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Everything posted by milos_siena

  1. This is a bit complicated. I am not sure what are your rights at the moment, since there were multiple restrictions/blocks, but I will contact CS and share your ticket with them so they can respond to you ASAP. Probably you won't get unblocked, but I will do my best so that you can get your money.
  2. Here is an article about the reasons why a seller might have high impressions, but low clicks: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/what-do-your-fiverr-gigs-getting-more-impression-clicks-aniekan-n4dte
  3. Considering the nature of your gig, it probably has something to do with copyright. Unfortunately, we cannot discuss the details of why we suspend certain gigs. The CS agent told you something similar. Forum staff can't revise this decision.
  4. Fiverr automatically blocks some spam messages, the others are the ones that you marked as spam.
  5. Impressions but not clicks, usually it's because once your gig appears on someone's search, he/she doesn't click cause you're new, have some wording mistakes in your gig title or have a bad gig picture. In your case, I think that gig pictures could be more attractive.
  6. The problem is that you're from one country, but another country is pointed as your profile location, probably VPN is the cause. This is a serious violation.
  7. I found something on the Fiverr website which is publicly available: https://investors.fiverr.com/node/6471/html Not sure it is exactly what you are looking for.
  8. Unfortunately, there is nothing that customer service can do about your deleted gig. Start over with some new gigs. Cheers.
  9. Warning removed. We encourage you to contribute to the forum with your opinions, questions etc. Being original is a plus 😀.
  10. You have very little sales during these 3 years. You have double gigs. Maybe you should add a gig with different services. Or better work samples through videos.
  11. Very useful advice. You should also report this buyer.
  12. It's not all about keywords. The more success and experience you gain in your work on Fiverr, the better ranking you get.
  13. While there are maybe some buyers who choose a seller only if he's online (the most important criterion for them), most of them are looking for quality work and can wait for a seller who's offline but looks convincing. Improving English is certainly one of the methods to look convincing.
  14. You got a warning because you were posting AI-generated content without providing the source. I can remove the warning, but please, can you respect this rule in the future ? Here you can find everything, pay attention to the rule no. 8 please. https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/
  15. milos_siena


    Maybe you should add more photos, and the one you have could be more attractive. Everything else is okay, I think. You are very kind. Good luck with your future business.
  16. You can kindly ask for a review (not specifying that it should be positive). You can say that it would mean a lot for you to see what a buyer thinks about your work, skills etc. Just don't be pushy.
  17. Could you be more specific? You should not use a VPN, but if you're just asking about problems if you change your IP, or log in from another IP, that's okay. You are not allowed to create more than one Fiverr account. I hope I answered your question.
  18. In the meantime, this probably changed, since right now I am looking and your gig is active. Do you still see the problem ?
  19. It is because your gig was about doing someone's school work. It is not permitted.
  20. The rules say that if you place URLs of websites that are not on the list, the gig might get denied. But it also says that you are allowed to use URLs of "general" websites like google.com. I guess that blogger.com is pretty much general too 😀.
  21. There are approved websites where you can upload your portfolio and share links from there: ammyy.com blogspot.com flickr.com mixcloud.com reverbnation.com soundcloud.com spotify.com teamviewer.com tumblr.com vimeo.com wetransfer.com wikipedia.org youtube.com The main rule is that you don't provide your off-Fiverr contact info through your content.
  22. Please read this and see if maybe you don't meet certain requirements. https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010451397-Creating-a-Gig Step 4 and step 5, there you can find info about uploading and conditions.
  23. You don't have to tell them that. You can ask them if your profile is flagged somehow or if is there any violation etc. that is causing a sudden fall in ordering.
  24. I see that you had 8 orders in october, that's ok. But nothing in november. I've found a label "low quality seller" on your profile, so I would suggest you to contact support@fiverr.com about that.
  25. Your rates don't change if you delete your gig. It would be wrongful if it was otherwise. Anyway, since that gig has no sales, it has no reviews. I would suggest you delete that one (buyers can see it has no sales) and create another one and maybe provide some other skills through it. It's very nice that you have that much success with your other gig. Cheers.
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