Thanks @Kesha for responding and advising, it is very much appreciated.
Unfortunately, all of the above still relies on my availability to respond to messages, which makes it difficult to fully disconnect and enjoy a true vacation. I’d need to be consistently available to maintain a high response rate in both overall and hourly metrics. Additionally, if clients don't provide the necessary materials, it may lead to frustration for them when I return.
As a result, the suggestions don't quite allow me to take a much-needed break without still working or being in a location with internet access, which makes activities like hiking or backpacking impossible. I truly hope Fiverr can find a balanced solution, as, after being a long-time seller on the platform, I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity but also find it challenging to manage the anxiety and stress that comes with trying to plan a short break.
If you have any further suggestions or advice, I am all ears!