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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. There are a LOT of freelancing platforms out there, but they can usually be divided into 2 categories: General-all-purpose, and Specific-category/niche. Fiverr falls into the first category, as does Upwork, and even LinkedIn somewhat. A category specific example would be Voice123 that is specifically for Voice-acting. Google "top freelancing platforms" and a year. The digital freelancing landscape has changed drastically over the last decade.
  2. Welcome to the Fiverr forums. Journaling is great for those tough times. It's motivating, when you can stop, look back, and see just how far you've come.
  3. As long as it also REQUIRES a the textbox to have something in it. (And maybe that additional 20-characters minimum, and if the system checks for identical/near-identical previous reports. Otherwise would be FAR to easy.)
  4. Ooo, that's (indirectly) a VERY good point to bring up! One major difference is if a person is a natural spender or a natural saver... Actually, I'm just going to save myself some time (I have to clock in to work soon) and link an article: https://www.ramseysolutions.com/budgeting/what-are-money-tendencies
  5. Thought of another question, because intentional investing is very closely tied to budgeting and personal finance: If you do invest: approximately what percent of your take-home income do you invest?
  6. Out of curiosity, why strictly the US? Just to keep the scope of the project from getting out of hand, or project limitation specifics such as Government programs like Social Security being a US thing? One thing that should be noted in your presentation/paper, even if you do stick to the US, is that the lack of saving for retirement isn't limited to the US. One of the interesting things about freelancing online (a gig economy) is the global market. 2020 caused a LOT of people to migrate online, yes, but the internet is global. Operating online means dealing with cultural clashes and things can-and-do get lost in translation. --- Oh, and thought of another question you might want to include. (This is an important question, because, exactly like investing, it's NEVER good to put all your eggs in one basket, and many Fiverrians are not strictly on Fiverr.) - Roughly how many different platforms are you on, where you actively try to sell your service?
  7. Are you looking for any other demographics, other than age? Ex: Highest level of education, gender, marital status, if have any debt or savings (NO numbers, just Y/N),
  8. I will definitely at least fill out the questions. Expect a DM soon. Tagging some people I think might be interested or willing. (Since this is purely voluntary, y'alls can say 'no, thanks', but we don't see interesting stuff like this pop up on the forums much.) @graphtersawyer@enunciator@vickiespencer@damooch916@jonbaas@nikavoice@topaz_muse@krheate@genuineguidance@newsmike@fastcopywriter (Yeah, I know I tagged a few that haven't been on the forums in a little bit.) Edit: Forgot to ask, when do you need these by? I'm guessing as soon as possible, seeing this is research for a class project, but deadlines are helpful.
  9. Can I just say, that I ADORE your latest post? That was fantastic.

    1. vickiespencer
    2. damooch916


      I had no idea this was sitting here. I’m not positive which post this refers to but thank you none the less. 

  10. Since we have two trophy icons already (Thanks and Congratulations), maybe make a third for 'You're Welcome' (Though, that might get confusing with the greetings 'Welcome' should that be implemented.) So: 👋 - Greetings 🤔- something to think about (or) consideration (or) Hmmm... 🍕 - (I don't remember why, just that someone else here on the forums said they wanted to be able to react with 'pizza'.)
  11. Maybe something in it broke the forum rules? and https://community.fiverr.com/forums/?forumId=29
  12. That's quite the accomplishment! Very impressive. Can I be proud of you? Or is that too weird? --- Do/can these count? I made custom fan-role emoji for a Discord server. Yeah they're near-impossible to read at the reaction size, but they are all distinct enough at that size that they serve their purpose for the server.
  13. Please see: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010140217-How-do-I-change-my-email
  14. Hope you don't consider this as jacking your thread/topic, but: 👋 : Welcome And no points assigned, neither for using on another post, nor for receiving in response/reaction to one's own post.
  15. Google "no spiders pie" or "no spiders in here". (Should mostly get the same results. Use an incognito window if you don't want it in your search history.) I'd share the image here, but I couldn't find a small version that won't be HUGE, and I need to clock in for work soon. (Another think I miss from the old forum: the ability to scale down images.)
  16. Thank you! That game quote is exactly one half the inspiration for this! The other half was the "no spiders pie" that got a fair bit of internet fame in 2017-ish.
  17. Okay, fine. I finished this a bit over a year ago. It's a bit rushed in spots, but I had a deadline. Several flaws, but I'm still pretty happy with how it turned out.
  18. Everyone's experience is different. No one can answer that question for you. Just like any tool, it needs to be used correctly for the best results. If you think you are currently doing fine without, and do not want to risk experimentation, then don't. You can also hold off for now so that you can do more research, so that you can make an informed decision.
  19. This is in the messaging system on the main site? The forums use to have a minimum of 20 characters. You'll occasionally see remnants of this in old threads. +20, 20 chara, and the like. It's meant to encourage conversation and elaboration, so that users actually leave context.
  20. A rant outside the Ranting Pot.


    I think I'm getting salty and bitter.

    I miss the Regular's Lounge. I miss the the book-recommendations library, and I miss the thread where we shared some of the more ridiculous BRs we spotted, and I miss being able to share interesting resources with people who would actually read/watch and appreciate and respond.

    The only place I've spotted where there's ongoing conversation is the Ranting Pot, and it's, by it's very nature, full of negativity. 

    "Be the change you want to see." HA. Not possible here. Regulars were striped of their earned status, including the one tool that helped to 'be the change'. It's true that politics move slow, but it's also true that the internet moves fast. It's been six months since the migration. I've seen a few changes. The new forum does have a few nice things, but every day I get a bit closer to going 'nope, I'm done with this trash heap' and leaving despite the few wonderful people I've met here. I'll miss the people, but I WON'T miss the forum.

    There is nothing here for me.

    I'm tired of feeling powerless, unappreciated, used. 

    Maybe it's just the winter season setting in and I've always gotten a bit depressed when there's less sun, and I'm both going to and coming from work while it's dark out. Maybe it's the holidays and me feeling a bit homesick for my family. Maybe it's because getting freaking level 1 made me feel dread and not excitement. Maybe it's imposter syndrome and doubt.


    I can't choose how I feel, but I can choose how I react. I have a life outside these forums.

    Is this goodbye? Not yet, but at this rate, it won't be much longer.

    1. uk1000


      They said they were working on "clubs" (maybe that could give something similar to the lounge) though they said "online" and "offline" and emphasised offline so I don't know why that would be. I don't think they've given any updates on that.

      re: ongoing conversation - maybe the "causal conversations" section could be used. They occasionally post about the bad BR in some section(s) of the forum (though not really in a big thread I think like the other one was).

      There is useful info sometimes posted though.

      I understand what you mean though.

  21. I would suggest skipping trying to work this out with the client. I doubt they'll get any easier to work with, even if they do agree to pay more, as they've already tried to cheat you. Use the resolution center to cancel the order. If the Buyer refuses to cancel, then ask Fiverr Customer Support to cancel the order on the basis of the buyer trying to get more work out of the order than agreed.
  22. (Thread necro intentional! Because I was just shown this one and...) I'm a professional. I have 108 years of experience.
  23. If you're buying a $5 sample, then you'd still get what you paid for. There is a period/full-stop in the middle, so those could be taken as two separate tips.
  24. Part two: If it seems too good to be true, it probably is.
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