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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. The problem with this, aside from being quite a complicated thing to add, is that it will also lead to many low quality sellers to create random gigs and see if it sticks. At least via the website it takes a while, but if they allow people to do this from within the app, it might lead to a lot of low quality gigs made just to be there and fool buyers. At least that's what I think, others might want it, but I can assure you this issue will come up sooner rather than later...
  2. You can send me a private message with a link to their profile, just to confirm we are talking about the same person. Thank you. I never outsourced, I worked alone. I have a way cheaper pricepoint, and even in my case I see a lack of sales. But as you said, we have to adapt. AI really kicked us in the teeth.. that's for sure.
  3. Honestly you need to have a very high level service and high prices to achieve such a goal. But get started and slowly move up, there's unlimited potential on a platform like this.
  4. Fiverr has a system called the buyer satisfaction rate and it tracks buyer experiences for the past 3-6 months. You had a review that might have brought a negative private review, hence the issue. And then there's also the ChatGPT thing, there are buyers that shifted towards that. I am not sure if we are talking about the same pro seller, I am a writer too so I am within the same niche you are. I think I know who you are talking about, but if it's "her", she actually has a writing business with many different writers hired to write for her. I think Fiverr should force people to disclose if they outsource or not, because that seller is not the only one saying "I" or "me" on here, but on socials you can clearly identify they outsource, some even brag about it. So yeah, the writing market is pretty bad right now, and most of the expensive sellers barely have any orders. There are some exceptions like the seller you mentioned, but they are far and few in between. Most writers have a severe lack of orders these days, me included.
  5. Wait. They will reply within a day or two. Even as a seller plus subscriber I had to wait over the 5 hours they promise, and I pay for that service.. So..
  6. You can't. What you can do is to improve your work, offer unique services, deliver the best possible customer experience. You can't use random tricks to rank high in search reuslts. Fiverr tracks the buyer satisfaction rate, and thus if you deliver great results to clients and they rate you well privately/publicly, they push you in front of clients. But this takes time.
  7. Yes, but don't expect it to happen fast. There are some Fiverr millionaires, but it took them years to do it. And many of them had a team too. However, focus on delivering a great service and don't worry about people making millions, make your own.
  8. It's not like that at all. Focus on keeping buyers happy. Since Fiverr ranks based on buyer satisfaction rate, you need to keep your buyers happy. Otherwise they push you towards the back of search or even remove you from search. I offered a genuine reply that you can learn from, but if you want to joke, go ahead 🙂 I won't.
  9. Why would you have more than one account when Fiverr clearly says you can't have more? You are only allowed one! I recommend improving your gigs and working on them instead of just thinking about ways to cheat.
  10. You want to deliver a great customer experience. It's not about you ranking, it's about making sure that people are happy with your work. If that's the case, you will rank well naturally.
  11. I think you need to focus more on the quality of those gigs and their uniqueness instead of popularity. I have a single gig that has over 10k reviews, the others are less popular but ideally you want to have multiple popular gigs. If your cash cow dies for some reason, you need other gigs to help you survive..
  12. Just deliver the best work to your current clients. Otherwise there's nothijng you can really do...
  13. Of course. The problem is account-wide, not gig-wide.
  14. Fiverr has a new system called the buyer satisfaction rate. That is tracked anywhere from 90 to 180 days. They wanted to ensure that customers are happy, so if you had a lot of bad reviews, that is a problem. And by the way, a great public review doesn't mean you had a great private review too. My success manager stated that these reviews can vary wildly to the point where someone might give a good review publicly and a bad review privately. Just focus on delivering the best work to clients, it's the best thing that you can do.
  15. donnovan86


    Ignore the stay online thing. What I recommend is for you to create gigs which are unique. Offer something that competitors don't. Or add a unique spin to an existing service. Otherwise if you have the same service like thousands of other people, the chances of standing out and generating sales is low.
  16. I am tired of that. I want too help the community but at the same time I also expect people to use a basic function like search. I mean come on, do we really need tens of thousands of topics of why I am not ranking when the answer is clearly in front of them.. BAD REVIEWS. Or trying to find the easiest way to cheat the system, all kinds of stuff like that..
  17. That's what matters. Hopefully we get to see some GOOD changes soon, because the ones made during the first semester of 2023 brought quite a lot of issues for sellers. Hoping for the best, as always. Thanks for sharing these with management, Levi. At least they heard some of our issues/challenges.
  18. I've been here on Fiverr for a decade almost and I am in my 30s. Plus, age doesn't matter. What matters is the buyer satisfaction rate. If you have great skills, you will make it here, since Fiverr offers a push to every seller. It takes a lot of time to get an order, some people never do, others wait for months and months. Don't blame older sellers here for a lack of orders, if anything that comes from WAY too many sellers coming here after the pandemic and also AI comes into play. Instead of blaming older sellers.. you should focus on creating great gigs that are unique and which fit what your target audience is looking for.
  19. @vickieito Levi wanted to tag you, I will tag you for him. As for @levinewman, thank you for sharing these and I hope they will be heard. I am a bit scared learning that they will change private feedback AGAIN. But hopefully it leads to more transparency. Right now the best way to know your BSR is to assess your inbox, because a low BSR means no people are contacting you. Well, I wish they will consider our ideas and improve the platform while improving communication with sellers.
  20. Exactly. I like how people ask why they are not ranking or why they are not in search after they receive a bad review. The platform has so much information to offer, and then there's also the forum. But these posts are clear info that no one really checks the forum for answers, they just create a topic and expect hand-feeding from others.
  21. There's no need to ask if it's from performance or not. You had a bad review 2 weeks ago. So.. your buyer satisfaction rate is low and your gig is removed from ranking or ranked really low when compared to other competitors.
  22. Stop trying to cheat the system. Just delete this current gig if you want and create a new one. As Filip said, if you create a new account, you will be in trouble.
  23. Yes, IF he doesn't get any new bad reviews in the meantime.
  24. Well there's a reason some niches don't have a lot of competitors, because there are very few sales. If one of the niches would be a winner, then sellers wouldn't just share their golden goose to a random seller on the forum. The thing is, as Maria said, you have to search and find these things for yourself.
  25. Well these bad reviews will keep you back in search anywhere from 3 to 6 months. So yeah, Fiverr right now is all about making sure you offer a great experience to your clients. If you offer bad results, they push you back in search. The only thing to do is to ensure all clients from now on are happy.
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