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  1. Thank you for your help. I'll look into it as well.
  2. Thank you for your advice. I'll look into it.
  3. Thank you for your feedback, and I will look into it. I just felt sad on this part because as my clicks and impressions increase, it eventually slows down, and I haven't received any orders since the beginning of my gig. Once more, thank you
  4. Why are my clicks and impressions decreasing? have you encountered in your gigs 😅
  5. What are your best tactics to keep getting work and keep your first order coming in?😀
  6. I appreciate your help in expanding my knowledge of this. again, many thanks 🤩
  7. Hello, your suggestion really caught my attention. How did you do that by offering your skills to another freelancer? awaiting your welcome process with interest. And thank you for your reply, which might be a gig performance.😍
  8. thank you for your time and suggestion 🤩
  9. Which time zone is ideal for becoming actively open so that clients can see that I'm available? How did it go for you? 😍
  10. Which time zone is ideal for becoming actively open so that clients can see that I'm available? How did it go for you? 🤩
  11. I humbly request everyone's assistance in evaluating my gigs. I've improved everything, including the title, images, description, and price, and I've even shared it on my social media. My gigs are currently making a good impression and seem to be working, but how long will that take? Following several days of editing and improving my gigs, I currently lack order. https://www.fiverr.com/ileen_v?up_rollout=true Thank you so much for your comments and suggestions. 😊😥
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