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Everything posted by miiila

  1. Sounds like the learning by doing approach, and as long as the outcome is fine, and buyers are getting what they pay for, I don't see a real problem with it, everyone needs to start at some point. The question of have you been a liar, depends on the specifics, from my point of view. If your Gig, or you, don't claim to be working in that field for x years, or have some non-existent university grade posted on your profile, or anything like that, a buyer shouldn't, and probably most also won't expect that you have, if they come here and buy from a seller without such credentials on their profile. They can see all kinds of profiles, with or without such things, and decide whether to contact/buy from someone with or without. And many come here, exactly because they want to buy from someone who does a good job but isn't out of their budget comfort zone, and are absolutely fine buying from someone who does not have a university degree in this and twenty years of experience in that, and if you don't deliver anything less than excellent, that should be enough for many people who do buy from a seller with a profile/Gigs like yours. You also do sound as if you may not know, but pretty much know, after all, if that makes sense, while I think those "liars" some people talk about, are mostly people who either exactly know that they do deliver subpar work, or absolutely lack the ability to know it, and the self-reflection, and the skills to quickly learn what they don't know. I sometimes get people who ask if I can do things that aren't advertised in my Gigs, or if I have experience with a specific niche, or a specific tool they use, or so, at times even things that don't have anything whatsoever to do with my Gigs. Sometimes, I decline, even if I know I can do it well or well enough. Sometimes, if I'm reasonably sure I can do it, and want to do it, I'll tell it like it is, that I have no, or little, or some experience with X, but that I don't think it will be a problem. I'm not pushy at all, and will often tell them something like "if you're looking for someone who's specialized in X, maybe see if you can find someone first, you still can come back, if you can't". If the person wants to hire me for the job then, great; if not, also great. How would you feel about your profile, Gigs, communication, work and deliveries, if you weren't you but a buyer, would you call that Vickie person a liar? Tsumari, as long as your Gigs and profile don't lie, and you don't lie to customers in communication, and they get what they bought, and an excellent result, even if you spend many many (unpaid) hours on something that someone with more experience may have done in fifteen minutes, I don't see an issue, and don't see the lie.
  2. Typically, about that. Because, typically, there really isn't any good reason for a video chat for me, but good reasons against it. There's hardly anything ever that a video chat would make easier versus communication in writing, and I'd lose time. But that completely depends on what you offer, and your and your customers' requirements, workflow, communication style, and factors like that. From my point of view, that's something that each seller has to decide for themselves, according to their Gigs and circumstances, or even on case-by-case basis.
  3. 2016, too. In one word...? Hm, in my native language, it would be one word, in English... I hope kind of one word is okay, too... time-efficient. The Fiverr forum, however, is anything but. 😅 As for autopilot, yeah, no. But it is time-efficient, and, specifically, it saves me from a lot of the things I hate most, like paperwork, writing applications/proposals/pitches/whatever other platforms may call it, sending CVs, chasing customers. 💚 Fiverr. The % of time I can spend on actual work, which I don't mind or often even love, is very high, and the % of trappings is low. Time-wise, if there was no spam, it would be pretty much as perfect as it can get.
  4. That's a good question. We'll probably need to request a webinar with Fiverr staff to cover this important topic. Perhaps green smoothies/avocado toasts are acceptable instead. Or maybe the resident coffeexpert @damooch916 has some valuable advice. Or you could keep posting it in one or two of the forum's question sections until you collected a representative sample of seller opinions and lean on that.
  5. The reaction emoji choice needs 😬,😰, 😅, or similar. Maybe 😬 would be best, could also be used for dangerous tips that people shouldn't follow if they don't want to get banned, and such. I want a coat 😔 but we could have a debate then about that, I've heard that debates are a popular club activity. Right, okay then, I withdraw the 🐢 ... on the other ✋... it has an emoji, while the capybara ... hasn't, real pity. So, I guess the mascot issue needs to go on the debate list, too, or we can have a poll with a useful topic, for a change 😉 Too much time, yes. My excuse is a late lunch break and it being Friday, and it's nice and dry outside. Going back in to work now, though. 🗓️🕛
  6. Gosh, while that post count bubble is worrying in itself, I never clicked that box or would have thought you even can click it, but I knew in any case that my simple "Yes." to Will's topic of whether we spend too much time on the forum was the simple truth. I've had several breaks, because I do get fed up with some things regularly, but I always gravitated back, so far. Perhaps, Fiverr not sending out mails about things you'll only find out about on here, and this quagmire of forum overload and white noise is by (forum attendance) design, after all... You just want to check for anything important, quickly, but can't, really, or just want to like a post, have to log in for that, and to not drown in the mire of redundant threads, see your notifications, and before you notice, you've spent far too much time yet again 😅 Reminds me of the Elementary series, where that, err, internet information collecting collective makes Holmes (later Watson too, one or two times, I think), umm, wear funny hats and stuff, that could be fun! And we could have a turtle mascot. Or just coffee, and that "eat coffee for lunch" Fiverr ad poster as a banner. Would be a bit troublesome to meet in person to eat real coffee, though, if that's what clubs are for, no wonder they are about meeting only people from your more or less immediate surroundings then. In any case, if an in flesh meeting place, I suggest a Diogenes Club style club then, so the eremite and not communicative in person freelancers among us can sit in their armchairs in community but in silence and chat digitally in one room, while the social butterflies can merge, mingle, and vividly discuss with facial expressions and using hands and feet instead of emoji. To be fair, travel expenses are a thing, after all, that club location would need to rotate, so at least one person per sitting could attend without going bankrupt. Oh. I'm spending too much time here, again.
  7. I actually thought that "seller plus" was the start of a pay-walling operation, and that we were looking at an additional "seller basic", which you have to join (maybe after one free month, to see if it's for you), and that "seller plus" would stay as the "standard", a pay wall linked to a by invite only wall (which it is, and which I think a very good idea, as I'm not so sure that just money would solve the issues) and a "seller premium" too. Seller plus/standard could have things that most sellers would want and use, like more than, say, 3 Gigs that would come with "seller basic", additional analytics and data, etc., and premium could have things like the personal ssm. Are you really sure you want to lose the additional insights right in your chat box, though... ☕
  8. Well, creating clubs for specific countries sounds inclusive to me, too, and it did sound as if some more lounge-y things were planned, a few times, and it definitely had been asked for by the community, but it's good to know that in any case, thank you!
  9. Ah, I'd actually been hoping that the club idea would be more like the Lounge was, a bit more elaborate, for people to talk based on other common grounds than locality. I've got local people around me already, after all, haha. But I understand the idea, of course. So, still nothing in sight for a forum experience with less white noise, other than just mingling with people from your own country? After all this time? (Spot the quote!) Or is there?
  10. 👍 Cool beans. I bet there'll be good free ☕ day and night then, too.
  11. I can definitely see this helping sellers to save a lot of time and nerves, both for themselves and enquiring persons, as well, so, ultimately, it should be beneficial for both sides.
  12. I don't know about the US, but it's a big country, and I know that we, a much smaller country, have many people with bad grammar. I know what you're saying, of course, but not all of them might be cheating with their location, or disappear after a VPN check. 😉 But yes, there certainly are many using VPN to pretend being in/from specific countries.
  13. I've done one, when registering with my neo bank, but yes, I hated it. For a similar thing, I had that option "in the comfort of your own home", or could walk to my local post office, and have them verify my identity, via my ID and seeing me in person, guess what, I chose the walk and the wait. It's more than enough if companies have photos of my ID laying around in the internet for my tastes, but we won't get around it if we want to play, and they decide it's the thing to do. I'll survive it, I'll still hate it, though. 🙃
  14. Wow, not far from 30K, since 2014! You've definitely done a ton of work. Really cool, thanks. I wish there was a way for us non-US based sellers to not lose so much on currency conversion. Maybe one day.
  15. Congratulations! No wonder you're excited, that's for sure an impressive number, the reviewed orders, and, to me, also the orders in queue, my automatic brakes get pulled much earlier, I'd get anxious, looking at such an order number looming in my queue 😅 I hope the 24 hours of your Gig title is just for the Basic Gig, and you don't have to fulfil all of those in 24 hours. But then again, I guess you have to be fast to get to 10K reviews. I'm curious about how many orders in total you've done, only if you'd like to share, of course. It's a nice encouragement in any case, and always nice to read from people who've been here for quite a few years and still are doing well and positive about platform freelancing on the whole. To your next 10K articles. 🍀
  16. From what I gathered, they said basically that it's false that using the same keyword over and over will increase impressions. I don't know if that's true for all Gigs, but I know that for mine, there are some keywords you literally can't even use over and over again, because the system allows you only to use them 5x. I take it as "if you use it two or three times, or however often it makes sense anyway in your Gig description, why not, but you won't get more impressions, the more often you use it". Now, one could say, "but if they limit some words to (5), doesn't that mean repeating the keyword does increase impressions, cause why'd they need to limit the use else? Well, I'd say for the same reason as they limited emojis, some people just don't know where to stop ;). It's the same with Amazon. Amazon themselves, literally, write that you only need to use a keyword once. Hardly anyone who writes or orders listings believes them, or even knows that they are saying it, though 😄 The question definitely was about the TRS badge specifically, in the answer, they said "levels". It's possible that they meant TRS/other levels, or that they extended it to levels generally. I thought the latter, but it's hard to tell for sure, just from listening once.
  17. etc. All those things are what I meant with "that they don't *directly* affect ranking, however..." For some rumours, they did say something along those lines, or "yes and no...", for most if not all, where there's a direct and indirect correlation, I don't think it's really hard to guess, for others, you can theorize. I don't think this was meant to be a thorough in-depth analysis of rumours, more a quick true/false thing to tackle the most common misconceptions, at least on the surface. More wasn't really possible in not even half an hour with a dozen or so rumours. If you want to go deep into it, you can probably make a whole webinar per rumour. And to have "hard answers" for whether there's a direct correlation or not, isn't too shabby. Beyond that, yes, of course, there are, let's say synergies between all kinds of things.
  18. No, that one wasn't in, unless I missed it. But they had the similar question, if it affects your metrics if buyers use "too many" revisions. The answer was no, false rumour, as long as the first delivery was on time, but they said something like, however, remember that buyer satisfaction is a priority, etc. Which, I believe, is what you could actually say for many of those things, that they don't *directly* affect ranking, however... but for simple Myth Busting purposes, the simple truths, all collected in one place, on the forum, or somewhere the forum could point to, could already be what many people want, a simple answer, directly from Fiverr. "No, revisions don't directly affect your Gig ranking, cordially yours, Fiverr." And that happy buyers are a priority, well, honestly, if you need to tell that to someone who wants to be a freelancer/have a business...
  19. Maybe Fiverr could publish "Myth/Rumour Booster" webinars on the forum, or as a Fiverr Learn course, like that free one with Basic Fiverr stuff? Maybe not the longer ones that consist mostly of questions and Q&As, as there'll be much that's only interesting for few people, or the ones asking the question, or too many things that could be misunderstood, but those like this one, where it's more a rapid-fire video FAQ directly and just from Fiverr staff, would seem suitable. Then, when those rumours/questions come up on the forum, people could watch, and decide what to believe... maybe even not ask the same questions over and over again (but that's just wishful thinking ;)).
  20. I understood this one as "Traffic isn't determined by the seller level, but follows what buyers are searching for, i.e., relevancy is important, not that anyone following your forum topics could have missed that any more than the utilizing all Gig assets point 😉
  21. The exact title was "Tackling Fiverr Rumors" 🙂 in 3 "categories", Gig Search, Fiverr Features, Support (yes, you guessed it, Fiverr doesn't "take buyers' side in disputes", sorry, folks, that was a 'False') and Fiverr Profile In addition to what Frank already listed: - being in/leaving Seller Plus won't affect your ranking - only 1 Gig/multiple Gigs? no correlation to Gig ranking - if your gig is already organically ranking and you promote it, it won't lose its organic ranking but get more exposure - Fiverr doesn't favour sellers with Notable Clients, Portfolio, Skills etc. profile features - reporting copied Gigs or Gigs that violate ToS IS encouraged, that one was a very enthusiastic 'True'
  22. I guess being late or preoccupied with one's tea or generally paying more attention to the content than the comments can pay off... What @frank_d keeps telling us, "Utilizing all Gig assets (such as having 3 packages) is converting", was a 'True', in any case ❕ Most of the rumours presented in "Rumour X - True or False?" way were false, so, if you think something is a rumour, there's a high probability that it is..., and I'll second Will, enjoyable but nothing hugely surprising, and there wasn't really time for much depth, half an hour isn't long.
  23. It seems you're mixing up a few things, why should Fiverr have a problem with you sharing your forum posts to friends? Just click the 3 dots on one of your posts, and the forum even offers you several options for easy sharing of your post. I even use it sometimes to share it to my own email if I want to "save" a post, as this forum doesn't have a bookmark function like the last one did.
  24. miiila

    Gig editing

    Well, personally, I'd use YT red then, that should have a signal effect on YTrs, a mix of black/white with red elements could look good and stand out, too, but as Maria says, you can try to do some research and try to find out what your specific target group(s) would find most attractive, colour-wise.
  25. For my category, complexity could be mostly or at least partly dealt with through packages, if Gig multiples and Extras worked well (or at all, Extras have been super buggy for me, and couldn't even get rid of them by deleting) in a logical way. As it is, most sellers use them as a workaround for what actually the multiples or Extras should do. If there were 3 Gig packages with image examples and lists, like Basic Gig = simple images, Standard Gig = (examples), Premium Gig = trees, hair, intricate jewellery,... and the seller would dare setting realistic prices and not rely on bait and switch, they could cover a lot of the "need" to communicate - for honest buyers, that is, of course, who'd not order the Basic Gig and send tree images. If people weren't sure into which category their image would fall, they could still message. But in any case, as often as we have this discussion on the forum, nothing so far made me changy mind that it should be left to the sellers if they want to offer Gigs that aren't directly bookable at all, and give buyers a slider/filter to only see directly bookable Gigs if they want to. I'm rather sure that even many of the sellers who require/insist on being messaged, would suddenly find ways to set up their Gigs in a way that they'd be still offering directly bookable Gigs and get shown to buyers who'd filter for those. And with Gigs that really require messaging, it should be fine to not have them directly bookable, because most sensible buyers would probably not use the "only directly bookable Gigs" filter then. There could be hover-texts/poo-ups explaining the toggle/filter, too, so it should be clear what it's about. Or there could even be a shopping street with only directly bookable Gigs, and one for only custom Gigs. There's, in effect, already three different shopping districts with Fiverr Standard, Pro, Business, so I think it's possible that it will go that way if someone gets the idea and they think it through. Technically, algorithmically, etc., such things become increasingly easier to do, after all.
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