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Everything posted by imagination7413

  1. I suspect a bit of both. Managing a client's expectations (what you will do AND what your won't do) is a big part of every freelancer's job. Proactive communication is also how you feel out how invested in the task a (potential) client is, and can hint at early warning signs and red flags that could happen. Your post is a bit unclear as well, so the client might want out if they're detecting red flags from you about communication issues, and just not bringing it up with you. You mentioned that details were still being worked out. If it can at all be avoided, it's not a good idea to start work on an order unless you have everything you need to complete it. Did you or the Buyer look into making this a Milestone Order, before the initial order was placed, or was it bought directly from your gig without prior communication? Edit: Is this the same Buyer you posted about back in February?
  2. Is the external communication necessary to complete the order? If not, then don't share it as it's against the Fiverr Terms of Service. External communication might be 'convenient', but it's also something that Fiverr can't monitor, and thus puts you at extreme risk if anything goes wrong. If your client balks, tell him that it's for his own protection, too. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017813438-Communication-The-Dos-and-Donts?segment=buyer
  3. Only in the same way someone might consider a magazine image collage to be a subclass of photography. Does it use photos? Yes. Is it photography? No. Photo manipulation is a tool, a step on the way, not the end product. There is no 'design'.
  4. Honestly, that's a question that you should take to a tax professional. If it helps, this is the Fiverr help-page for US Sellers: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011135837-W-9-Collection
  5. Welcome to the forums. I would suggest starting here: https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/278683-new-to-the-forum-welcome-here-are-5-tips-for-efficient-forum-use-–-how-to-make-the-forum-work-better-for-yourself-and-for-everyone/ https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/282146-how-to-be-successful-on-fiverr-common-questions-answered-and-a-collection-of-great-posts-that-helped-me-achieve-trs/
  6. I would suggest puzzle games. They're great for promoting critical thinking skills, and it's usually easier to find age-appropriate ones. (I'm not sure, but I think it's possible to get digital versions of kids activity books.) Tablet games, though, that's tricky. If you want to let your kid keep using the tablet, you need to secure it to restrict purchases.
  7. The forum rules can be found in the bar at the top of the page if you are on desktop, and in the dropdown menu if you're in mobile. Your multiple topics have been merged and moved to correct forum category.
  8. You offer a gig for web research. Do some research of how to take screen captures and how to paste or share an image in a forum.
  9. Showing a screenshot of the problem might help.
  10. Okay, I found a workaround for now. The six VID spotlight topics will show up in a forum search, and from what I can tell, are readable even in incognito mode, so should be readable by all members. https://community.fiverr.com/search/?q=spotlight&quick=1&updated_after=any&sortby=relevancy&search_in=titles
  11. For that one, please see: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011094958-SEO-tricks-for-gig-titles
  12. Ask your Seller. If your Seller doesn't know (and/or doesn't explicitly state in the order that you receive all rights upon completion of the order), then find a different Seller. It's your choice if you want to spend time learning about the basics of copyright law, or if you want to spend money to get all possible rights to that instance of the singer's recording/performance. Have you read YouTube's Terms of Service? Have you read Fiverr's Terms of Service? Rights are complicated. (Especially in the music industry.) Publishing rights, broadcasting rights, reproduction rights, full or partial, etc. (If you want a quick-ish but still entertaining explanation of how copyright is complicated and how things can go wrong, then watch Tom Scott's video on Copyright Law.)
  13. Freelancing is not a reliable means of income. Being your own boss is nice, but if you have people relying on you to provide for them, get a job working under someone else with a steady paycheck. If you are struggling with the basics of food or shelter, then freelancing online is definitely not the place to start. (If you meant this in a "my family is looking forward to seeing me succeed", then you should reevaluate the economics of the services you are offering.)
  14. Please see: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/4410883326481-Gig-image-guidelines-Making-the-most-of-your-Gig-image?segment=seller
  15. I'm not an English teacher, but the phase rubs me wrong in two ways, one more than the other. (So, other than being a native English speaker/writer, here's an unprofessional/unqualified opinion.) The first (and bigger) is that it's missing a question mark '?' which makes the phrase a demand rather than a request. The second is the 'now', which makes the phrase 'immediate' and 'urgent'. It implies that the person saying the phrase (question mark present or not) wants the reader to drop whatever they're doing, that the request is more important, thus implying a superiority. 'Disruptive' might be a better word. It has a similar feel of a parent telling their child to 'turn the game off, now' (as opposed to 'turn the game off before supper') and the game has no quick-save option, and it'll only take two minutes to get to the save point you just passed but forgot to save at. Time is valuable. Since all of us but the Staff are on the forums voluntarily... Actually, on that note, thank you for spending your time writing this. I know that must have taken a big chunk (I would not be surprised if it was more than an hour), and I want you to know that I acknowledge and respect your volunteered time attempting to help newcomers to the forums. As for your second, polite example, it's better in two ways. The 'please' makes it a request, even without a question mark. The second item of interest is 'could'. 'Could/can' implies 'ability/capability to', helping convey that there's no obligation to take a look, and thus also respecting the reader's time. (I just posted a response about 'can' not too long ago. In this case, it's a difference of 'would/will' than the 'should/may' of that post.) Words are hard. No matter the language.
  16. Locate the order page? If they can't find it through the Fiverr website, maybe they can through the browser history (shortcut ctrl+h on keyboard).
  17. Please see: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360049982353-How-do-I-add-feedback-to-an-order?segment=buyer Is that what they're looking for?
  18. Supper was enjoyed. And It's your choice to read or not read, but I'll throw a link up, for anyone else anyone else reading this thread that might want to see some insight into the consumer decision-making process: There are six "VID Spotlight" topics in this category, https://community.fiverr.com/forums/?forumId=45, that I think are very worth the read time. (The format is a tad broken, as these were all posted before the forum migration, but the words are still valid.)
  19. Thank you for your honesty. Yes, that is the purpose of the filter, but Fiverr doesn't share their statistics, so we don't actually have any information for or against how often that filter feature is used. There aren't nearly as many Buyer-Only users on the forums, but the ones who have spoken about this topic often say that 'online' is not a primary factor in considering a Seller for their service. (I'm about to get supper, but I'll try to find some of the threads here in the forums that discuss Buyer 'what I look for' posts. Most of them can be found in either of the "Tips" categories.)
  20. Please read the forum rules. https://community.fiverr.com/forum_rules/
  21. What photography classes are you referencing?
  22. There's an auto-translation error happening here. I'm not sure how well this will come through for you, but: show =/= gig Fiverr calls the individual pages "Gigs". You might want to specify in your gig page, the languages in which you offer your service.
  23. Only uncited AI generated content. If someone says "hey, I plugged your question into ChatGPT, and this is what it gave me" at the head of the post, then it's not plagiarism. Main Fiverr platform states the same thing: Source: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/intellectual-property
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