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Everything posted by milos_siena

  1. Hi there, He did ask for a review removal. Also, as support told you, he left the platform - the reason I cannot share it here. Do not worry that your money is endangered in any way.
  2. You should write your bio and gig descriptions in English to attract more buyers.
  3. You don't have any active gigs. One is in draft status. You need a picture.
  4. 1) Only one picture 2) Big competition in these kind of services 3) Unlimited revisions is not a good option
  5. Please contact support@fiverr.com.
  6. The majority knows about this, but some users think that answering everywhere builds some kind of level here which will help them on the platform itself. Now that advertising is not allowed on forum (it wasn't the right place for that anyway), they should advertise on viral social networks.
  7. "About the Seller Plus Program 1. How can I join the Seller Plus Program? The program is invite-only, and will only be accessible to you once you have received your personal invitation to participate in Seller Plus. There is a limit to the number of Sellers that can join the program, so if you did receive an invite and then are notified that the program is full, we will be sure to let you know as soon as an opening becomes available" - from Fiverr help. Did you receive the invite ?
  8. It can take some time. The main picture of the gig should be more attractive. Correct "upto" to "up to" in the gig description. Feel free to read the Tips For Sellers section of the forum.
  9. Can you provide a screenshot of the message received from Fiverr ?
  10. Some time has passed since your contact info was deleted, I don't think that you'll get a warning or restriction. Anyway, pay attention to this rule that is the subject of the topic. Try to improve your completion rate to level up 😃.
  11. The best would be if the impressions lead to clicks. Then it means that this first impression of a gig is good. And if a click leads to an order, then your overall gig is okay. I'm not sure if this AI-generated video builds trust with customers. But if you have difficulties with using your voice, then it's better to leave it this way, videos are important. You can always search for your services and have a look at some successful sellers in that business. Of course, to get the idea generally, not to copy their gigs.
  12. https://www.beingguru.com/high-demand-and-low-competition-fiverr-gigs-in-2023/ Here you have a list of low competition jobs. Maybe it would be better to delete and open a new account.
  13. Some of your gigs might need a longer description and better pictures. You get impressions and appear on search results, but those impressions don't lead to enough clicks.
  14. Do you get a lot of impressions and clicks ? The video uses a voice that is not yours I guess. That should be changed.
  15. Turn on the "Get briefs" option. I am not sure that you'll get briefs before some starting success. It depends on the Fiverr algorithm and you optimising your gigs. Visit the "Tips For Sellers" section of the forum.
  16. Based on all the info that I could get, in your case, a buyer can leave a review.
  17. Do you get a lot of impressions (a buyer sees your gig in search results) and clicks (he clicks the gig)? You can always check the most popular topics in the Tips For Sellers section of the forum.
  18. Just to add, a buyer needs to contact support within 30 days from the day he posted a review. It's not guaranteed that support will accept this.
  19. Unfortunately, it is no longer an option on the forum. Forum rule no. 2.
  20. It's not about the gig. The negative review 4 months ago is the reason for de-ranking. You need to wait maybe 2-4 months more.
  21. How many clicks? Did you wrote a gig description with chatgpt?
  22. Telegram=scam. These buyers are probably looking for free work. There is no need for off-Fiverr communication and it is not allowed. Feel free to report any buyer who asks for similar.
  23. You can take a look at the Tips For Sellers section of the forum. Pinned posts are great.
  24. You can start by reading the section "Tips for sellers" and find info for a good start. Pay attention to the pinned posts.
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