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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. The terms of service are enough https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service.
  2. What I want is a graph showing the timeline it covers and the current satisfaction rate score (which basically adds up everything and shows it in a nice graph). It's anonymous, it doesn't show any customer review, and it still offers a seller some insight into how they are doing. Right now I have to message my success manager whenever I want to know this, when they could just have a graph or maybe just a score (and a legend for interpreting that score). I am sure a lot of people would pay for Seller Plus just to have that...
  3. There are quite a lot of them since I had multiple buyers saying this to me. Plus I saw even more on the forum. There will always be sellers trying to game the system so even if they are implementing this cancellation thing, those that try to game the system will find a new way to do so.
  4. I didn't even check his profile. Yeah, that's fantasy, wishful thinking, whatever it is that's not real :)))
  5. Yes, at the bottom of the Fiverr page you can change the language and currency. Switch to USD, as you can see in my screenshot.
  6. Well the thing is, you have similar pricing to a LOT of people. What I noticed is that when I increase brief pricing, I started getting A LOT of briefs, before that I was getting no brief. However, most if not all briefs don't really fit what I offer. But yeah, the brief pricing you set might be the reason. I am not sure where you copied this from but there's no Buyer Requests section on Fiverr, it's been dead for a while not.
  7. I am not sure if I remember this correctly, but I know when I started Fiverr was showing the cancellation rate on the profile page anyway. I think that should be fine, but I also believe that Fiverr wants to allow buyers to share the reason why the order was canceled. So that's why I think this will come back in another version.. But only time can tell.
  8. True, but what I think Fiverr tries to achieve here is a way to publicly inform potential buyers. You can't do that if a person is penalized in the background. And I am sure Fiverr also wants to stop that sanitation process from certain sellers. I had buyers come my way saying that sellers refunded as soon as they requested a revision, since the seller was afraid of a bad review most likely. I think this issue is affecting a lot of buyers to the point where Fiverr wanted to do something about it. I have no idea when a new version of this change will come, but I still think they want to keep things public. Although I guess your idea can also be a welcome change, albeit a background one.
  9. I doubt that. I am certain they will come back with a less intrusive version of this. I think they want those people that cancel a lot of orders to finally be shown, and they want buyers to know more about a seller's cancellation history. So they can make a good decision and prevent wasted time. I saw lots of buyers on the forum complaining about wasted time, so I am sure Fiverr will bring this change to fruition. It will be in a different version for sure, but I don't think Fiverr is letting this go. It seems like a major change they want to do. The only worry for me is taht some maleficent sellers will creatae new accounts, mask as buyers and start damaging people's accounts.
  10. So making that even worse? The private thing and going behind our back with sellers not having any idea what their buyer satisfaction rate is.. and gigs randomly going out of search for a short or long time randomly. That gives way less control over our business. I understand if someone had a very bad review, obviously you expect that to happen. But in my case in the last 5 months almost I barely had a bad review, and while asking my SM they said that my buyer satisfaction rate can be improved.. it is ascending but still, I would prefer to have a number, graph.. something as a part of Seller Plus to see that. And maybe we can see a collage of what exactly buyers disliked the most, was it communication, etc. I mean, I understand they want to make buyers feel safe with private review, but how can a seller improve when they did something wrong if they have no idea what that wrong thing is in the first place. As I said, I had great ratings overall in the past few months and despite that the buyer satisfaction rate doesn't match what I see publicly, and I also have no idea why that is... Anyway, I am done rambling. I think this will come back. Fiverr wants to prevent people from canceling orders, and they also want to show what sellers are serial cancellation machines. They do want more transparency, so I don't see a private form being the right solution here. That's my opinion, this will come back in a less intrusive way and as I said and you also said, people won't be happy anyway. After all, when were we happy after any change? We just went ahead and adapted 🙂
  11. Every person sees gigs differently. With that in mind, I can see them from my side but what I know for sure is I have way less clicks than I used to Pre-March 2023. That's how I know few people see me in search. The number of impressions is obviously lower too.
  12. Most likely it's a bad private review, that seems to be the issue for a lot of people these days. If a buyer says that they were not satisfied in their private reviews, that can be an issue. My success manager said that despite only having a very good set of public reviews, those private reviews are pushing me back in search. I've been dealing with this for around 3-4 months now so..
  13. I think if you go to https://fiverr.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests you should see a ticket open, so you most likely have to add to that.
  14. Fiverr can identify bad actors, but obviously things are limited. We need to realize that bad actors can easily ask a friend to buy and post a review, at that point you can't know if it's fake or not.
  15. As it is everywhere in the world, not only online. There's a reason why Apple manufactures their stuff in Asia.
  16. Of course it's not but in reality they still do it.
  17. The problem now is they can get their money back and seriously put down any competitor while also not spending a dime.
  18. The thing is, it seems they are doing it anyway, it will just be in a new version. So regardless of the situation, sellers will not be happy with this measure.
  19. It's pretty much the same it was a while ago. Lots of spammers, serial likers, but also some great topics and people as well. So yeah, nothing changed :))
  20. Create a longer deadline, there's no way around it 🙂
  21. Well every story has 2 sides. We don't know everything so we can only assume. Only you know what you did and what Fiverr penalized you for. And Fiverr has the records showing exactly what sanctions you received and why. The other people including me are just wasting time here trying to help you. I had issues much worse than this and they were solved by customer support. So I didn't have any bad experience with them. And remember you are on a forum, it's all opinions and opinions, not everyone will agree with you. There are countless people that showed the email they received from customer support. If you expect people to offer some ideas or guidance in any way, then you have to show that, so we can all see what happened. Otherwise as I said, it's just hearsay and a single-sided opinion. I for one will stop talking here, because clearly I can't help in any way, you're not sharing any images, so there's nothing else to do. I had way different interactions with customer support and as I said, blaming them will make no change here, they just offer you assistance, there are other departments that issue and handle warnings.
  22. Unfortunately we can't help since we are just sellers. However, you shouldn't withdraw any money from Fiverr if you have any issues. And the thing is, even if your bank has problems, you can easily add another card from another bank to paypal, just go and issue the card, keep the money in Paypal until that process completes and you are good to go. Fiverr won't accept refunds from PayPal so no one has any idea where the money went. They won't go to the Fiverr account, and Fiverr won't have any idea where those money come from and how to add it back. So yeah, reverting to Fiverr was a major mistake. As I said, you can easily create a new card and add it to PayPal, then you can withdraw to it. Your funds should always stay within PayPal if you already withdrew your amount from Fiverr, until you can withdraw to your card.
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