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Everything posted by mariashtelle1

  1. Why would you buy a gig from someone else with a service that you offer yourself?
  2. Unfortunately no one on this forum will able to help you with impressions because it’s only up to fiver algorithm and it’s based on the quality of your gig. As for clicks: getting fake clicks from the forum will not help you to get orders.
  3. I would advise you to read this topic because your questions are a bit out of the date about the algorithm.
  4. Why would they remove it if they are finally making an effort to check quality of new profiles to make experience better for buyers?
  5. Gig can not go offline. It can only show your profile offline but it has no effect on your gig, even if you are offline your gig is still shown in search
  6. You can’t change it. Gig URL always will stay as you originally created it.
  7. You gave incorrect information, plus with the English language and your mistakes it’s tough to understand what you even mean with your comments. If you want to give advice you need to make sure that people can understand you. That 80$ Support on buyer doesn’t make any sense. And plus that’s incorrect, support was always on my side if there was trouble with a client. And I would like to see where you took that 80% statistics. and again, you wasted one of your posts to reply here and again didn’t even read what you wrote or even tried to fix typos and mistakes even though you have a limit of posts.
  8. And rightly so. I checked your replies and some of them give wrong advice, some of them just your assumptions and most are impossible to understand. I attached here a couple of examples of your replies. Even with the limit of 5 posts you didn’t proofread or checked the spelling of the words that you wrote. So probably it’s for the best that you can not post more at this point in time. Plus why do you need “to give 7+ replies”?
  9. I’m just guessing by your name but are you based in Russia? If so then fiverr blocked all Russian users
  10. Because spending time online has nothing to do with increasing impressions. Impressions depend on how your gig perform in search and if people are getting interested to interact with your gig. your clicks depend on how interested people are to click on your gig when they see it and for now only 1 person decides to click on your gig out of 400 that saw your gig. Is that good enough for you? If not then you need to understand who is looking for your services and what they like so you can create your gig to attract those people
  11. No it wouldn’t necessarily. Fiverr is known to rolling out or switching down features starting from certain beta groups, they don’t roll out or switch off features all at once for everyone. They prefer beta testing and switching it off gradually.
  12. Artist here 🙋‍♀️ What takes 5 min for a sketch might take hours even just thinking in my head of a concept. Did I draw for 5 min? Yes I did a 5 min sketch, but in reality it took let’s say 3 hours because it still took time to come up with an idea and how I will make it look according to the brief and how to execute. I am ok with people making sketches if they want to but for me concept takes the most amount of time, drawing is fast if you have a skill. But I’m not giving free sketches because I simply don’t have enough time for that and I am just upfront honest with my clients if I think that I can not invision their idea . The first person definitely couldn’t grasp your idea but still decided to give it a try and that’s his choice to spend his time rather than just saying no
  13. I had an order in revision for 3 years and it never affected my orders flow
  14. Well, please come back to us when you get 10 orders to tell us if passing a test really helped you to get orders faster
  15. I’m sure @donnovan86 knows how to handle clients 😉 He used to be a TRS seller (if my memory serves me well) and he has close to 20000 reviews on fiverr. And he also knows well that fiverr gives warnings right and left if you ask for reviews on this platform.
  16. Not by spamming a gig link. Sellers that utilise social medias put work into building their brand, content and months of work attracting their target audience. Sellers that use other sellers just po advertise their gig links In ready to bet are not getting anywhere, that’s why we still see so much spam and misinformation about “gig marketing” on the forum.
  17. Another set of weird questions from you. From the creators of “why water is wet?”
  18. Logo design category is the best for Logo design 🤷‍♀️
  19. Obviously as you can see on the message it’s a “big makeover” and buyer requests might not exist as they are right now anymore for everyone.
  20. Topics are not getting removed by accident. If the comments took the wrong turn and violated community standards then that could be a good reason for it to be removed
  21. Which exact test? What exactly do you want to know? What is so confusing about it?
  22. There is no simple or useful ways, there is only ONE way to do so: get more orders and complete them with better rating and at some point your ratio will go over 90%.
  23. And what useful things did you learn in this time? You must have spent a lot of time reading the advices given here on a forum.
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