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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. An update here. Fiverr support canceled the order and they told me there's an issue with the blocking system. It is indeed an error on their side and people can actually purchase from you even if you blocked them. So, be warned, it can happen. The support person I talked with told me they are addressing the issue, but keep in mind, it's an issue you can face.
  2. Thank you. I will definitely update, for now there's no reply from customer support, but I just sent the request a few hours ago. I am not rushing this, but I do hope I can cancel the order and hopefully the person understands I am not ok working with them. It's just business... after all.
  3. And to make things even worse, I explained them I can't cancel myself because I can get penalized, and he said he went to customer support asking for me to not get penalized. I had this happen one time before, when I received an account warning for an order because the person asked for the review to be removed. I really hope I avoid that. And it's all because Fiverr's blocking system doesn't work all the time. Anyway, the reason why I am sharing this here is for people to take notice that the blocking system might not always work, so be careful how you deal with clients. I will update with the resolution.
  4. So the same person came back, placed yet another order, despite being blocked. I have no idea what Fiverr is doing here, the person is blocked and yet they still place orders without a problem. I am very unhappy about this, I don't like the idea of constantly getting penalized for nothing, even if I have a gig with lots of reviews, I am just as unhappy as anyone when their order is not judged fairly. I pour a lot of attention and focus into this, and knowing my work is just randomly reviewed is removing all my motivation to do any work for this person. I already told them I can't work on their stuff anymore and then blocked. But they were still able to place an order. The second order placed after I blocked them. I went to customer support and hopefully they cancel this order without me getting penalized, but I am more concerned that they can always come back and place another order. So hopefully the solve the blocking issue for me. That's the worst problem I am facing when it comes to this person.
  5. I like all of them, mostly. I am not that much into Football because it's too weird to control, but other than that I like them all. Tennis, Chambara and Bowling would be the trio for me.
  6. That is a very good pick. I think I have Blur on Steam, didn't fire it in quite some time. I am preparing to play NFS Heat again, I played when it came out but was very busy with work and ended up only 25% complete. I know there is a new NFS coming in a few months.
  7. Not sure if there's a mobile game named like that or if it's the BLUR from a decade ago. I enjoyed that one quite a bit. Asphalt is filled with too many microtransactions for me, same for most mobile games in my case.
  8. I got it mostly for the workout stuff which is great, Switch Sports is nice, and platformers in particular are amazing. Plus things like Zelda and Mario Oddysey are very fun too. I played or at least tried all the roguelites above, and I can recommend some more. But now everyone is with Cult of Lamb, I will play it eventually but now I am waiting for the Gotham Knights game and other stuff like that.
  9. Just got my Switch OLED this summer and even if I am a PC gamer I do like it, especially the workout and sports stuff. Regarding Quarry, I just started it, just played an hour, and it already crashed once... But overall the story is interesting, and I find it very good espeically to play a little during the evening/night after finishing work. Because it's more or less an interactive movie and I like that about it. I like roguelites, and I was eyeing Cult of the Lamb, it's quite interesting and I wanted it for the Switch, seems like a much better fit there. But.. waiting for a discount for it. I played Isaac, of course. I like the play, not the subject matter, but it is very fun. If you are into roguelites, I recommend: Dead Cells Hades Enter the Gungeon Risk of Rain 2 Gunfire Reborn Skul Roboquest Undermine Curse of the Dead Gods
  10. In my case, Switch Sports, Naraka Bluepoint for a bit of a battle royale fix, and also Guardians of the Galaxy and The Quarry. Also trying to play the Spiderman remaster and some racing games. So yes, busy just like you gaming-wise, lol.
  11. I would think that the fair thing to do is to resend everything and obviously have the order complete. However, I will tell you this, I had someone come back 6 months after the order was complete (she didn't rate it), went to customer support and all of a sudden I see the order got canceled. So yes, buyers can go to customer support and ask for an order to be canceled behind your back, months after it happened. That being said, Fiverr did reimburse me the money, so as long as you do everything as the buyer requested, there's no need to worry. At worst you will face what I faced, and I hope no one deals with that. I was shocked to see an order from half a year earlier to be canceled, that's just too random :))
  12. Honestly in the voiceover section is not as bad, because not a lot of people need tons and tons of large scripts. But with writing and translation, it's common to encounter people that want 10k words written/translated within a day or a few days. And if you have a short delivery time like I do, you're screwed pretty much. I really hope they add this and help us.. because this is a nightmare to deal with and I for one encounter this issue WAY TOO OFTEN.
  13. Well if people don't band together and show that this is a real problem, nothing will be done. I always am close to being on track with everything, then a large order placed without my consent with those gig multiples comes and it messes stuff up. Even if you say in the gig description that you don't accept that, it doesn't matter. And it mostly affects writers and translators, people in the writing category in general because this is where a lot of people need tons of documents and stuff like that..
  14. Fiverr gave you a boost and you had the time to acquire orders and reviews. Now they are boosting someone else to the first pages. Now your own marketing and promotional skills need to shine.
  15. Experiment with everything. Titles, videos, images, descriptions. Go through trial and error, see what you can change and then wait a while to assess its effects. The worst thing is that nothing changes, but you might end up with a winner. Also, create other gigs too, you never know which one might take off.
  16. You can protect yourself, if someone sends an inapropriate message you mark as Spam and they are blocked. If a person was a bad client, you can block..
  17. Impressions don't matter. Let's say you have a store in the mall. Impressions are people passing by your store but not entering. Does that matter? NO. Clicks matter, because those are people entering your store, but they don't initiate an order. Why don't they buy anything from you? Clearly they were interested, but something in your gig puts them off....
  18. You can't block them. As Vickie said, you can mark their message as Spam and that stops them from talking with you. The Block button appears only if they had a previous order with you.
  19. No, you can't block a person unless you worked with them.
  20. By stuff I meant either the gig content was plagiarized from someone, the gig image was stolen, maybe the gig image included copyrighted content, etc. There are plenty of things the OP used, yet they did not own.
  21. I can only assume the image you had had some sort of stuff that was plagiarized/copied from somewhere. Maybe you featured a template? Fiverr takes stuff really seriously.
  22. What gig did you offer? Most likely that type of gig is seen as low quality.
  23. @tanvir705, please liking every post I make, it's annoying. And having the highest level on the forum won't give you sales. So all you are doing is annoying people.
  24. It is, mainly because you work on something knowing the review won't be objective. So that's the worst type of order you can have. Anyway I hope I won't have to share any update and that this block really works.
  25. I mean...if the customer won't place another order I won't go to them. But if he does, I will definitely do so. I really hope that's not the case. Regarding the options in My Gigs, it's disabled so even if he has the link he can't order if he is blocked or I am in vacation mode. So.. it does seem it was a bug.
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