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Everything posted by priyank_mod

  1. In general, one can politely refuse the buyer citing ongoing orders/workload as the reason. But since you delivered work for him last week only, he can leave you a bad private review on the previous order - which would hurt your gig for 3 to 6 months and might tank the gig score too. If you can delay - I would suggest wait out until the end of the month at least (14 days after the order completion) and then refuse politely citing any excuse you deem fit. (Though Fiverr has not officially specified anywhere about the number of days for which the option to leave private review remains open, but 2 weeks should be the minimum time frame.)
  2. I'm just repeating what a few people have suggested already on the forum (since this scam broke out on Fiverr): Someday someone might lose their lifetime of savings or medical emergency funds to a scam.☹️ While Fiverr is understandably not responsible for a user's gullibility/actions or lack of understanding, yet it can strive to create a more safe and trustworthy place for NEW users.
  3. Using your OWN pictures might be a better idea, instead of having pictures of multiple strangers. Being real is always in vogue!!
  4. I'm not sure if you would find this relatable but one number I always have on top-of-my-mind is "Average Selling Price" on the analytics page. Besides increasing the prices as everyone has advised - you can pursue a personal goal to boost your average selling price from current x to let's say 1.2X or something like that over the next one year or so. It will help you increase your throughput and overall numbers in the long term. We all tend to get so lost in micro-management on a daily basis, that it is common for each of us to forego or lose sight of macro-goals.
  5. Such an awe-inspiring journey you had @hzsmith!! 🙌 Amid all the marketplace challenges, battles against invisible reviews and ever-changing algorithm - it is indeed heartening to see someone grow, evolve and realize their true calling & potential!! A lot of relatable pointers in your story and if I may say, a few common self-taught best practices too. Keep thriving. 😇
  6. So earlier you were posting every day about your account being flagged!! And now you want to exchange personal information with the buyers?? 🚩🤦‍♂️ Also just because there is a button available to start a new topic - that doesn't mean it needs to be used everyday!!
  7. Fiverr gives TEMPORARY BOOST to new gigs all the time, nothing new about it. Gigs of seasoned sellers also must have received the same boost in the past, when they had zero reviews!!
  8. Define ILLEGAL suggestions??
  9. Read here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360015233918-India-Sellers-Tax
  10. Most likely 5% income tax deducted at the source. Submit your PAN card details to Fiverr - for future orders it will become 1% TDS after the submission.
  11. While writing the public review, buyer gets the option to choose whether their work can be visible in seller's LIVE Portfolio or not. Also, if order gets auto-completed or buyer doesn't leave a review - work won't appear in your gig gallery in those cases either.
  12. Interesting, thanks for locating and sharing it back. I wasn't aware of this. So, Low success score ---> Label gets assigned ------(6 months⌛)--> Label gets removed. And may be, gig will turn up in search results!!
  13. There are no manual evaluations and 6 month time frame is for the re-evaluation of TRS-qualified people. Everything else is just a function of a big AI engine which runs on some complex data science model with a zillion data points to calculate gig and success score(s).
  14. Naah, toxicity is everywhere. We just choose our own battles and focus on the controllables. It's more of a matter of personal priorities and what affects own mental health. I would rather not have bosses, monday blues, peakhour traffic and endless rut of boardroom meetings (done all that for more than a decade). PS By no means, Fiverr is a walk in the park. We all know what's going around on multiple fronts here.🤐
  15. Your gig images are very basic and look like downloaded as templates or from the internet. They don't utilize the full recommended size also to make maximum impact. Do some research on the best-performing gigs in your categories, take notes and then you can either design new gig images yourself in Canva or hire a competent seller on Fiverr to design them for you.
  16. NO, you don't need to be active or online!!
  17. You can look for any USB-based full HD webcam, which can be clipped on top of your monitor/laptop screen. eg Lenovo 300 FHD Webcam or a similar model from any other good quality brand.
  18. When reel become reallllll...life!! 🫠☹️ <Inserts poster of Expendables 4> 🙈
  19. You will get the zoom call option in your inbox also, once your average selling price crosses $50. Details are mentioned in the help center link I shared in my reply.
  20. I'm so sorry that, you had these horrible experiences during your initial days on the platform. Please avoid communicating with anyone outside the platform and for Zoom calls, ask people to place the order FIRST. All sellers can use the integrated Zoom calls feature on the order page. (https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/360011062838-Video-calls-Zoom-calls) Fiverr records all these calls and can help you in case of inappropriate conduct. Also, you might want to have professional gig images, which describe your services concisely and may be increase the prices little bit (to double digits at least in USD to avoid the scamsters). It takes time to fetch orders on Fiverr but it does have a lot of Real Buyers for sure. Good luck!
  21. It easily crosses 60% once we start factoring in the average 18% GST on all our expenses!! 🫠😂
  22. Same here @vickieito, I wasn't active on the forum for the initial 3+ years of my journey on the platform. Like you said, most of the answers are available in the Help Center and in general, Fiverr's UI is intuitive and common-sensical to follow for one and all. Though once in a few months, I used to come here and read the pinned posts from Frank and other veteran sellers to expand my point-of-view but most of the stuff about Fiverr's processes is something I have learnt on my own. (I'm sure this must have been the case with you too🙌).
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