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  1. It is not a hard task for the Fiverr's security to immidiatelly recognize these spams.
  2. I wish things could be justifiable that easily, I got 3 spams cancelations that actually didn't fill in the requirement section, they canceled it one min after the order and now it affects my success score.
  3. I have had the same experience, I don't know what Fiverr is doing 😞
  4. az_design1

    Success score

    Hi everyone, My success score is way too low and it is because 3 people spammed me, they ordered from my gig and canceled it one minute later before even completing the requirement section, Fiverr, of course, notified me that it has no impact on your gig's visibility but now I see a strong negative impact on my gig's success score due to cancelation, other than these 3 spams I have no cancelations on my gig, 2 questions: 1st: if Fiverr says it has no impact on your gig then why does my gig's success score show it? 2nd: if the success score is an overall score, how am I supposed to improve it with the few orders I will get? If I do them perfectly with perfect private and public reviews, they aren't changing anything, are they? Thanks for your time!
  5. Do you really design Mascot logos with 5 $?
  6. Hi everyone, I want to delete one of my gig which I am not satisfied with, I wonder whether deleting gig will affect other gigs ranking? Thanks for your help.
  7. Please help Israel, we all need to.
  8. Yeah, I saw how savage Hamas terrorists cut off the head of innocent kid, GOD bless Israel ♥
  9. Hi all, hope you're doing well, I have a serious question about revisions, I had an order which I offer him 3 revisions, he was trying to spam me ( he used revisions just before the order is auto-completed, but after 3 revisions he still used revisions as many as he liked, it was like unlimited revisions I finally had to cancel the order, is unlimited revision available for everyone? I offered 3 revisions for a reason, please help!
  10. Thanks for the help, one more question: if I create a new gig, will my previous gig's performance affects my new gig? like my previous gig's private rating, ...
  11. Hi Frank, Thanks for this great article, I wonder if you could answer my question: is the average selling price (that actually effects your ranking) the one on your analytics overview or it is the ASP for the past 90 days?
  12. Thanks for the info, I got it now, best regards.
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