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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. Clearly people are abusing it. Fiverr allowed them to choose businesses from an ever-growing list and they found it a lot easier to do that, while also creating a fiction in their buyer's mind that they are highly qualified. So there are plenty of abusers like this in the writing section where I am active.. I can only assume it's a site-wide issue. But when someone that asks for $5 or $10 for their gig says they worked with Netflix, Starbucks and Microsoft as their main clients, that's fishy as hell man.
  2. My fastest reply was within 5 minutes, but it was a negative one, saying that I need to initiate the cancellation myself and then wait. It did take 2 days to solve the issue, but the CS representative replied within 5 minutes, so yeah, I was shocked.
  3. No. You will receive support for free, but you have to wait. But clearly you are in a rush so.. there are options for that. They will get to you when it's in queue.
  4. I don't know in other categories.. But when it comes to writing, I saw a ton of very very cheap sellers with grammar mistakes in their gigs claiming they wrote for corporations. I highly doubt that. But as you said, prone to abuse 100%.
  5. I don't see why I am downvoted when I am speaking the truth lol 🙂 There are obviously a lot of people that need support and there is a long waiting queue. The only way to speed things up is to be in the Seller Plus program, and you have a lot more perks.
  6. This explains why people lie and choose big companies. Especially for writers, I saw tons of very cheap sellers that claim they worked for Microsoft, Google, etc.
  7. I haven't received this feature yet. That being said, I am not sure how Fiverr checks these clients, because I saw $5 or $10 writers claiming they worked with Samsung, Logitech, Netflix, Starbucks, etc. So I am pretty sure this system is manipulated as well.
  8. You do realize there are hundreds of thousands of people that need support and assistance. While some tickets are easy to handle, others require the involvement of multiple divisions within Fiverr, and that's just for a single person. In order to do your job right, it takes time, and that's the case here. If you want faster support and other perks, maybe you should consider the Seller Plus program, that service will guarantee a response within 5 hours, no matter your level. If not, you just have to wait.
  9. Do you have a portfolio showing what clients you worked with, maybe with some testimonials from them? Do you have a good social media presence? I mean, Fiverr does check to see if you are indeed a Pro level person already in what you do. So you must have some track record. But this is all speculation from us. They will never say the specific requirements, so... we can only assume. But from what I saw, if you have a great online presence, articles written about you, etc, that stuff helps. But in the end, we can only assume things regarding this..
  10. Well, Fiverr Pro will refuse applications way more than what they accept. I did see that some of the Pro sellers are questionable, but Fiverr thinks they are dependable so that's what matters. When it comes to success.. 150 reviews or so is not a whole lot. But Fiverr doesn't care about what reviews you have here. They care way more about your online presence and track record. So you most likely have to work on that. It is what it is.. it's better to just focus on delivering the best work you can, work on your online presence more and you will get there eventually.
  11. What they mean is that you still have to withdraw the funds, it puts them in your Fiverr balance and you have to withdraw them on your own, you can do that right away or wait. Yes it costs extra because you might use this to withdraw $10 or $300 faster. Obviouslty there are different charges. And while it's an option, it's definitely not something everyone will use. I find it ok, you shouldn't rely on this all the time, just when you need money quickly. It works great for me, no complaints. And the 1% fee for a faster withdrawal is fine.
  12. Well to be honest for me it comes once a year, close to the holidays. It happened 3 times in a row now, so it doesn't feel random, it feels like a pattern. It might also be related to the fact that for some reason in August-September I tend to get these nutjob clients that always want way way more than they pay and I can only assume they messed some stuff up with private reviews. Feels like that. Anyway, it is what it is.
  13. Yeah, I get it and understand it. It still sucks though, I will say that. Then again, I worked very hard for the past few months so it might be Fiverr saying "slow down a little".
  14. Maybe it changed. I am still quite reserved to cancel 27 incomplete orders. For some reason Fiverr's algorithm decided to push be way back in search so I barely have orders now, which means canceling so many orders is a death sentence for my account for a few months if any or all of them are affecting my account.
  15. If I remember correctly, you can cancel the order if it's been like this for 10 days, and the requirements are not shared. I have 27 of those, some from 2020 (older ones were canceled by Fiverr a few months ago during their "purge". As long as the order is a week and a half, 2 weeks old and it's still incomplete, you can safely cancel. Or you can go to customer support just to be safe.
  16. Fiverr pushes every seller a little bit, then they promote others. It's normal. Do you expect Fiverr to promote only you and not let other sellers shine?
  17. Create some general samples and you will be fine. Whenever a buyer asks for free "samples" on their own topic, they try to scam. It's obvious.
  18. He could also just lie, trying to make you feel guilty into paying him for his work. Some sellers are very manipulative, so you have to take that into account.
  19. I think it has to do with private reviews. As they say, there are some internal things they monitor and that might be one of them. I never had this happen to me, so I can only assume it has to do with some unknown metric that's hidden to sellers.
  20. You need to realize that 12 reviews in 6 months is not a lot. Some people get that many reviews in a day or a few days at most, within the same niche. So it's not a problem when those people get featured because they do more good work and others get pushed away. Generate more orders, rely less on the Fiverr algorithm like Maria said and you will be fine. Rely only on Fiverr's algorithm and you will have issues.
  21. That was a server downtime and not an update. They didn't add any new features or anything. It was just time for maintenance. The orders close in 3 days automatically, unless you need to deliver again or the buyer completes the order on its own. The Fiverr maintenance that took place a month ago didn't change that at all. Pretty sure your problem stems from the fact that you're not doing anything other than waiting for orders. You do need to promote yourself and experiment with various gigs and marketing tactics. On top of that, Fiverr promotes every seller for a little while but if you don't generate sales enough or have bad reviews (private or public), they will push you at the back end of the search results. So, performance matters on Fiverr and it doesn't have to do with any Fiverr maintenance. It just has to do with you and how you manage your Fiverr business. Because there are a ton of competitors and if you don't stay at the highest performance level, others will take your place. Just like in real life business, just because it's online that doesn't make it different. A lot of stores closed because they didn't know how to market themselves and others took their place. Same thing with Fiverr. You need to know how to adapt.
  22. There's no update. There are more and more people coming to the site and maybe the same number of buyers. So, more competition equals more orders. Your performance will also affect the overall number of orders too.
  23. You answered yourself. It's the FORUM rank. It doesn't matter for the main site. It just shows you are active on the forum and nothing else. Like William, I am a grandmaster myself here on the forum, but I just participate in discussions. We don't expect sales or anything. We just contribute to the community.
  24. You said it yourself. You are offering coupons to CREATE A LONG TERM RELATIONSHIP with a client. That's what you get in return. Also no one forces you to offer a discount. I have people asking for a discount all the time. I never offer discounts and I still have a lot of return clients. How? I provide value with my services and I already provide affordable prices so.. Rethink the way you approach your business and you should be fine. Focus on the customer and not on yourself and what you get from it. In the end, that's when you will have a much better experience on Fiverr.
  25. Exactly what Vickie said..you migth get the option back eventually. However.. think about it, is it a good idea to always ask for a loan? Ideally you want to avoid loans altogether and focus on setting money aside. Because living from loan to loan might not be that great. At least that's my opinion!
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