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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. That doesn't mean I shouldn't be able to choose how much work I want to receive per customer. I don't like working on large articles myself, and even if it's stated on the gig page, people still order because there's a gig multiples option. So it should be the seller's choice what and how they want to sell. I don't have a problem with the number of orders. I have a problem with the order size. The seller should have control over what orders they want to receive, right? Just like you are able to start/stop the 3 gig packages, you should also be able to either enable or disable gig multiples.
  2. Thank you for supporting the cause @miiila. Yes, I've been dealing with this problem ever since I started on Fiverr in 2014 and usually I have a lot of cancellations caused by this problem. Even if I just have 3 word counts I offer through gig packages, people still order with multiples and more often than not, those huge orders need to be canceled. That has a negative impact not only on how people find me, but also my overall income. And yes, it's been problematic for customers as well. I hope this will be implemented soon, if it was indeed implemented for the VO section, I don't think it should be any challenge adding it to the Writing category. Honestly, the entire website should need this, because gig multiples should be something the seller agrees to.
  3. I hope someone at Fiverr sees this, because it's an issue for a lot of people. Due to the nature of my work, as a writer, I always have people that need many articles at once, but my workload doesn't allow me to go over a certain word count. Unfortunately, people place large orders without my consent, and canceling those orders has a negative impact on my account. That's why it's important for sellers to have an option where they can turn gig multiples on or off. That means it should be an individual decision for every seller, it's not like gig multiples would be removed. But in many cases, a seller just wants to offer 3 packages and that's it, no gig multiples for that package. Please implement this, because it's extremely important.... Other platforms like SEOClerks already have it, and they implemented the option in the form of a simple button.
  4. Actually when you become top rated seller you usually have less sales, because you are inclined to increase your prices..
  5. Not exactly. You should have a proven track record. You can have 100 orders in queue, if you cancel all of them that doesn't prove anything. However, completed orders are another thing entirely.
  6. I am not sure how this relates to the topic. But you are right, Captain Obvious 🙂
  7. You don't achieve it. It's a paid program, it costs $30 per month.
  8. I don't think that having a big team is a requirement. I don't need such a service, but I do have consistent work and I am sure I would qualify. I do agree they are playing it safe, because they have to, they can't just hand out free money.
  9. Exactly. They might change it. But the seller might receive a warning anyway. And then there's also the fact that it seems new rules are coming for cancellations. A seller plus email specified that from now on, customer support won't cancel the order unless the buyer agrees to it.
  10. Well I can tell you I received a warning. It takes 3 months for the warning to go away, if you have 1 or 2 more warnings you usually get banned. Generally when that happens you go and cancel the order, and customer support agrees. This also happened to me in November. I had customer support randomly reaching me that an order was canceled because the buyer realized 6 MONTHS AFTER DELIVERY (and after he published my work) that my content is garbage. Customer support had no choice but to cancel the order, because that's what the buyer wanted. They refunded him, but also protected me, so I got paid. But the cancellation remained, so it is what it is. I did nothing wrong, the content was according to his request, but he never came back to me. And he was online multiple times during the 6 month period, I saw he had reviews from logo sellers, designers, etc. So yes, buyers will most likely cancel if there are any issues like copy pasting and stuff. Again, it happened to me. Even if I feel it was unfair for him to do so (and Fiverr did too, because they offered me the money back for the order), they had to cancel because the buyer wanted. So they won't remove/change, it's against the TOS. As I said 3 times now, the seller can do what they want. It's better to just learn from it and move on.
  11. Well the cancellation rate is one thing. Asking to change a review is against the rules. And that leads to an automatic warning. So I wouldn't risk it. But as I said, it's their account. I got burned with that kind of stuff even if I didn't even say anything to the buyer that I want him to change the review. He went behind my back and I got a warning so... I can only assume him sending the buyer to change the review will bring an automatic warning. Again, we are talking about different situations here. What he is asking is against the rules to begin with. Your stuff was way simpler.
  12. Not really. If he sends the buyer to customer support so they change that review.. it means he manipulated the buyer and he receives a warning for sure. As I said, I didn't even talk with the buyer in question and he went to customer support because he felt bad. And I received a warning out of nowhere. It's better to just move on from these things. But if he wants to risk a warning, it's his account 🙂
  13. I had a buyer do that without even asking me first and I got a warning. If buyers request any change to the reviews, the seller will most likely receive an account warning. So, just move on.
  14. Unfortunately I just use it for a single gig that's newer. But I can't help you.
  15. It can be hard to know. I am rarely removed from search, unless I have a lot of cancellations (even if it's my fault or not when I cancel, as a seller I always end up penalized for the cancellation). I am using promoted gigs, but they don't really give me that many sales, even if I have the highest bid they ask there. So I don't rely on that as much.
  16. That would be ideal, but then again there are so many currencies that it would be hard to manage and also quite expensive. So unfortunately I doubt this will ever happen.
  17. Adding Cryptocurrency would just involve extra costs for Fiverr. Then there's also the fact that Crypto is very volatile, and some gigs tend to take 15-20 days or more to complete. By the time those 20 days are over, the cryptocurrency can end up losing a lot of value, take Bitcoin who had a massive drop recently. Fiverr still has to pay you in dollars, the amount that was purchased. And trust me, Fiverr won't take a loss on this. There are many other reasons, but for the one I said above, I am 99.999999% confident they won't ever add crypto payments unless they go for a stablecoin or something that doesn't lose value.
  18. No, I mean the seller's prices. What they charge customers for their work.
  19. Well, as a writer you can easily use a VPN, advertise from the US and thus ask for a lot more money without even being a native user or having the experience you mention. Generally, US writers charge a whole lot more due to being native. It depends on the category of course, but in the case of writing using a VPN is a serious problem and it can lead to a ban.
  20. If you check his account, he is back. However he only had a single sale the past 7 months so..
  21. Yes, and most likely penalize him because he asks for a review change.
  22. Ratings are final. There are some rare situations when Fiverr customer support might delete that, but it's due to a buyer manipulating the Fiverr system for example. Let me share a personal story, I had a buyer who ended up sharing a 3.3 star review, then 1 hour later decided to have it changed. He went to customer support, they deleted the review, but I received an account warning. And I never said anything to him about changing the review, I didn't even mention the review, I just asked if he needs anything modified. So, I would recommend to take this as a learning experience and move on. As you might end up with situations way worse than a bad review.
  23. Congrats I guess. Me, @vickiespencerand @theratypist are a much higher level and no one congratulates us....
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