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Everything posted by donnovan86

  1. I don't think this makes any difference. I shopped for a few services myself and couldn't care less about what social sites people link to. The main focus for a buyer is usually on reviews, pricing, value for money, etc. I agree some people might check these things, but I for one I am more interested in studies, qualifications rather than social media linking. Many buyers are browsing lots of seller profiles at once trying to make the right pick, so I doubt they spend time on tiny detials like this.
  2. I had 2 cancellations over a month and a half ago. Those didn't have any major impact, but last week I had to cancel an order from a new client as I said, and since then it has been pretty much a wasteland when it comes to orders. This leads me to believe that the first time buyers thing is very recent, maybe it was implemented sometime this month. Anyway, was the tricky buyer a first time buyer?
  3. Well I saw you had one, I had one too. I also refunded a first time buyer due to her not ordering something I cover, and even if I tried to do 2 different versions, she was constantly asking for more work. I just had to tap out and refund. Ever since I refunded, I barely received any new inquiries from customers. So I can only assume that even if you refund a first time buyer, that also affects stats quite a bit. So it can be a number of things.
  4. Alex, I am Alex too 🙂 Regarding this sales slump, it affects a LOT of people. As Frank said, it might also be from first time buyers sharing less than positive reviews. So yeah, there can be a number of things. My success manager said I had a few bad reviews from first time buyers and that seems to be a huge issue these days..
  5. Why not increase your delivery times? Make it as long as possible, this way you will deliver early, not late.
  6. I think AI has to do with our sales slump too. The same thing happens when it comes to writing. Aside from someone that benefits from a Fiverr highlight right now, I see most people that usually had lots of sales in general barely have any work. When I messaged my success manager to see what's wrong in my case, she did point out that my buyer satisfaction rate is ok, slightly lower but nothing to damage me. What's the issue is, according to her " That is specifically reviews that come from buyers who purchase from you for the first time." So it's not just people new to Fiverr, even if a person has been on Fiverr for years and it's the first time they buy from you, their review matters.
  7. As I writer myself, I understand the pain. There are some people that want me to "edit" their work at a cheaper price than just writing. And I end up with stuff that's so bad I have to write it again. If you are a part of the Seller Plus program, you can stop people from ordering with the "Request to Order" feature. If not, I recommend asking for the entire thing, not just a sample. You want to go through everything, because they might "manicure" the sample. That means the final thing might be really bad. It's just my opinion, of course. But for proofreading, I always recommend checking the entire thing and not just a sample.
  8. The problem is a lot of people will try to undercut prices. It's human nature and they can't help it. I agree with you 100%, people shouldn't be reluctant to buy something, they need to be excited. Otherwise yeah, they will be a pain to deal with. I can attest that from my own experiences.
  9. Well new buyers in general, because people with older accounts that are your first time clients can also bring in the same amount of damage. So the lesson here is..new clients can be a risk. I do agree that "new to Fiverr" clients are the most dangerous if we take on all the info shared above..
  10. Gradually removing the weight of a review is a great idea honestly. But it might not be something we will see for a long time, if at all.
  11. I can 100% attest this, I just talked with my seller manager today and apparently my sales slump has to do with a few scammers that were first time buyers, I already know who they are. Of course she didn't mention any names or anything, but she said that first time buyer reviews are the reasons why I barely receive any messages, let alone orders. This is what's confusing to me at least. Any idea what's kept in the loop for 90 days and what changes every month? I assume no. I think more transparency might be needed here. Keeping us in the loop with the things that are important and we need to improve upon is very important. Right now, we have no idea if the BSR is lower (I didn't receive that email even if I am a seller plus member) or why it's lower in the first place. The same thing can be said about those first time buyers leaving bad reviews. Instead of being left in the dark, maybe a message when we fall below a certain threshold and why might come in handy. I know this is wishful thinking but who knows, hopefully someone at Fiverr sees this. Knowing what we need to improve when something went wrong is better than just shooting in the dark and seeing what sticks. I for one, before talking with the manager today, didn't know that first time buyer reviews were the ones that pushed me back. I assumed, but there's no way to know for sure. Also, Frank, I wish you a great birthday and a happy year ahead 🙂 Thank you for the post and assistance over the years.
  12. No seller can have more than one account. If they create a new one, it will get banned too.
  13. So you think. You don't know what people might have said as a part of a private review. I had someone rate me 1 star because they rushed and that obviously affected my sales, so who knows what might be the problem in your case. But as I said, it might also be that you already have a lot of orders and others in your category don't. It can be a number of things.
  14. Well impressions don't mean anything. Clicks matter, they show how many people actually click on your gig. You have 19 orders, have you thought maybe that's why Fiverr pushed you back, so others can receive an order too??? It's either that, or the fact you might have received a bad private review, those things can push you back considerably.
  15. That still means some don't and some of those people ended up sharing a bad private review. What's funny to me when it comes to these repeat scores is that for the past 2 weeks the score for me was 94. Not enough for 95, but not that much under either. I don't think it has any major impact anyway.
  16. Most likely there were other bad private reviews that you did not know about. You can say that again. But it is what it is, we are in the service industry and there will always be a bad client, it's the nature of the business. I think I have 100x that number of completed orders and it doesn't matter, I am still dealing with the same lack of messages and a bad private review or two. Since Fiverr covers the past 2 months, the only thing we can do at this point is to ensure all the clients we do have are happy with their work. If you did have bad private reviews, cancellations, late orders, etc, those will eventually pass and things will improve.
  17. Well I think in your case is has to do with the 2.3 star review that you received recently. If you have few orders and a negative private/public review like this appears, then that can have a negative impact on your tenure here on Fiverr. I am dealing with a vengeful 1 star review from a client that didn't know what he ordered and didn't provide any proper requirements, but it is what it is. Do the best work from now on and work hard, improve your skills. You should see this downtime as a great time to improve 🙂
  18. Here's another tip. Why waste your time with finding ChatGPT replies on a forum? Invest that time in bettering your skills.
  19. Misleading and not true.
  20. You can read the terms of service here https://www.fiverr.com/terms_of_service. But as the others said, you can't have multiple accounts.
  21. You explain that based on your experience and reviews, your prices are fixed. People will always ask for a discount and some sellers say yes. That's why they always ask, it never hurts and at most the seller will say no. I had people ask for discounts on $5 orders so..
  22. Well your performance in the past 2 months matters. If you had a bad review be it private or public, few orders, stuff like that can affect you. I am dealing with that myself, I am in search but I am pushed way back due to one (or maybe more) bad private review. So yes, performance matters. At this point all you can do is to work on your gigs, promote them, improve your skills, etc.
  23. It most likely has to do with a lack of recent deliveries, bad private reviews, etc. Or simply the competitors surpassed you with better performance..
  24. Actually I think it might help you with branding since it's consistent 🙂
  25. I assume the last order was the one that was marked as delivered without any file, so they offered credit for that. I can only assume the other orders were completed properly, hence the reason they only refunded him this last order. That would make the most sense.
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