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About jisan005

  • Birthday 04/04/2005


  • Location
    Rangpur,Dhaka Bangladesh

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  1. Need some help on web development on fiverr as a new seller
  2. Gig impressions are the main problem after publishing it decreases day by day any advice?

  3. Does the payment system on fiverr use CRYPTO ? Recently I had a buyer he asked me to pay by crypto so what should I do does fiverr makes payment by crypto.
  4. I wan't to know about the Brift system for fiverr seller experts please advice on this.
  5. I've posted 4 Gigs with videos and images and the impressions are also good but the thing is after few days about 15 days impressions became less and now 1 4 or 5 daily should I edit them or what give me advice my niche is web development
  6. How fiverr treats new sellers do you have any idea I'm new so need to know about this thing clearly..
  7. I'm trying to show the expexted part of my gig image on video but fiverr doesn't do that it shows a ramom part of my video on gig. Is there any way to add this image. Need help from specialist thank you
  8. Is it possible to find the real buyer and scammer on messsageing system as some buyers don't want o start a order but looks for do some free works.

  9. Is it possible to get fiverr plus in a new fiverr seller account?

  10. Maybe your gigs are not attractive for buyers so try to improve them.
  11. Write more clear options for your client on your about section
  12. Why Fiverr algorithom is so complex and strict with it's new sellers?

  13. Maybe someone used your PayPal on fiverr
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