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About mozammal

  • Birthday 01/01/1904


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  1. Hi expertise, I am level 1 seller. I have met all other criteria except the score to become Level2 seller. can anyone help me to tell the Tips to increase the score? thanks in advance. mozammal
  2. Hi guys, Hope all are well. I am not happy to recent sells in fiverr. My Level being downed. I was eligible for Top rated , only one issues Success Score. I don't know about that and don't know how to improve that. And another issue I faced , one of a bad guy who was new buyer and ordered for learning from me hourly. I tutoring him first 2 hours and he paid for one hour and then completed the ordered. Later I didn't tutoring him as he didn't pay me for another hour but he asked to teach him regularly. I didn't agree. The miracle things happened after 20 days of order completion. he left 1 * (star) review that I never expected. And that review downed my profile more. Whereas I worked many big more than $1k (thousands) projects with very good reviews , unfortunately I got a bad review from a new buyer with only $10 order. I think he is spam and he will be harmful for others seller. Now I don't know how to get new order and how to improve my profile. I have been working since 2013 with good reputation all the way. I hope good advice and help from expertise and top rated seller and buyer. thanks in advance. mozammal
  3. Hi tech guys 🫱,

    How much selling is going on this month?

    How to improve sale?

    How to improve score?

    Level1 Seller!!!!🥱


  4. Hi buddy, Hope all are doing well. Anybody know what the meanings of "Conflict-free orders ----Negative impact" One of my Gig level down and showing "Conflict-free orders ----Negative impact" How o improve it? thanks in advance mozammal
  5. Hi buddy, I am sellers in Fiverr in last 7 years. I have been completed 76 orders successfully. I have good reviews in my profile , but on a sudden last few months my sales being slow down. I don't know why its happening? Is any algorithm of Fiverr has changed? should I change anything in my current gig? Need to add any special keywords? why dont see brief notifications? And unable to bid without any brief. Please suggest who has great experience in Fiverr Gig, current algorithm and boost his sales in great extend. thanks in advance. regards mozammal
  6. Hi buyers,

    Is the business going slow? or My account hasn't seen to buyer. This months looks going very slow business. ?


    Hi sellers,

    is this month going good sell?

  7. do Gig favourite exchange in social media . @mozammal
  8. There is no Order last month. Gig impressions down and clicks down. Is there any new method or technique to increase them? thanks mozammal
  9. No Order in Last months. How to get more order ? How to improve Gig impressions and clicks?

    Any new method to improve the Gig impressions and clicks?




  10. Hi Sellers, I see sending proposal instantly after getting brief notification is the highest chance to get the job. Do you know any other things that is the highest chance to get the job? thanks mozammal Leven2 Seller Bangladesh
  11. Hi Guys!

    How are you all?

    I am back after a month.

    Hope you all are keep earning....


    I hope its good start again for me and will do the best start....




    Level2 Seller


  12. Why buyer can able to do revisions many times although there was Zero(0) revision when creating custom offer? Zero(0) revision means buyer shouldn't revision in the order he accepted, doesn't it? thanks mozammal
  13. thanks for commenting. Yes, you are right. Actually I inactive few months, so I didnt get new order. I havent got order months, not only this month.
  14. Hi fiverrian mate! Please suggest if you have practical experience to increase your gig impressions. thanks mozammal
  15. Hi fiverrian mates! Hope all are doing well. There are no sell this month. Why the selling being down on a sudden? Do you have any idea about the sell down??
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