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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. You can, of course. You can even create gigs in multiple categories, if you have the skills for it. There are writers that also have website development gigs. As long as you can provide a great service in a variety of niches, you will be fine.
  2. Just like Alex said above me, you most likely received bad private feedback. Aside from regular, public feedback, buyers can also share their feedback privately. Even if someone rated you 5 stars, they might have done that out of courtesy even if they weren't happy. Since this private feedback is not shown to anyone else, people are more honest and there are times when they might offer a bad private review. When that happens, Fiverr will push you back in search because you had unhappy buyers, so they will push others in front. It's normal, since those search results are always-evolving. So it most likely has to do with private reviews, but it can also be due to cancellations, late deliveries and other factors. For a lot of sellers, it's a combination of different things, or just a bad private review. PS: One thing to note is that new buyers (be it new for you or new on Fiverr) will have even more impact, so if one of them leaves a bad private review, that's even worse when compared to a private review from a regular. That's something to keep in mind..
  3. No. It's final. The review process can take up to 90 days, not 60. And Fiverr will then let you know if them disabling your account was something automatic or not. The thing is, sometimes these bans are sent automatically, other times they are manual. It's very rare for them to bring back a disabled account. What did the ban-related email say? What was the reason behind your account getting disabled?
  4. So Fiverr is supposed to give you work? You're the one that has to generate clients. You can't rely on Fiverr alone bringing you clients. There's that, but also the potential lack of demand, maybe people moved to other social platforms and don't use Facebook as much?
  5. Any account can be damaged if they have a low buyer satisfaction rate. It doesn't matter if you are a Pro, Top rated or level 1/2 seller. So don't spread misinformation, please. The main focus here is to ensure that you're offering a very good expreience for all your clients. If you have bad reviews, cancellations, late deliveries, that affects your buyer satisfaction rate and thus you will be way back in search. So yeah, it doesn't matter what Fiverr level you have, Fiverr expects you to have great performance all around. If you don't.... you're pushed back.
  6. True. But in general, if you check that category, there are barely any sales, considering there are 1,288 services available... And I know for a fact some of them were closed, so there were more. But yeah, I don't see it as a successful main business, at least for me. It's still worth a shot to diversify your offers I guess.
  7. And even outside of the Pro category, if you see people with more than a couple of sales, those are just older gigs converted to AI editing. So yeah, not exactly a best seller idea. But again, worth a shot, especially if it brings people to your profile.
  8. Don't listen to the others that have nothing to back their claim. I have been a part of Seller Plus since it started. You just have access to some additional services or you can talk with a success manager that might guide you on how to improve your gigs. Buuuut, that doesn't guarantee any sales. Read what's included in seller plus and then you will see if it's for you or not. Don't expect it to generate sales for you because it won't if you just buy the service. The help you get from your success manager MIGHT help you generate sales, but there aren't any guarantees.
  9. I think it's just people checking the market. I know some writers also have AI editing gigs and those have a lot of impressions, but few to no orders. I think he said he had a sale, but that was after quite a long time. So yeah, while it makes sense to have an AI editing gig, the chances of generating sales are rather low, honestly. I was thinking about creating such a gig myself, but I saw pro sellers that had multiple AI editing gigs started at the beginning of this year, and never got any sales. Same with level 2 or TRS..
  10. To waste time. Buyers don't really care if the seller is online or not. Build up your profile, create amazing gigs, that's how you receive orders.
  11. I see you have no reviews here, so.. did they actually review you?
  12. Crypto payments are not supported on Fiverr, so obviously they won't accept withdrawals either. Crypto had quite the crash so the chances of them accepting crypto are very low. If your country doesn't accept PayPal, you have access to Payoneer. Those 2 options tend to cover most if not all of the entire world 🙂
  13. You have all deliveries on the order page. So yes, you should have access to every delivery, just scroll on the order page.
  14. Yeah, either the buyer has to be very vindictive or the work provided must be really really bad to receive a bad private review. Unfortunately it does happen...
  15. I think Frank mentioned, and I can only assume it's rather accurate, if the buyer rates most things less than average, or the equivalent of a public 2.7 rating, the review is seen as bad/negative.
  16. Member since Jan 2023... that's just 3 months. You have to realize that it took a year or two for some people to receive an order. Also your niche is very saturated... so you should try to offer a service that's unique, as a lot of people are offering what you provide right now. So if you want to stand out, try to provide customers with something that no one delivers..
  17. Use free keyword tools and see the suggestions you receive based on general industry keywords. Go from there.
  18. Yet even the best cheaters get caught eventually...
  19. Even if he is a virtual assistant... A buyer can easily book his own hotel, the only reason why he would use Fiverr is to ask for a refund afterwards and leave that seller in the gray, scamming him for money. So yeah, if stuff is sketchy, always stay away from it. Just work on stuff you can do and you offer on the platform. If something seems too good to be true, it most likely is. OP should cancel that order and even report to customer support.
  20. That would be the solution but the reality is that sometimes people are in a rush. Or they just don't give feedback. Late December I had a person that rated me 1 star, they were a returning buyer and guess what, they were very happy. But they rushed to share a review and yeah, obviously it affected me. But all you can do is deliver the best work you can and hope your clients apprecaite it...
  21. I agree with you 100%. We always need to adapt. Some will fall off, others will become even more successful. As long as we adapt to any of the changes and maintain a positive, forward-thinking approach we should always be fine.
  22. Tell them to go to the order page. A review option should be there..
  23. You can also pause your gigs and only take new orders when you finish the current ones.
  24. A good idea is to check the type of gigs people create here and come up with something different. I would also recommend improving your skills and learning new things to stand out. There are a LOT of sellers on Fiverr, so the only way to stand out is via being the best at what you do. And of course, creating gigs that showcase your talent. Staying online doesn't affect your Fiverr exposure, so it's a waste of time..
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