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Everything posted by miiila

  1. When you withdraw next time, pay attention to the currency, if yours is set to €, could be by default if you're in the EU (one day, after they added the option to withdraw in local currency, it was suddenly set to € for me, so probably it is like that by default), you can change it to $. I always withdraw in $, and get the exact same $ amount to my PayPal. But, if you withdraw from Fiverr to your PayPal in € vs. in $, you'll already see the loss there. I checked a few times, after the option to withdraw in € was available, and it always seemed that it was advantageous to withdraw in $ and have the loss from PP to bank account, so I set my withdrawal currency back to $ then, and it stayed like that, luckily, I didn't have to remember resetting it at every withdrawal. Unfortunately, there seems no way around that, as you'll need € in your bank account to pay your rent, etc. Like visualstudios, I always leave a $ amount in my PayPal and pay anything I can pay in $ directly through PayPal, for example, a monthly Adobe subscription that I have for work. Collecting the $ and exchanging when the $/€ exchange rate would be favourable would make sense too, obviously, that is if you don't need the money immediately, and have the time and energy to watch the exchange rate. The downside is that it might make bookkeeping and tax stuff between $ and € even more annoying than it already is.
  2. No, it's not legal, the police will come and get you. 👮‍♂️👮‍♀️🚓 Jokes aside, welcome on Fiverr and the forum, and feel free to read as well the ToS of the main site (find the link in the main site's footer; most importantly, as you don't want to get a warning or ban, probably, and Fiverr won't let "I didn't know/didn't read the ToS yet" count, since you accepted them when creating your account), as the forum Standards & Rules, your question is answered in §6, but if you check it already, you can read the other §§ too, to avoid the police showing up at your door for some other reason 😉 : https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/253722-community-standards-forum-rules-2021/
  3. Maybe Fiverr should, in addition to "You only have 12 hours to deliver, deliver now", should also send notifications like "You were online and active since 20 hours non-stop now, we appreciate it, but we want you to grace our platform a little longer with your existence, time for a short power nap, Doer!" 😉 The forum would get flooded with threads asking how long to sleep for the best gig ranking then for a change, wouldn't that be fun.
  4. Please feel free to do so, I'll "smash the like button and subscribe" too 😉 but that won't be me, I tend to be too nice for my own good too, but I didn't sign up for the forum to become a new Fiverr guru on YT! Maybe if you don't want to do it yourself, a spokesperson seller might feel more inclined, but not sure, wouldn't it undermine their general credibility if they'd have to pretend to agree with the rest ... 🤔 Might have to be someone who uses a separate YT channel and blur, or use one of those, what are they called officially, those anime avatars ... virtual vloggers, in that case.
  5. Can't edit my prior post any longer, but that's what I'm thinking too, plus, it might also inspire more people who have real advice to share to do it more, and write in more detail, if they knew their posts would easily be found by people genuinely looking for advice. Personally, I'm happier with the thought that even one person who really takes something from a post of mine reads it without leaving a like or comment than having a "Hot" thread with dozens of comments and likes and thanks by people who didn't even read it, much less will apply any of it. "Live" interaction is nice and fun and can be helpful too, of course, but when people want to avoid that their thread will be "taken out of discussion" and moved to that "Gems of Tips for Sellers" category, for threads that are more controversial, or call for discussion, they could post in the "Conversations" or "My Fiverr Experience" category, depending.
  6. What would also help (and not require anyone to make a big decision like that - I do agree that we "need" this, but also can imagine the reasons for not implying and at least partly understand and agree with them), at least the people who are looking for the less sensational 24/7 advice, would be if the actually good help/tips threads would be closed after a while (typically, once a few good additions by other sensible sellers have been added, the rest of the comments will only be "thanks for the advice" posts), and pushed into a separate category, where they'd not be drowned by all the useless (example: "market your Gig on social media" remains in the red ocean of "Tips for Sellers", "market your Gig on social media, here is how ...." could be pushed to the special smaller blue ocean category), harmful (use auto-refresher, you can have two accounts on two computers, ...), copy-pasted from others without attribution, etc. threads. A "Gems of Tips for Sellers" category or something like that.
  7. I liked your post, however, the problem is that the people who simp for the "always stay online" tips don't seem to care for the better tips like the ones in the opening post. Not much you can do when people copy-paste other's forum posts with tips about how to not copy other seller's profiles or Gig descriptions. There may be some tips that are a tad better and even useful, though, that dedicated forum members might be able to build up as a counter-fad 😉 like, for example, ... "Writing Fiverr instead of Fiber will increase your orders!!!1!" but what normal generous tip-giving person would like to post such titles/threads ... (Wait and see ... ;))
  8. Did you check your Fiverr balance to see if they refunded you and that's why they closed the ticket? You can reopen closed tickets again, by the way, if you're not satisfied with a solution, at least that's my experience, as long as the ticket isn't too old. Your screenshot does look very weird, I didn't have a single ticket (and I've had quite a few over the years) where they did not respond at all and just set the ticket as solved without a single message, looks like some accident to me, sometimes staff makes mistakes, they are all just humans like we too. Here on the forum, we're just other users trying to help each other out here on the forum, we can't do more than that. I'd try to reopen the ticket and calmly ask them why they set it to "Solved".
  9. There's a webinar with Q&A next week, maybe you can gain some more insight there regarding the gig promoting, it says "with expert insights directly from our team.": https://www.eventbrite.com/x/promoted-gigs-inside-tips-and-qa-tickets-164344724495
  10. Ever heard of "serial entrepreneurs'? 😉 But generally, yes, some categories are bound to get much more repeat business than others, of course. Oh, and lets not forget resellers. Rebranding, too. Oh, there are a few possibilities for return business there, but your point stands.
  11. I don't think it happens often compared to the huge amount of orders that are done through Fiverr every day. I've done about 1700 orders as a seller here, and only a handful of buyers had this issue, and as a buyer it never happened to me (but I've only bought two or max three dozen times) if that's any consolation. In one case, the buyer told me she probably clicked too quickly or too often because the page was still loading, and she thought nothing would happen, which probably caused the issue. Just something to maybe keep in mind next time, but it also can be a glitch due to your internet connection, or some issue on either segment of your bank <> Fiverr payment processor <>Fiverr.
  12. After reporting three more seller spam messages ... this has become a really awful time sink, it would be great if Fiverr could find a way to keep people who can't even understand that a Gig is not a BR, from messaging sellers by adding something like I am a buyer / I am a seller pop-up at their first try at contacting someone, and redirecting them then to ToS, an explanation of what a Gig is, and how to use Fiverr, and stuff ... I could finally move on to the new Analytics feature, and atm, I'm seeing 98 / 100. Nice. The earnings from repeat buyers that is shown is "before fees and taxes". Before taxes is clear, Fiverr can't know how much tax we'll have to pay on that, after all, but maybe after fees would be nice. Those of us who don't live in the US, have to deduct PayPal/Payoneer/conversion fees in our heads already 😅. ____________ @vickiespencer Exactly 50% for me right now, but it's for 90 days, or so the mouse-over text does say.
  13. From my experience, I can also say that they solve this kind of issue quickly, sometimes within hours, I think within 1 or two days at the most. I'd be a bit careful with contacting your bank, though, if your bank thinks you want to do a chargeback for that money, and will do that, that would be against Fiverr's terms, and your account might get suspended, which would cost you additional time to figure out with support. I'd just wait until they can sort it out, and only contact your bank in case Fiverr wouldn't be able to make things right for some reason (which never happened in any of the cases where customers of mine had this issue). You just want Fiverr to cancel and refund you for one order, and to "nudge" one order to go through to the seller, after all, and doing a chargeback through your bank might interfere/be counterproductive. In any case, don't worry, they'll certainly sort it out, when they get to your ticket.
  14. If you think you can tell that, it would be best to look very closely before you order next time Anyway, ways to get back your money: If the seller wont't deliver on time, and the order gets in "Very Late" Status, I think that's about 48 hours past the original delivery date), you can cancel one-sidedly, and will get refunded to your Fiverr balance automatically. If the seller does deliver but it's an "empty delivery", i.e. they use the delivery button but attach nothing, or some irrelevant file, or doesn't deliver everything, or not everything that the Gig or custom offer included, you should first discuss it with the seller (may have just attached the wrong file, or something, it happens, nobody is perfect), and if nothing comes out of it, you can contact support and ask them to look into it/cancel for you. If the seller delivers but the delivery isn't up to standard, you can ask for a revision. If you get copyrighted material that the seller just copied from somewhere, and you can prove it, of course, you can go to support as well. Funny how just about every other thread on the forum is about Fiverr favouring buyers 😉 Having read countless threads of how Fiverr supposedly favours the one or the other side, I'm tempted to think that they don't favour either side but just look at their terms of service, guidelines, policies, default reply templates, and try to close the case as they deem appropriate, as quickly as possible. If you think they didn't quite understand what you wanted right away, it also pays to remain patient and to explain again, even better than before. Anyway, I hope your seller cones up with "real work", after all, but if not, you neither have to settle for nothing nor stolen goods, give support a chance to resolve things for you if needed, before assuming they'll rule in favour of the seller anyway.
  15. If you didn't disable your first account yourself, but it was disabled by support for violation of Fiverr's terms of service, and you didn't ask and just opened another account, you're in violation of the terms again already. Not a good idea to try using the Payoneer account of your previous account then. If you asked support and were allowed to open a new account, it would be a good idea to ask them if you can use the Payoneer for your new account too. If they allowed you the new account, they shouldn't have an issue with allowing you to attach the same Payoneer account. It just says somewhere that you can't use the same email for a new account (after you disabled your account yourself and opened a new one, let's say because you couldn't stand your username any more, for example).
  16. Forum badges are for entertainment, gamification, to increase user interaction with the forum. The forum and the main site don't have that much to do with each other. There are heaps of successful Fiverr sellers who never post on the forum and thus don't have badges. Use the forum for info, discussions, entertainment if you feel like it, and badges will come naturally, there's absolutely no need to try and level up your forum badges quickly. The people who do that cause a lot of unnecessary clutter and make the forum a pain to use for anyone interested in using it for the community aspects, just because they imagine their actual Fiverr Gig or ranking will improve. The latter could happen if you use the forum to find the actual info among all the posts only created to level forum badges and implement it, independent of your forum badge level - but you'll most probably have more luck using your nice list of skills from above for making your Fiverr Gigs work than hoping for your forum badge to do some magical trick.
  17. Do you think it would be allowed to open a Gig only for buyers from ... ? 🤔 I guess not, such a pity, that would be a chance to reach my life goal an order from Iceland, Greenland 😉
  18. My multi-quote and edit ... trials ... didn't let me add this one and kept throwing it into an extra post for some reason. Further experimentations needed. I was in London for a few days, just before Covid really "became a thing". It was complicated to get a hold of a few 🐙 in advance here, you know, in case I needed to go to the chippy real quick before figuring out where to get the most with my card, find an ATM without fees. Used to be far less of a fuss, they sent me from one bank establishment to another, and to the next, before I finally conquered that funny game's final boss and was allowed to give them far more than what I got back, comparatively (of course, used to earning $$ and having to funnel them to my € account via PP, I could keep my countenance just fine, and could avoid breaking into tears). I ended up using my card again in the end, just to keep some cash for next time because of that. Felt like Asterix on one of his Twelve Tasks, enduring "The Place That Sends You Mad".
  19. Regarding that funny claim and number of orders, Germany is "only" on spot #3 for me, while #1, tadaaa, is Switzerland! (#2, if anyone wonders, is not Austria, although I have orders from there too), but Ukraine. Fun fact: I, too, have exactly a total of 11 orders from my 2 top "inquiries" countries combined. I have New Zealand too. And green is the colour of hope, after all. Just be patience 😉 (I love that, by the way, I find it endearing.) Goes to show that anyone needs proofreading, the ones who haven't ordered from you yet only don't want to admit it 😉 Or is it because of the lightsaber, or your forum profile rank... 🤔 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ This is my current map: still among my #lifegoals: fill in Iceland, Greenland, or perish trying (not typing the d word, as new forum likes feeling triggered by my posts)
  20. Hello there, I'll go with the experienced, thank you 🙂 First of all, one order within your first 15 days isn't so bad, there are users who got their first Gig later than that, or never, after all. It's not my niche, so, hopefully you'll get some feedback from someone who has similar Gigs like yours, but here are the things that stand out to me the most, and which you might want to consider, as even small things count if you have much competition: Please use the capital "I", not "i". Not that important in casual environments like a forum perhaps, but won't be seen as very professional or detail-oriented in a Gig description. Your punctuation is pretty random. If you just keep this one thing in mind and apply it everywhere, it will look a great deal better right away: A full stop "." goes right after the last word of a sentence, without a space, but there needs to be a space before you start the next sentence. A completely different thing: I'm not sure, as it's not my niche, but you're offering both app and website design in the same Gig. I don't think it would be seen as a "duplicate Gig" if you had those two things as separate Gigs (maybe someone from your niche will chime in). Then, you'd have more options to try different keywords, tags, target different customers, ... If you have both in one Gig because you think it's better to collect more reviews on one Gig, that's fine, though. Trying out different Gig titles, tags, and such might help with impressions, and the look&feel of your Gig is important for turning some of those impressions to clicks and orders, or messages, so it's good to keep both on your to-do list. Hope that helps at least a bit. Good luck going forward!
  21. I need to let the new forum, rules, and direction sink in a bit now, can't quite get my head around some things.

    Also, 1st Covid shot this evening, Moderna ("order from above, today Moderna, better than nothing", to quote the reassuring staff reply to someone complaining, who apparently wasn't happy with that), so I'll better grant myself more rest anyway, to let my body deal with it. Not feeling too bad so far, though, can't complain, especially after seeing the guy in front of me collapse a few minutes after his jab, that wasn't fun, I hope he's fine now, and I'm glad I could walk out of the vaccination centre and to the underground on my own legs.

    Anyway, stay or get healthy, everyone, and post away, I'm curious to see who gets the shiny highest forum badge first. My hopes are for one The Force is strong with, but the Raiders of the Lost Badge are not to be underestimated.


    1. maitasun


      Hi Miiila, hope you're feeling ok and aren't having any strong side effects. ❤️

    2. miiila


      Thank you! I didn't have even a cold since Covid, possibly because of masks, distancing, and all, but the jab had me really sick for a whole week. But that's fine, the guy who was before me collapsed after his jab, while in the "wait for 15 minutes before you go home" room. Made me stay the whole 15 minutes, and be thankful for only getting flu-like symptoms for a few days.

  22. Trying to make sense of the "status feed" ... what are all the "reacted to"s doing in a status feed ... and posts ... can't that be just in "activities" ... the "status feed" looks as cluttered as everything else ... or did I miss some well-hidden settings ... ⚙️ 

    Status: still trying to 🧩out how to make this forum work for me.
    I had 99 🎈, no, notifications waiting for me when clicking the forum today, even after vovka's super helpful tip on how to get rid of the MFG and IMG ones ...

  23. If you read closely, you will see that some of us do consider that, and even both for new sellers as well as established sellers. Some are against a fee at all, ask OP how much, discuss on what to base it, suggest a free trial period for new sellers, ... Just the same as new sellers, levelled sellers aren't a monolithic block of people with the same opinions. Also, unless things have changed since I was new and reached those levels, I'm not under the illusion that level 1, or 2, not even TRS, automatically means that that they could/would pay an amount of $250 every month, some might not make that much monthly imcome on Fiverr that it would be worth a fee of $250, or even lower, or at least not regularly, some of them do Fiverr part-time, for instance. And keep in mind that $250 wasn't a suggestion by the person who created this topic but by a seller who commented, so many of the replies are to the opening post, not the $250 post 🙂
  24. In addition to the 20% and Seller+, or instead of Seller+? Monthly, yearly, amount? I'm actually not sure if just a paid membership in itself would do much against specifically the scammers. On first thought, maybe, on second thought, it might not bother the people who buy reviews, accounts, don't pay fees for software licences and such that much, while it might keep some honest and talented people from signing up. The latter might be solved with a free trial period, though, and if a seller doesn't make anything, or not enough to want to pay the fee from month x on, it probably wasn't meant to be, and they can go try something else. If it's about improving everyone's experience, there are some things that could already be done without more money needed, for example, reducing the number of gigs people may start out with, or even generally, which wouldn't only reduce the sheer mass of gigs but also might improve quality. Or at least some basic multiple choice quiz upon registering, which would let people unmistakably know that Gigs are no Buyer Requests, that they aren't supposed to contact other sellers to ask for a job or money, that it's not allowed to just steal whatever from the internet and sell it to someone, that might really help. If, for example, as @yannisenglish said above, paid members would get more freedom to do things as they want to, it might make the pill easier to swallow. If, for example, I could finally set a limit to how many gig multiples people can order without the delivery time being changed, set office hours and days, could set up a gig that can't be ordered directly but only via custom offer, or I wouldn't need to react to spam messages at all, that might be worth a fee to me (although it should be a given anyway). A fee that would be invested in some basic control, for example, to check if logo designers deliver pirated logos, or if the person who can translate any document from any language into any language within 24 hours actually can, etc., might eliminate a lot of scammy gigs, help the serious sellers and buyers, and the platform reputation. I'm not talking about complicated quality checks needing lots of time and staff, or passing judgement on creative work, just about basic things that are easy to check. Honestly, if I'd pay 20% on everything without any scaling benefits, plus the money I lose by having my earnings go through PayPal to my bank, seller+, plus a membership fee, and would still wake up to messages like "Sorry.i am a poor boy.i need some work and money for treatment 😭" on a Sunday, having to react to them, and within 24 hours, ideally less, because there's not just response rate but also response time, or have them affect several of my ratings, ranking, "seller standing", I think, is the term support uses sometimes, I'd think something is wrong. In short: I'd accept a paid membership; if I'd welcome it would depend on the minutiae.
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