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Everything posted by milos_siena

  1. It appears that your account is connected to at least 2 accounts (clones). Did you ever use your devices to create another account, even for a friend/relative, even maybe years ago ?
  2. Unfortunately, the relevant team found another profile of yours. Maybe old, maybe abandoned, maybe someone created it from your device, but still, 2 accounts is not allowed. Their decision is final.
  3. From what I saw - many profiles are starting with "mehboobahmed". I am not sure if that is some usual nickname in your region, name and surname or something, but there are definitely many similar profiles. Not sure about location inconsistency, as you mentioned several people working with you on this acc. You say you didn't login from outside Pakistan, but what about different cities, and how often ? There is also clone block as you were informed, you are positive that you never created another account from the same device ? (maybe for a friend, relative?
  4. Can you please send me a link to your profile ? I am having problems finding your acc in a certain program.
  5. @ahsanjamal2211 Seems like you had another account. It could be an inactive account created years ago but it is still a serious violation having 2 accounts.
  6. Based on what @catwriter said, the only thing you can do is to open the ticket and convice the support team with evidence in the chat that he's probably a scam buyer looking for free work.
  7. Hi again, Unfortunately, the relevant team told me that there were two accounts with the same pc and identical gigs which makes it a strong connection. So they cannot change their decision.
  8. Reading posts in the section "Tips from Sellers" is a great start for new sellers.
  9. See if this helps - https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360050217393-Using-your-local-currency-on-Fiverr
  10. Read this: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360010140357-Verifying-your-account-using-your-phone For additional info, please post on this topic.
  11. No notifications. You will just see the badge on your gig. It's not like a level badge that is connected to the whole profile and it's something that lasts for some time, like a brief promo. Enjoy it while you can, the gig will be highlighted in search page and buyers will see the badge.
  12. This basically means that you are not visible on the search page because of your low level (after recent evaluation changes). It might seem strange and unfair, but you can look at your success score and other rates. You need to wait for several months and do your best with orders from old buyers, until you get out of this "zone". Cheers.
  13. Maybe improving English would be useful, and some more informative pictures. Cheers.
  14. Keep in mind that conflict-free orders metric - "Evaluate the frequency and nature of reported disputes and related issues during the order process. Avoid potential conflicts by setting clear expectations and respectfully responding to any client concerns." So even certain disputes are a factor, not just cancellations. Client satisfaction - there are also private reviews, where a buyer might "fry" you, although he said all the best in public review.
  15. I've sent something to the relevant team and told them that you found some users with a situation like yours that got their levelling back. Will get back to you
  16. milos_siena


    Do the impressions lead to a decent amount of clicks? Maybe some buyers find your services very cheap (5$) and then they question the quality of your services, given the fact that you are a teacher (respected service). Also, the FAQ section of your gigs could be more informative and you might want to explain in more detail the difference between your basic/standard/premium packages.
  17. It depends. How optimised is your gig, and how big the competition is when it comes to your services, you need to have a bit of luck also. You have very similar gigs, maybe it would be better to make gigs with different services if you can provide them.
  18. I don't know why they didn't notify you. I was just trying to inform you about the reasons. It appears that you had more than one account, is that correct? That is usually enough to get banned. Location inconsistency is just present in your case also, but the double account is the major issue.
  19. Yes, definitely a copyright issue. Their decision is usually final but you can explain to them - support@fiverr.com. Have in mind that you might get a generic answer. Good luck.
  20. It is due to a copyright violation. Your pictures show logos that already exist.
  21. You had at least one more account which is not allowed. There was an account with the same picture, from the same device. Besides, location inconsistency is because you were using vpn. So there were a lot of problems with your acc. You can withdraw the money, but nothing more than that, I'm sorry.
  22. You can read topics in the section "Tips From Sellers", where successful sellers shared their experience.
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