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Everything posted by michmikaia

  1. Hi. When I used Paypal, it is not more than a day. It's quite instantly. You can check this article for more information https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010530278-Payout-Methods?segment=seller
  2. Be careful. Only leveled sellers can have access to zoom chat from inbox by using seller invitation. New seller can only have zoom call trough the order. If you send a zoom link through message, you will get warning as you violated the ToS. So again, be careful.
  3. So you should wait. I think it's better for you to read the article below about your situation. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360014585217-Disabled-accounts?segment=seller
  4. You have already received an email that your account is temporarily restricted. Seems like you can do nothing. So you should wait. Or if you need further explanation, it's far better to ask CS about your situation.
  5. Of course that it's a violation of ToS. You misunderstood it.
  6. As I said @ayeshaahmed498, it will be back to normal. The one above is my stat in the morning, and the one below is my stat just a few minutes ago with the same gigs
  7. If it's still on the first page, so don't worry. It happens also to me. It's back to normal after a few hours.
  8. Hi. If it still on the first page, it might be glitch. Sometimes, all of my gigs goes down to 0 in the morning (my time). But it's back to normal after a few hours. So as long as it's ranked, don't worry.
  9. Remember that buyers will just use keyword not all titles when searching sellers here. To clarify what I said, your gigs takes time to be ranked. So be patient.
  10. You said it's just a day ago. It needs some times for a new gig to appear in the search. So be patient.
  11. Hi. It should not affect your statiatic. Explain it well with CS.
  12. So, you have access to his gmail account not to his Fiverr account. So there is no problem. Anyway, what you did is very risky. May be those who know more about it can explain it.
  13. I'll try to understand the situation in order to help. But I am very confused. How, when and why your buyer had access to your PC so that he could sign in?
  14. It is not good (instead of saying bad). Just emphasize @catwriter's comment, Be honest.
  15. The reason is just below on the rectangle box. Try to clear cache and cookies then re-open it. Or open fiverr with another browser (microsoft edge or firefox). If there is no problem with the other browser, then the issue is with chrome.
  16. I don't understand. What is the problem if you finish the job early and deliver it early?
  17. @imagination7413advised you to read ToS. I have already told you to read it too. Answer of your question is already there. And again you should re-read ToS from the beginning.
  18. What clear instruction do you need? I suggest you to re-read ToS if you need a "clear instruction". Just a clue for you. Your concern is on the "User Conduct and protection" section. But it's far better to re-read it from the beginning.
  19. Well, it's a bit hard to judge if it's good enough or not. As quick observation, it is not enough. Personally, my stat go down and I know and understand the reason. My impression now is about 350 and 5clicks/day. My gig is still on the first page but I get about 2 or 3 request from new buyers/week whereas before I got like 5 to 10 request/day. I am sure it will bounce up soon. The most important thing, I think, is that you get request, you receive a new message from buyers with that stat. There are some people who still get a request even if impression and click is low. Just makes your gig as good as possible.
  20. That's too sad. The reason of the removal as it stated is due to 3rd party violation. But if you need a more specific answer get ticket and ask CS. Anyway, I think there is nothing you can do with that gigs anymore.
  21. Answering your question @imranahmed2002, it seems that you have never have any project yet on fiverr. So, Improve your gigs and use a low competetion keywords because your category is one of the challenging one. (e.g: there is almost 129 000 of logo design gigs.) Spend time on your gig
  22. Really? Rarely am I online but my gigs is still on the first page. Needless to say, being "always" online does not guarantee your gig on the first page. It might only help if buyer use online filter. If you have a bad quality of gigs, it will not be on the first page even if you are online.
  23. I wanna ask the same. I am not on the seller side but it seems like there are a lack of details. That's why this result. In my opinion it is not a scam but you might ask a 3D model but forget to mention that you will rig it after that.
  24. As @venonusasaid, neither closing account and create a new one nor deleting a working gigs will not be a good idea. You are a level 1 seller. As I see on your profile, rarely do you get order. If I were you, I will try to contact a old clients that you work with, and ask if they have any project. If you want to bounce up again you should work on a project on fiverr first. Remember that it's a competition. You should show that you are good and professional among the other competitor on your niche.
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