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About laxmichakma7

  • Birthday 02/05/1997


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  1. share your gigs on social media platform. please make it proper way. and always maintain fiverr rules and policy.
  2. follow the fiverr gigs policy system. i hope it will be help better for you.
  3. yes, you can do change as logo. but if you have a professional picture i think it would be better than logo name. should upload as profile picture. it will help you more and more as professionally.
  4. absolutely your gig will be unranked. if your gig has unranked you can edit. or you shouldn't do, if your gig has ranked on fiverr algorithm. but you can edit your price details. it will not be effect more.
  5. try to compromise to each others. even you can offer something amount.
  6. please follow up the fiverr rules and policy. Fiverr updated new per category gigs price. so you have to follow according to Fiverr. I hope it will help you.
  7. yes. you can share using fiverr gigs link.
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