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Status Updates posted by vickiespencer

  1. I am posting this here so I can find it when I have time to read it. 

  2. Hey, I miss seeing you on the Forum. I just noticed you still visit, however. 

  3. Hello, @tanvir705,

    I thought you would like to know that you are the subject of the conversation in the posts starting with this one: ⬇️


  4. Hello, Vickie,

    Smash said you might have posted a screenshot of what Fiverr asks the buyer when they request a revision. However, I cannot find it. Can you point me to which topic it was on?

    1. vickieito


      HI @vickiespencer, I think it was this topic here:


    2. vickiespencer


      Thank you. I also wanted to say you do not look old enough to have a 13-year-old son.

    3. vickiespencer


      Thank you. I have seen that before, and I did not place value on it as I never do the other things. However, a few weeks back, I started to attach my delivery documents one at a time because I was receiving revision requests because the red lines did not appear on the track changes copies I sent to the buyers. However, the red lines did appear when I attached the docs one at a time. Now, I wonder what those sellers chose when they said they were not ready to complete the order, as I saw a slowdown in orders after that.

      PS. I had to copy and past the above because it was not saving. Then two posts appeared. 🤔


  5. Just stopping by to say hello, Mike!

    1. newsmike


      Hi. How have you been?  Business ok?

  6. Jessica, when you go through and ❤️ every post in old threads, you are being very annoying to users who were on the Fiverr Forum to participate in those threads. We get pages of notifications that you liked a post that we were involved in, especially all of the old emoji game pages! So stop making a game out of the forum to get your Forum badges. Such badges do not help you in any way to get orders on the main site!

    1. jessica714


      Okay, thanks 

    2. vickiespencer


      Thank you for limiting your ❤️ emojis to threads I am not in. Now others can have the fun of getting notifications about your gameifying the Fiverr Forum.

  7. Hello, my friend, I see you were here a couple of weeks ago. I hope you  stop by again soon. I want you to know I miss being in touch with you.


  8. Hello, Mike,
    I have had a frustrating day, and it made me think of you. Not because you frustrate me, but because of your advice to raise our prices.

    I was looking forward to getting a more significant order done by noon today, but instead, I spent the time dealing with many customer service types of things.
    Maybe I need a secretary, but I think instead it is time to raise my prices for the third time since January first because my prices should keep away the kinds of things I have had to deal with today!

    Please do a Conga Rats Dance or me. Conga-Rats_-Congratulations-greeting-card-for-any-event-with-rat-pun_FW02_WB.thumb.jpg.82e17082156ee29ca0278e18ea12f156.jpg

    1. newsmike


      Conga Rats salute you.  I am thinking of bumping my rates also.  It is a delicate balance, but I see others more expensive than me, getting orders. So, I'll go if you do.  


    2. vickiespencer
  9. Hello, Mike, You have a nice looking banner. Very impressive too!

    1. newsmike


      Thanks. I farmed it out when they launched the Fiverr Business initiative. 

    2. vickiespencer


      I like it. When I get more important clients I may copy you. 😉

    3. newsmike


      Of course. 

  10. Hello, Fonthaunt!

    I wanted to stop by and say, "Hello." I have missed seeing you around the Fiverr Forum. I feared you had left for good. I trust you have been doing well. It was good to see you visiting my profile. 


    1. miiila


      Didn't want to post in the thread I saw your comment to Vickie's post, but a "Hello" and the same sentiments from me too! 👋 🙂 

  11. Hello, Eoin,
    I am not sure what happened. But I sent you a message wherein I said I see you visited my profile. I guessed you were checking to see if I had visited the forum lately. I do not come here as often as I once did.

    In my earlier post, I mentioned the m-word that means shepherd of the forum. Perhaps that is why my message disappeared. I was saying I missed the forum days when people like Writer, Gigfreak, Woofy, and Maddie were active.

    Hopefully, no one will delete this message.

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. miiila


      Thank you for the offer, Vickie, but I'm not really on FB in the first place, and also like to keep Fiverr and some other things separate. But it's nice that you have a group that works for you there. 

      "surcharge for identifying/avoiding repeated words" Yes, some people rethink their approach if you tell them it's actually more work than just translating everything, and that they also might not always do themselves a favour by "cutting out" "repeated content"; context is a thing.

    3. mariashtelle1


      I think baby Yoda would've work for anyone 😅


    4. vickiespencer


      I just got a notice that the you-know-whos approved of one of my responses to Eoin; that is why two of my posts above are similar.  I see I used the m word in that post. 🤣

  12. Hello, Eoin,

    I see you were taking a peek at my profile yesterday. I do not visit here as much as I once did. It was more fun when you were a mod. I miss people like Writer too.

  13. Hello, Mooch,

    I have not been on the FF—Fiverr Forum—much lately. I see you have at least one more post. I hope to be able to read it soon. Your posts are always a bright spot in my day! 😊

    1. damooch916


      Yes, I’ve decided to do a deep dive into the 50 tips. I’ll either complete them or expire, thus realizing why no one actually expands on 50 tips. 

  14. Purr, purr, purr! 🐈‍⬛

    1. mariashtelle1


      Nooooo, his ego will be so big! 

    2. ahmwritingco


      Well said, Vickie! 👏

    1. vickiespencer


      It is against the rules to copy content from other places, especially the Fiverr main site!


  15. It is against Fiverr Forum Rules to create posts that are copied from elsewhere.



  16. Happy New Year to all of my friends that are "Weird People." I am happy to have you in my life!


  17. @rawque_gulia I see you are following me now. I am following you in return because I like your sense of humor in the answers you give to some of the doltish posts on the FF.

    1. rawque_gulia


      Thanks for following, and I am glad you liked my answers. Hopefully, other people will also find them helpful.

      Let's do this together and make our forum better.

    2. vickiespencer


      "Let's do this together and make our forum better."

      Some of us who have been here a long time—4.5 years for me have been trying to do that and have all but given up. But we still drop in off and on to catch up a bit and make snarky comments like you do.

      I see my friend, @lloydsolutions has been working extra hard to clean up the FF. Thank you, Lloyd. Maybe it is possible! 🤞🏻

  18. Hello, Miss C,

    How have you been? I have missed seeing you around here.

  19. Hi, Jon,

    I see you have compiled quite a few followers. BUT I still have more than you!

    But i do not know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. 🤔

    1. jonbaas


      Apparently, people are fearful of that lightsaber you wield so expertly within your profile image. So fearful of your Jedi skills, in fact, that they have flocked to me for perceived protection. I, however, am an expert wielder of wit and wisdom, so they may not be better off. 😛 

  20. Hello, Frank,

    Since you have not been active on the Fiverr Forum I am closing in on you in the followers category. Three more and we will be tied!

  21. I am not sure how to save posts and I want to save this one!

  22. Hello, Frank! 🧔🏻

    I see you were 👀 at my profile page. Are you worried I will soon have more followers than you? 🤣

    Anyway, how have you been?

  23. Okay Troops, 

    I got tired of seeing 3 and 4 pages of my notifications filled by the badge chaser's likes. So I changed my notifications so that I only see when users react to threads I have taken part in. 

    Ahh, my headache is getting better already!  🤕   😆

    1. krheate


      Yay! Haha I had that same problem with a few “fans” who kept liking every single one of my posts from random threads.

    2. miiila


      "notifications so that I only see when users react to threads I have taken part in. "

      "only" is a good one, though 😉

      But yes, much better already. 🙂 

    3. maitasun


      It happened to me as well... 😬

      We should be thankful that our new fan helped us with forum ranking. 😁😅 Oh well, except Vickie, master of all masters!! 🙇‍♀️ She's already our Grand Master!!! 😊


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