't going to be considered for TRS again for the next three months - they wanted to see improvement in my performance (this is what my Success Manager told me). Four months later, my BSR was perfect, but there were other quality metrics affected because my account recently got hacked/shut down and that caused all of my orders in queue to be canceled. Fiverr CS fixed my visible metrics, but the additional quality metrics were not. I lost the Early Payout feature during this time as well. So I had to wait four more months. After four months, a life event happened that made me want to cancel all my orders in queue. But I didn't. I chose to extend my orders instead and take care of my customers. It was hard, but that's what allowed me to qualify for the manual review and become TRS. I can see how, if a seller has a lot of difficult orders or life events going on, they may never be considered for TRS. But that's okay - just focus on what you can do and take care of your customers. TRS is not required to make good money on the platform or to attract good buyers.
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