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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. No. And it won't bring sales either.
  2. I remember I went to customer support and they mentioned there was some kind of issue that rendered the blocking system unusable. So I can only assume they stopped that completely. As the others said, you will need to have at least one message from the person in the inbox so you can block them that way/mark as spam, etc. Otherwise, there's no way to block a buyer currently. Will they redo that system and add it to Seller Plus? Certainly seems possible.
  3. As for autocomplete orders, as I said half of them are autocomplete, didn't change my success score at all. They don't have a negative impact. But what they do have is no positive impact either. That's why success managers encourage you to get reviews, so the algorithm is fed any data. Yet as I said, if there are private reviews for autocompleted orders, those will have a negative impact. But if the order autocompletes and the buyer doesn't leave a private review, I doubt it has any impact. At least for me anyway, I have many regulars that don't bother with reviews. And I don't want to force them to leave a review either. It's their choice... I value the business relationship more than a review.
  4. Maybe, but as I said, I just focus on what I can control. Does wonders for your mental health. 😄
  5. Oh, my success manager said that too. She even encouraged me to tell people to review my work. However, that doesn't show that autocomplete orders are bad for you. They just aren't offering a positive impact, however I don't think there's any negative impact from them either. They don't help you in any way, aside from making $$. And could be a problem if that person gives you a bad private review. Obviously you can't know that... 100% my point. A lot of people just see public reviews and say it's impossible to have a success score of 4 or whatever. The reality is, as I said in a reply to another person, there's so much data available, a lot of that data is private, so there's no way for us to know exactly what buyers say, and also what ends up affecting our account. I had half a year in 2023 only with 5 star reviews and very bad ranking. My SM said that the buyer satisfaction rate was low, much lower than usual. If you just look at the public data, there's no way I should be either at the bottom of search results, or even removed from there. But private reviews said otherwise so.. I will leave others to try and figure out what is factored in the success score algorithm and just work the best I can to assist my clients. There will always be some people that rate by mistake or rush, just like there will be people that take their time to complete everything related to reviews. I can't force people to rate me, I am not that kind of person, even if Fiverr certainly seems to value reviews way more than autocomplete orders. I have a person that orders quite a bit every week, they don't bother with reviews. Should I force him to share a review? No, clearly he is not that kind of person. I value business relationships more than a review..
  6. Well it's hard to know that without having access to all the data and full picture. I am looking at it objectively, there's a lot of data we don't have access to, and we don't know. Like those pesky private reviews. We also don't know how much importance older orders have, they said less, but there's no percentage. So there are tons of unknowns that all factor in to the review scores. Revisions and extensions were said to not matter, but they might, we don't know. Cancellations.. which ones matter, which don't, was it all solved? Fiverr won't show these things or tell us more about the algorithm behind this success score. Even if it's AI calculating it, there's data used there that we have no idea about. As for customer support, I don't even think they have any idea about the algorithm and how it works. They have predefined replies most likely, or they send you to those new Fiverr help pages about how to increase your score. Going to the success manager might help, but not all the time. The thing is, everyone is looking from the perspective of public reviews. Half of 2023 for me was only 5 star reviews, and despite that I was ranking very poorly. Went to my success manager, and she told me my buyer satisfaction rate was poor. So even if publicly you see something, that doesn't mean it's the entire story. There's a ton of data we don't see that all factors in. I don't like the fact there are private reviews, nor do I like the fact that we are kept in the dark about a lot of factors. And I saw what people shared here, even 3 of my gigs have a high score, yet they all have negative impact from client satisfaction. I try to help people by offering some objectiveness here. Even when I talked with someone from Fiverr before the review and level system was implemented, I asked for specifics and I was told it's above their paygrade. So clearly customer support have no idea either, they just have premade replies. At the end of the day, these scores are based on data. And when there's a lot of data we don't know, along with a review timeline and cancellation criteria we don't know either.. it's hard to base ourselves only on the public reviews. As I said, I know from my experience last year that even if you have only 5 star reviews, your buyer satisfaction rate can be pretty bad. So what I am saying here is from my own experience, trying to help people. I don't know or care if/what AI they use, I just care about what I have under my control. But there are obviously things like private reviews, buyers self-canceling and other stuff that will affect your score and which are obviously out of your control. I just focus on what I can control, and that also means trying to find alternative sources of income because Fiverr has become very volatile to say the least.
  7. I mean half or more of my orders sometimes are autocompleted. My success score is 9 and has been ever since the implementation of this system. I don't think autocompletes are the problem. The issue is when/if they leave a bad private review. You have no idea because you don't know what people do in the background. I waited for a buyer to say what they want revised for 3 days, they did not reply, and once they did reply after 3 days, 10 minutes later customer support canceled the order. So there are people that will go to customer support to cancel behind your back, rate you only privately, etc. And in the case of that person, they also used my work, of course. So yeah, what we see in the foreground is only a part of the story. I can say that from my own experience, I had months with only 5 star reviews and despite that the buyer satisfaction rate was poor, my success manager confirmed. I only had 5 autocompletes, messaged them and 3 of them said they were very happy, just didn't have time to review, the other 2 never replied or came back, based on the inbox.
  8. I had this happen to me last year. So there are people that just leave private reviews, my success manager confirmed it. So yeah, it might be due to that. I dislike that we can't really see any feedback and we are randomly affected...
  9. And in general those that bother to leave it, leave a negative review or certainly not very bright. I think they said they implemented private feedback because they said some buyers are afraid to say exactly how they feel in a public review, because they might be scrutinized by sellers. And based on what stories were on the forum with buyers harassed by meksells saying "why did you not give me 5 star", I see where they are coming from. As always, due to other people's mistakes, we all get punished. And yes, in most cases it has a very bad impact on our revenue. Because not a lot of people leave private feedback, and obviously having 1 negative out of let's say 5 can be extremely problematic. At this point, I just deliver the best work I can and stop worrying about all the random metrics. A lot of things are outside of my control, and I have enough things to worry about these days anyway.
  10. I mean, compensation and benefits would appear from a company that you work for, you were hired by them, etc. We are freelancer, we use their platform to find work, but we handle our own income, taxes, etc. So realistically, I don't see what kind of compensation one would want from Fiverr. It's all about your performance, if you have poor performance or you broke the rules.. then they take action. It's hard Always try to find a secondary or multiple sources of income. Today's environment is uncertain to the point where if you keep all the eggs in one basket, that basket can break and you can end up without any income.
  11. It might be that some person rated you poorly when it comes to private ratings. I had only 5 star reviews for months in a row, and when dealing with a similar issue, my success manager from Fiverr said that my buyer satisfaction rate (shared privately at that time) was quite low. She also told me that even if someone gives you max rating publicly, they can still leave a bad review privately. Also, some people ignore private reviews and if someone leaves a bad private review, that can have a lot of negative impact on your gig.
  12. There's no monthly evaluation anymore. That's the thing. Now if you fall under the treshold, you have 30 days to recover. As for becoming a TRS.. it's manual and only Fiverr's team can pick you. Also if you were not picked, they will re-evaluate in 6 months. So basically you now have 2 chances a year to become a TRS. 1 every 6 months.
  13. Fiverr uses AI to try and avoid hiring people for these tasks. And I doubt they even care who is an agency and who's not. Clearly as long as an account makes money for them, it's fine 🙂 I can tell you for a fact that there are writers who on YouTube and even on their LinkedIn say they outsource, some even have their own outsourcing business you can see clearly.. yet on Fiverr they say "I will write", I will do, etc. And obviously you are compared to those because they are a seller just like you. I know Fiverr has the Agency feature coming soon, but do you really think these people will admit they outsource and apply for an agency spot? Unless they are offered major incentives, they are much better off misleading people and competing against solopreneurs like mine or you. It is what it is... but the fact that now the success score is lowered because someone is outsourcing and you get penalized for actually doing the work on your own.. that's a whole new level of being unfair.
  14. Obviously everyone is treated as an "account", unless those people will choose to apply for an Agency. But it's clear that they compare accounts between each other, and if you're an agency or you outsource your work, obviously you obliterate the competition when it comes to volume. I am certainly faster than a lot of writers, but even I can't compete with someone that outsources to 10-15 other people.
  15. Everyone's business is hurt one way or the other, to be honest. The change to this new level system was not smooth, there are still a lot of unknowns. For example I saw people still complaining about cancellations damaging their success score, even if it's supposed to be fixed. Then we have you as a seller being compared to other sellers and their performance, even if that "seller" is in fact an agency. How can I compete with another writer that outsources 30 articles a day, and I write everything myself? Come on.. if you think that's fair... That's where my issue stems here.. but at the end of the day I know that we won't have that much control. The platform has investors, stockholders, they are the ones deciding what features are added and where the platform goes. I've been asking for a way to stop people from purchasing gig package multiples.. for years and years. And it wasn't implemented, most likely never will. I get the outrage people have and I have my own disappointments with this level system, but at the end of the day I just try to focus on my work. I talked with someone from Fiverr, shared my feedback, and unfortunately I don't think there's anything else I can do.
  16. Now we get into another thing.. Those sellers that say "I will" yet they are an agency. However they don't disclose that, and buyers trust them. Dishonest practice, very common. I am proud to say I've accomplished everything I did here without external help. Yet obviously people will compare me and other solo freelancers with "agencies" that are presented to buyers as a single person working there..
  17. You don't. The only problem is that you can't have 20 gigs anymore, they limited us to 10 as a level 2 seller. I have 4 so I am not affected, but having no difference between level 1 and 2 when it comes to the number of active gigs, then all of a sudden 30 for TRS.. That doesn't sit right with me.
  18. I guess. But as I said, that email doesn't share any detail. They do say this: "To enhance your skill set, we recommend focusing on continuous learning and development within your field. Consider taking online courses, attending workshops, or seeking mentorship opportunities. Here are some resources to keep you competitive." - which for someone with a decade and a half in their field.. I find it hilarious. So yeah, nothing really helpful, but I get it, this is a general email sent to everyone. I would appreciate if they actually said why they didn't consider you as a TRS, especially since there are 2 evaluations a year.
  19. Yeah, I got the email last night, and it's the most AI generated email I have ever seen. It doesn't say WHY you were not made a TRS. Instead, it basically says something along the lines that your quality doesn't match what they want from a TRS. At this point I don't even care, it's not like it will make a huge difference aside from a shiny badge and colorful presentation for my profile. I was TRS for years and there's no major sales difference, at least in my niche anyway. But re-evaluating every 6 months, that's brutal 🙂
  20. From what was mentioned, even if you lose your level you can still have Seller Plus. The change is only for new sellers, they have to reach a certain level to qualify. But if you already pay for the service, you can go ahead and continue paying.
  21. I mean, the new level system was launched a month ago so I assume the grace period ended today. They did say the new level system will enter in effect starting with March 14th..
  22. I think the changes are still not seen, they might appear a little later. I would just wait until tomorrow.
  23. I just got this notification. Funny enough to receive it on the 14th :)) Are those changes already active or not? Because this seems like a scheduled notification you forget about, one that arrives after the fact 😄
  24. Yes, the level system was introduced on Valentine's Day, but it did not go into effect until today. The idea was to show sellers their current score and give them a month to improve. Starting today, as far as I understand, there is no evaluation date anymore. You are evaluated on a daily basis and if you fall under the level treshold, then you will have a 30-day grace period to get back on track. So yeah, that's why I am confused when I see all these countdowns and people expecting certain things.. They did make some fixes, like the cancellation issue, but I doubt they release any new feature today. If anything, starting today, the new level system is the one and only system. I am sure that if Fiverr does launch something today, we'll have a news post coming sometime later.
  25. I mean, they said that the entire process of shifting to the new review and level system will be gradual. The stuff we saw in mid-February is final, now changes are going into effect. So it's today when people start getting their new levels.
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