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Everything posted by priyank_mod

  1. You can read about it here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/17120664805521-Reviews-for-canceled-orders
  2. Good start!! What's next.. Everyone in the Union going on STRIKE, may be?? 🙅‍♂️
  3. And why do you guys think it is OK & LEGITIMATE to spam the backend team or anyone for that matter, for your own reasons?? 🤔🫠
  4. Identity/account verification is a necessity in any profession!! It need not and should not have any connection with business.🙅‍♂️ i.e. You register with the government or a governing body to start a business, that doesn't mean that your business will become overnight success.
  5. Can you share the source of this information? From where did you receive this guidance?
  6. Just sharing my other post here in reply to your query. 😇
  7. The designer definitely LIED to you by claiming/promising that this is his/her original work !! But at large finding similar stuff in the market isn't always the case of plagiarisation!! A couple of examples from my professional experience: 1. Fashion Industry: In any given season, mass and premium brands source their fabrics and trims from the same set of suppliers who offer the same portfolio of products to all brands. So it is common to find very similar designs from different brands in the market during the same season. Often, even the season's inspiration is same for all fashion brands within the same category and they end up using similar graphics or embroidery on apparel. 2. Graphic Design: Designers often source their templates or visual elements from the same library. They do not have the SKILL to create the beautiful illustrations like the one used in your logo. And, the designers who create that level of unique work are often very costly too because their work is genuinely original and unique!! Someone might promise you an original logo for $5 or $50 but they just use the templates or commonly available visual elements in paid or free libraries. So yes, its a function of buyer's budget and skillset of designer too. 3. Advertising: Ad agencies often buy stock imagery from sites and use it in their ads. I have seen different businesses publishing their ads on the same day in same newspaper with same stock image!! They did not copy each other but coincidentally ended up using the same stock image. This is not exactly a black n white case of plagarisation but that's how the world works. But I repeat designer should not have claimed this as original work!! Please report it to support and take necessary action.
  8. Sellers shouldn't be contacting each other for advice or anything else!! The 'contact me' button is meant for the buyers to start conversations. Remember, it defines the 'response rate' for all of us.
  9. No, we cannot use Fiverr logo on our gig images. Refer to point 13 here: https://help.fiverr.com/hc/en-us/articles/15863342952977
  10. It is an overpopulated domain if one is a seller/corporate professional - almost saturated with self-proclaimed experts. Healthy demand exists for sure but a lot of people are competing at the bottom of the pyramid to grab a share of the pie!! 🙃 Too many people choose it as a career option by doing short term/nameksake courses and start calling themselves as "XYZ Expert". Lack of creativity or problem-solving mindset doesn't help their cause either. People ignore their own strengths, inherent capabilities, skills and even interest areas, just to pursue a (supposedly) lucrative career in an in-demand field. 🙅‍♂️
  11. Can you please explain this?? Also, how and why??🤔
  12. There is no precise proven analytics behind this because it varies for everyone depending upon the quality of the gig, service category, competition, market scenario, other sellers' performance and a million other factors!! e.g. someone with 500 impressions might get 5 orders while someone with 8000 impressions might have zero orders. Contrary to what many will tell/misguide you - the count of impressions+clicks don't always guarantee orders. Every business needs a little stroke of 'beginner's luck' too.
  13. As a new seller wanting QUICK ORDER(S) is the 1st misstep. It often leads to desperation, overpromising (to buyers) and believing/following wrong advice from other new sellers!! Focus on improvising your gigs and creating a unique proposition of yourself as a Skilled Professional.
  14. Only if you or a few of us could RETWEET these posts or even your posts with these screenshots!! 😂 It would have been easier to dispel this immortal rumour.
  15. Reach out to Fiverr Support on priority, share all the details about order delivery+completion & the evidence about the "threats for bad review"; and seek their support. Blocking is not advisable till you get a complete resolution from Fiverr support because the buyer might reach out to them separately seeking order cancellation and complete refund. In that case, you might lose your earnings and the buyer can still leave you a bad post-cancellation review.
  16. This thread is a good start for anyone and everyone:
  17. Inbox response time SHOULD NOT be 2 days. All messages should be responded to within 24 hours. Start responding to new enquiries on priority, and stats will improve over a period of time.
  18. Based on your bio, creating specific gigs will help!! For example, there would be a lot of people who might need help with Calculus, Algebra, Co-ordinate Geometry or other math topics. You can create 3 or 5 specific topic-based gigs.
  19. How is copying-pasting the same text on every thread working out so far?? 🤔 How many "fast orders" you have received and delivered??
  20. True - Your communication skills and ability to understand & deliver what buyer needs hold the key to selling well on the platform.📈 Unfortunately, most people don't get this. They just seek and misinform others about tips n tricks to generate business.
  21. In my experience, level evaluation notifications come between 10 AM to 12'noon GMT. I'm not sure how much time systems actually take before 10AM to complete this process. So if your earnings get cleared before 10AM GMT (just an assumption of mine), you might have the remote chance to achieve it. But I would not bet on this!! Very touch n go situation.
  22. Personally, for me - it's Quality >>> Quantity. My gig should have 2 attributes: 1) High quality in terms of content and visuals I add to it. It should be impressive! 2) It should offer a UNIQUE & PRECISE Business Solution to a buyer. If my body of work/gig isn't helping someone do better in their business, then it's not worth it. But that's just me - a lot of more successful sellers in my category have multiple gigs (like their gigs appear pretty much on each page of search results) - so to each her/his own I guess. 😇
  23. It takes long time since our submissions get vetted manually and the number of sellers is really humongous. When I updated mine last time, I think they reverted back to me in 1 to 2 months.
  24. Can you please explain in detail what exactly he needs to do? Like what action points will fetch him orders!!
  25. In any profession or avenue of our personal lives - it is ideal to seek or follow the advice of someone who is more experienced and knowledgeable.😇 A lot of people here keep repeating the same lines to each other (i.e. stay online, share gigs on social, have patience, pray et al) disguised as well-meaning advice while they possess negligible/nil knowledge and experience about building a business or a freelancing career. That's why their vintage or order history gets mentioned and questioned!! PS I can pass on some tips about swimming to someone ONLY if I have learnt swimming and have spent a reasonable amount of time in water!!
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