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Everything posted by milos_siena

  1. Here is a great post, you might want to read it. https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  2. It is very strange to ask for help here and on the other subject, you give advice. Please leave selling tips to more experienced sellers. Cheers.
  3. I have moved your post to this category because "tips for sellers" is a place where sellers share their experiences. It is not a place to ask but to provide answers. In this category, you can always ask about improvement and share your gig/s.
  4. Hi. I can see that you complained multiple times to customer service about the same issue. You won't find any new answers here on the forum. There is nothing wrong with your profile or your performance. Perhaps the services you are offering are now offered by many more sellers. The competition could be the problem. Fiverr is constantly growing.
  5. There is no secret about the algorithm. Every user sees a different search page. The algorithm is made to meet the needs of each user (searcher). But what makes people click on your gig rather than on others are your reviews, rates, gig look, etc.
  6. The other moderator banned the OP. She did ask for that, but I waited to see her future behavior since she probably asked that while being too emotional. I sent her a PM in an effort to calm down the situation, only to be attacked, but I won't reveal the rest of the conversation. The other moderator did a good job banning her because: 1) she asked, 2) she would just keep getting more out of control, and all of that because newsmike posted a graphic. That's how it all started after all. My opinion is that I should give more credit to experienced sellers who contribute to the forum a lot, in some cases when they might cross the line, but still give good advice. I can't put them in the same box as, for example, sellers with no sales who give false advice, or AI generated advice. That doesn't mean that users like newsmike are protected, no, he even had some warnings because of mocking, etc. I don't think that a good idea is to have here some sort of dictatorship where mods should hang users just for disagreeing with someone, saying their opinion, and adding a bit of humor. I deleted the topic where it all happened, the OP got her answers, but after that, only irrelevant content came as a result of an unnecessary quarrel.
  7. Well tanvir is on a long break now. Untill he explains his actions... @grayprogrammerz It seems that when he is online, he uses whatever he uses to react to everything. Also you need to know that Matt Jensen is no longer with the forum staff. It is true that newbies often think that reacting will get them somewhere, and we get newbies every day more and more. Probably the only solution would be to have a daily limit, but also to identify any AI activity. For example, chatGPT is a spamming "new wave". These users will get severe penalties, and us moderators will talk to the higher ranking staff members about this. We don't have every option that an administrator has, and as I said, Matt is not here anymore.
  8. Hello,

    You need to remove whatever you are using in order to react to almost every post. After that, we will consider removing the penalties you were given.

  9. Dear users, Please report potential scammers, send screenshots etc. by sending an email to support@fiverr.com. You should not mention the usernames here on forum. Thanks.
  10. We know that this is an incredibly tense situation, driving lots of emotions for many of our community members, and we hear your concerns. Please know that Fiverr must abide by any international sanctions that apply to Russia. We hope that the situation in Ukraine comes to an end soon and that a time comes when we can work together again.
  11. Hello there, If you would like to join this initiative, let us know so we can provide the information to the relevant team. Please know that we will do our best to feature everyone who’s consented to participate, however, consent does not guarantee placement. We wish you as much strength and safety as possible in these circumstances. Take care, The Fiverr Team
  12. That would be a useful option. At least to be able to change the username in every 6 months. We will talk about this with our support and whoever needed and provide you with some answer surely.
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