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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Well people will end up disliking no matter what. They still want cancellations to have reviews, so I am not sure how they will implement that because people will not be ok with it anyway. Well as long as Fiverr support has our backs when there are manipulative buyers, I would be ok with this measure. I rarely refund these days, if at all, and when I do it's usually mutual anyway.
  2. Everyone on Fiverr is at least Fluent in English if you look at their profile. Then you come to the forum and experience the truth. Damn, some posts really make my eyes twitch with their bad grammar :)))
  3. For me it's Star Wars. Showing that it's ok to be different 🙂
  4. I am pretty sure there are situations when a buyer orders more than they wanted by mistake and want to cancel in order to reorder the right amount. So I don't think Fiverr will penalize that. You should be fine. You can talk with customer support if you want, but I think what they said is self-explanatory.
  5. He needs to reorder. I don't think Fiverr said anything about duplicating the initial order's amount. As long as the buyer reorders it should be fine.
  6. Offer great services that the platform needs. If you do that, you will have lots of clients. It doesn't matter how many gigs you have, what matters is their quality and if you have an audience for them.
  7. This was uncalled for, @newsmikeis an esteemed member of the forum and Fiverr as a whole. Looks also have nothing to do with the situation at hand, nor should we start insulting people randomly. There are no questions in the screenshot you added. You just said that you have some questions. Anyway, there's a lot of drama because a seller blocked your message. Sellers will block people that either don't seem ok to work with, or which are just sending spam. I agree that they could have said something instead of blocking, but I had a situation when I told a person I can't do it, they ordered even if I said no, I was forced to work on the content, and guess what, it's not what I wanted... they refunded and after checking online they used my work. So I can understand why the seller would block, but I also agree they could handle things better, a random block without explaining doesn't feel right. Still, there are plenty of fish in the pond, lots of freelancers to work with here.
  8. It's in the Gigs section of your Dashboard. You can choose the price and then if Fiverr finds something suitable for you, it will send a notification.
  9. Go to customer support. We are just sellers here so we can't help with anything.
  10. Don't be. My success manager said that many times the private and public review are drastically different. So I for one have been dealing with such an issue since March. I received a bump from Fiverr here and there, for a few days, but not more than that. My success manager said Fiverr tracks the buyer satisfaction rate for 90 to 180 days, so it's 3 months to half a year. That is, if you're not getting a bad review in between...
  11. I agree Vickie, I am certainly not a fan either. But it is what it is, at least I don't spend a whole lot on ads, and these types of months are very rare for me.
  12. I think it's what Vickie says. I used it this past Monday and it was all good, so who knows...
  13. You can change the email address, there shouldn't be any issues. If you had problems with your Fiverr account I can see that being an issue, but if your account is in good standing you should be fine.
  14. From here https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360049982353-Reviews-and-ratings?segment=buyer FAQs 1. Why can't I add a review to my order? Both buyers and sellers have up to 14 days to provide a review. After this time frame, there will no longer be an option to provide a review.
  15. https://letmegooglethat.com/?q=freelancing+free+online+course It's not that hard you know....
  16. If it's not on the app store, then you can't use it. You can enter the mobile browser and visit Fiverr that way. otherwise..
  17. It varies. You were lucky, most people won't even receive an order from that free credit. Others will receive a bunch of orders. It depends on the niche, competition and many other factors. I will say this, it's worth trying, but you can't rely on it for orders. Yet even if it gives you a single order per month and it's more than what you paid for ads, it's a plus right?
  18. It depends on the spending rate, competition within your niche and many other factors. Generally I end up getting some work here and there. If I do, it translates into repeat work most of the time, and Fiverr also counts that repeat work as promoted gigs income, which isn't really the case. I guess the buyer came from there... It's a good option to have, but I don't think it's a gamechanger. Although your mileage will vary, I had a month where I earned over 1000% what I paid, this month I think I paid more for ads than I earned, so there's that. Overall I think it's fine, but certainly not something you can rely on for work all the time. But as I said, your mileage will vary.
  19. I used it a few days ago and it was instant. I think the order was not marked as complete. Or if it was, the buyer didn't review it.. Maybe that's the case?
  20. Nope. You don't rank your gig, you create a service that people actually want to buy. Present it nicely, use great keywords and try to avoid copying other gigs, as it will only harm you in the long run. Also, create a unique service, it also gives you a higher chance of receiving the Fiverr Choice badge and more exposure.
  21. It's just how Fiverr Business clients will see your profile. Of course it's good, why would it be bad in any way?
  22. Impressions don't matter. They just show your gig appears in search results, but if people don't click on it, who cares. I think you rely too much on impressions and less on messages or orders, which matter way more. Try to experiment with gig images, videos, gig descriptions until you see more people contact you and you start receiving orders. Improving your skills in the meantime can also help a lot.
  23. So you have Standard or Premium now?
  24. You can find all the information here https://www.fiverr.com/levels. Keep in mind you can only have a single Fiverr account... Also, stop focusing on ranking. Focus on keeping buyers happy, as that's what will help you be high in search results.
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