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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. True, but what if a buyer asks a friend to buy a $5 gig from someone, and then they go and harm the target seller? That person is not a first time buyer anymore. And how would the seller have any protection? I mean, I am a writer so I have a wild imagination, so maybe I exaggerate, but who will protect the seller then? There's no way to know a new buyer with 2 orders wants to do harm, so.. I didn't say at scale. Just a single person. They don't need to do this at scale to damage a person's livelihood. Just a single, targeted attack that's well-thought towards a few top rated or best selling gigs, and no one knows who was behind the bad review. Not sure if the cancellation appears on the "buyer's" page with a reply from the seller, I bet it doesn't.. It would appear just on the seller's page. Anyway, as I said, I don't see this done at scale, but I don't care if it's at scale or not if it harms a genuine seller that did nothing wrong. The idea is, I didn't see anything specific last time when they tried to introduce this.. I am not sure what they changed this time around, but I would expect them to heavily focus on protecting sellers, because this opens a door to the Wild West. Any buyer can buy a $5 gig and then start asking for a refund a few times. Then they just create a new account at their workplace, rinse and repeat. The reason why I brought this up is because I see a lot of people even on the forum that try to game the system. And if that's the case, I am sure some buyers and even ruthless competitors will try to take advantage of the new rules. Those cancellation reviews affect your buyer satisfaction rate, they also affect your general rating, so having proper, heavy protection against bad actors is crucial here. As far as I saw, those messages and what was said here relates to buyers, and the seller protection leaves much to be desired. I mean, if they open the can of worms and buyers can do whatever they want, as a seller I expect heavy protection here. And I think the most expensive sellers might be the most affected, since the buyer can easily refund a $300 order for example and still use the work. I hope I just exagerated a little, but the truth is that we have to think about the good things, along with the worst that can happen as well.
  2. I agree, the change is good for those that actually offer great services. When Fiver is your primary or only source of income, such things can deliver a huge hit. I was just sharing an example, but just how some people cancel payments to get their accounts banned and their money back, I am sure there are maleficent sellers that try to discredit others. I am not worried heavily, but I didn't see any specific mention about this. Sure, buyers that also sell can't leave a review. That doesn't stop a maleficent seller to go the extra mile and harm others. And how would you know, really?
  3. We also forgot one major flaw in any Cancellation Review system that will be implemented. Regardless of the format, I am sure they can't track competitors which will ask a friend or even travel somewhere just to place an order and leave a very very bad review. The other problems like vindictive buyers might not affect everyone, but how can you identify a competitor posing as a regular client and then they leave a very bad review along with getting their money back. If Fiverr doesn't address this issue, this cancellation system will just encourage a lot of sellers to kill competitors simply by ordering and canceling, then leaving a very bad review.
  4. Wait for their reply. By the way, usernames are less important, you can choose a display name which can be your real name, so that negates the need to create a new account just to have a different username.
  5. You can't create a new account without Fiverr customer support allowing you to. Also, just because you see stuff on the forum, that doesn't make it the rule. Only Fiverr's own advice via customer support is something you need to consider. The rest.. no
  6. You are competing with thousands of people that use similar keywords. It works, but you always want to have keywords with little competition.
  7. So basically "can I cheat the system and lie to clients and Fiver, with the possibility of getting caught and losing my account"???
  8. Well, according to one of our esteemed Pro sellers, Fiverr is talking with various sellers and they are implementing this in the next few weeks. So it's just a matter of time. We don't know the final form for this yet.
  9. Trust me, people love when you deliver stuff faster. So, there's no reason to schedule reviews, if anything you want to send as quickly as possible. Or you can always hold off the document/file and deliver later if that's what you want. Yes 😄
  10. Exactly, they had that for years now, but in the case of writing services that's not the case at all. I don't understand the reasoning, why add it to voiceover where you use word counts, but in the case of writing.. it's not there. Obviously the main problem here are spiteful buyers. A buyer with good intentions that just sees you were not a good fit wouldn't leave a bad review. But obviously there will also be people that try to run you into the ground. And honestly, it's not just anti-$5. I can easily see this becoming a problem for Pro sellers and TRS too, since every category has buyers with unreasonable expectations. I don't think this will make a huge difference though, since I am sure people that cheat the system will always try to find new ways to do that.
  11. Request to Order would be fine if I would only receive 1-2 orders a week. For an article/content writing gig, that's a death sentence. You set your deadline, and if the buyer purchases 20x your gig amount, the deadline is the same for 1x. It has been an issue for years and it continues to be ignored. If there's a misunderstanding here, I am not talking about gig extras here. A buyer can use multiples to purchase any gig packages up to 20x and the deadline never changes. Same with adding the desired word count, even if I offer 400 words with my basic package, a buyer can easily insert 20k words and the deadline never changes, it remains the same deadline even if the amount of words is more than a dozen times larger. It's always been the same, and it's obviously a problem. I talked here, told various Fiverr staff on the forum, people that had meetings with management, and nothing. I am sure this will never change, even if it leads to cancellations and unhappy buyers, which clearly seems to bother Fiverr. At this point.. I have no idea what changes they will make. But if they don't offer us the means to actively see our BSR even as a score or they don't offer us a way to lock our gig packages and thus have control over what we sell.. I am not sure what else is more important. All these changes are very buyer-centric and I appreciate that, but these buyers come to us for our work, and we should be able to present it the way we want. I want to have 3 gig packages, but I don't want to have people randomly buying stuff without my consent. Yeah, at this point I am certain they will never implement this, even if it's as simple as a slider that would lock gig packages and wouldn't offer the ability to buy anything other than what's on display.
  12. I am fine with it. I reduced my cancellations to the point where I barely have any, if at all. So I am not worried about this issue, I always focus on keeping my buyers happy. But I am thinking about a price increase when this comes, just to push some of the bad buyers away. That would be the ability to lock gig packages and buyers not having the ability to purchase gig multiples without the seller's consent. That would make custom offers more meaningful. I know Pro sellers won't have this issue due to their prices, but level 2 and below certainly suffer from this quite a bit.
  13. Obviously those should not be taken into account, nor should buyers have the means to leave a review. Because they clearly take advantage of that seller, if Fiverr allows that, it would make buyers OP, to say the least.
  14. Thanks for the update! I am sure you will have lots and lots of sellers complaining here that they don't agree with this change. I am not sure what final form this change will have, but I will say this, clearly sellers will be unhappy no matter what. And you can't please everyone. This sounds great! Hmm, now you're making me wonder what those changes might be.. I just hope it's THAT change I've been complaining on the forum for years, among many others.
  15. I assume you were banned? Obviously only customer support can help you. No one here has any power within Fiverr.
  16. Well apparently Fiverr is changing the lowest price for some categories.
  17. It seems to me that either you did a bad job and the buyer has all the rights to get their money back, or you found a bad buyer and your prices might not be as high as they should be. Cheaper prices tend to attract a lot of bad buyers.
  18. You are free to have as many revisions as you want. The problem with unlimited revisions is that in some cases, buyers will try to take advantage of you and that can become an issue. But then again, that can happen even with 3 revisions.
  19. Yes, but I am sure you are in the minority. For most people, buyers will most likely try to cancel after delivery.
  20. You are evaluated for Promoted Gig participation eligibility according to the following standards: You are a Level 1 Seller, a Level 2 Seller, a Top Rated Seller, or a Pro seller Your Gig scores are 4.7 in the public rating Your Gig has at least 20 reviews. Pro Gigs require only 5 reviews You meet additional quality metrics All the information is here https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360017729338#h_01EYN214K9QHF7A28JA8FR9EPC
  21. Yes, and buyers don't really care as long as you get the job done. So working here is ideal when compared to any other place/site.
  22. Exactly, automated replies make the seller feel like a bot and pretty sure buyers dislike that. And as I said earlier, if a buyer has a question within the order requirements and you have an automated reply, that might not sit well with them. It's much better to have a human approach.
  23. I am +2 hours the UK time, and my customers are also from the US. Fiverr shows your current time so every buyer should understand you are sleeping. If they can't and they send lots of messages nagging why you are not replying.. let's say that's not a client I would work with anyway.
  24. What if the customer's brief comes with questions? Your automated reply would appear as a lack of interest. Again, my opinion. Also, you don't have to reply right away. Fiverr shows the current time for the seller, so a potential buyer sees that it's night time for you..
  25. Well you can sell on Fiverr, no one is stopping you. There's no need for any favor, just create a gig and start selling.
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