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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. For microphones I use the Shure SM7b and the Neumann TLM-103, Adobe Audition, and the Universal Audio Apollo Twin MK II for interface and processing. https://www.uaudio.com/audio-interfaces/apollo-twin-mkii.html
  2. I sort of understand, but honestly, this is about doing business, and if someone is trying to be polite, but misses the mark, who cares? It is about getting paid. Now if they are rude that's different. You can order my gig and call me Sunshine if you want. Money, money money.
  3. Thank you, glad to have you here. Good luck. Let us know how we can help.
  4. Absolutely. I am thinking of posting a test "mother of all bad advice" post to see how many Condos I get.
  5. I think it brings up the question whether we should spend time even trying to help new sellers, who are like bots when it comes to copy/paste bad advice, then high fiving each other for doing so. All while ignoring the good advice we give. It seems futile. Costco.
  6. Yeah, but watch how quickly some one will post "stay online always". 😀
  7. Great article, but you missed the key point for me, which is that it is misrepresenting yourself. If a seller uses an auto-refresher to appear online when they are not, they are dishonest. Just as dishonest as someone who lies about their qualifications, or steals other people's work.
  8. Pobably more sellers is the problem. How about $29/month to sell on fiverr? Lots more business.
  9. Yeah, Kronos was kind of unpleasant. Kronos was the son of Ouranos, who turned out to be a cruel and unjust leader who was particularly awful to his wife and Kronos’s mother, Gaia. So, it didn’t take much for his mother to convince him of a cunning yet gruesome plan. A plan that led to Kronos castrating his father with the swing of a scythe! Understandably, you don’t come away from an event like that unscathed and a rather traumatised Kronos was indeed worried that he would live out the same fate as his father. So, to ensure his children never had the chance to overpower him he swallowed them as soon as they were born! Castration, baby eating, it’s easy to see why Kronos is one of the worst Greek gods in mythology. https://www.definitelygreece.com/worst-greek-gods/
  10. So your advice is to repeat what has not worked initially? You do not get "rank" from your gig, you get "rank" from the profitability of you gig.
  11. I think we would all love to see your documentation of this, provided it consists of something more substantial than, "I don't like where I rank, and want more sales."
  12. Not sure what you sentence fragment means.
  13. That may be, but I feel that it is their business. I just get tired of every single reply to some posts being "Praise the Totem."
  14. OK, I am gonna go there. On Fiverr, you are supposed to be running a professional business. As such, we tend to keep politics out of our communications, both in gig descriptions and on the forum. I suggest that we do the same with religion. I would never purchase a gig that says "I will edit your video through the grace of Jesus" or Allah, or Vishnu, or Yahweh, or Jehova, or any of the other hundreds of possible deities. Not that I have anything against religion, I actually find comfort in mine. I just find it unprofessional in business communications. From the huge amount of sellers who complain about not having sales, while constantly evoking God in each post, I would suggest that God does not ring the register. He may be a bit more concerned with pandemics, war, world hunger, the suffering of children and such, as opposed to getting you a buyer for your logo design gig. Improve your gigs, do worship God, but realize that God is not going to send you buyers on Fiverr. If that were true, everyone would simply give the big guy a shout out on the forum and magically the TRS badge would appear. Flames in 3...2....1 Pray for me.
  15. Agree, plus you get that world class support from Adobe if you need it. If you use Reaper and something goes wrong, you are screwed.
  16. I'm sorry you are not getting orders, but thank you for proving that the "stay online always" advice is false, and should not be repeated. Good luck.
  17. Completely wrong. Reviews are there to guide buyers as to what to expect. When you order fuzzy slippers from Amazon, do you read the reviews? The fact is that the best way to get a good seller is to look for people with great reviews. Otherwise you are gambling. I'm not saying that a Level 1 seller won't be good, but I'm saying you have a much greater chance of getting a good product from a TRS. That is kinda the whole point.
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