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Everything posted by newsmike

  1. As if they've never seen a single Charles Bronson movie.
  2. I believe it is quite proportionate since you hurled the first insult with the "gaslighting" remark. Otherwise, if you choose to not invest in your business great for you, but don't expect us to cry the "Fiverr's not fair" tears with you. This is business. Play or step aside.
  3. Participating in something that you believe is extortion may be a sign of mental instability. BTW, Fiverr does not demand you participate in seller plus or promoted gigs. It is just available for those of us that feel our businesses are worth investing in. You are free to sit them out and sulk.
  4. Totally agree, begging for pity orders is not cool. In fact it is manipulating, which is against TOS. I couldn't resist looking at the purchase history and am surprised to see who made the 2 fake orders. This really needs to be reported to trust & safety.
  5. I would suggest that you need to improve you English skills if you want to get buyers from English speaking countries.
  6. Absolutely. Very smart to reward your regulars, and make it a benefit of loyalty. You can prep them and make them feel appreciated while quoting prices... "Just FYI, I'm adjusting my rates soon, but you've been with me so long that I'll continue at the old rate till year end." Or whatever makes them feel appreciated for staying with you. Great way to handle it.
  7. That may be true for some companies, but overall, the world will not stop marketing. We will likely have to work harder to attract the buyers as things get hyper competitive. Maybe time for sellers to reinvent their gigs from the ground up, sharpen the pitch? Just a thought.
  8. Of course, you may need to raise even more. Absolutely.
  9. This is terrible advice, Buyer's requests are only for the most unskilled sellers and scammer "buyers".
  10. How about you first tell us how you prepared for success before starting a business on Fiverr?
  11. Normally I suggest an annual price bump to keep up with traditional inflation rates with a 5% increase in January, however we are in unusual times. I am now advising any sellers with a regular clientele to consider an additional 5% bump this summer to keep pace with this most unusual situation.
  12. You are very kind sir. Thank you.
  13. It is precisely what travel agencies said when Expedia launched, what record labels thought of Spotify, and what theaters chains thought of Netflix. You ignore what is not a threat, you scream the loudest at what keeps you up at night. Union work will continue to be protected, and the 0.1% of VO artists in the world who perform at that level will be fine. But there are billions of dollars floating around for anyone willing to step up to the mic and grab it. BTW, Don LaFontaine enjoyed giving tips to folks working their way up. I once saw him speak in LA, and afterwards a group of aspiring VO artists cornered him in the lobby, he sat down and chatted with them for a half hour. The real pros are not scared, only the mid level folks who are afraid that top level sellers on non traditional platforms like Fiverr, and whatever comes next, may eat some of their lunch.
  14. I have found that no one has ever been able to get around this answer to the above question. "Perhaps, I'm not understanding you correctly, are you asking me to work for you below my normal wage, and if so why?"
  15. Bravo, raising prices is still the scariest thing to do, and when you do there is always the few days of silence that seem to follow, just to scare you into thinking you have made a terrible decision by doing so. But then suddenly the orders start up again. The best part is that you now earn almost 10x what you did for the same amount of your time.
  16. Nice, I can't seem to get Mongolia.
  17. No, I think that is the generic spot for US, can anyone else confirm?
  18. I'm guessing your anniversary is in late January?
  19. Agree, if you note, my examples were of those who do not make them well. It's all in the approach.
  20. I agree that forum participation is not a consideration, except that I would suspect that if someone is a member that a quick review of their warnings and content would be in order. If someone were to be a candidate yet their posts were all: Why does Fiverr steal 20% of our money? Give me tricks to make quick sales. Customer service sucks. How can I pay outside Fiverr, or send my personal info to someone. That would be enough to take a pass. Plus I would look at their interactions with CS. I know many argue with CS and go full metal Karen on them, I would bet they have a list of their least favorites. Otherwise, basic published requirements, private reviews, and, I would hope they are giving preference to those using "seller plus" and "promoted gigs" as well. You know, those investing in their own success, both monetarily and through behavior, public and behind the scenes.
  21. What a great point to counteract the "Fear of editing my gig" fallacy. You gotta keep freshening.
  22. I would love that. So far, @frank_d is the only forum regular I've done business with. Looking right at you @mjensen415
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