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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. "These types of people"... Who? Indians? I mean... If you were only after stopping spam, wouldn't my suggestion of more active moderators be a solution? Stricter requirements of quality, perhaps? What would you call this category? And will it only be tailored towards people from India and Bangladesh? What if a guy from the UK posts spam? Should we refer him to the "Indian and Bangladesh category"? I'm no more a fan of "pray for me" posts than you are. They piss me off. They should be removed from the forum. But why go after nationality? It's insulting to the thousands of sellers from those countries who actually have talent. Should we have a "Spam pot"? Yes. Should it have anything to do with the members nationality, religion or ethnicity? No. Besides, do you think the spammers will voluntarily post to this category? No. So.. What I think we need is stricter rules on spam/pointless posts, more moderators among the active and contributing members who are on here daily trying to keep the forum sensible, and admins who take a more active role in governing the community. What we don't need is prejudice.
  2. First of all, don't make assumptions about my political leaning, please. Secodn: Segregating people based on their nationality/ethnicity is the very definition of racism. You can sugar coat it all you want by claiming that doing it to people of a certain nationality is different, but it isn't. I'm not gonna go into a political discussion with you. But I stand by what I said: Your suggestion is racism. Have a Good day.
  3. Yeah Breaking Bad is awesome! Game of Thrones: I tried it. Oh boy did I try it. Like six times! 4-5 episodes in and I've lost the plot, realizing the only reason I'm still watching is because of Emilie Clarke and beeeeewbs. 😂 Strange Things is great! Love the fake nostalgia (that's not really nostalgia, even though they make you think it is). It's so 80s, without being 80s at all. Chernobyl is perhaps the best mini-series ever made. So eerie I get goosebumps. "vnimaniye, vnimaniye"... 😬 Oh man, I miss that show! Dang it, Dale! You look the part, too! :D You just need a more sinister stare on your profile pic. I'm watching an episode of Sopranos every now and then. A classic. And that intro music with a couple of big ass subwoofers will wake the neighbors - 3 miles away. Haha yeah I love it. It's borrowed from Dolby and cut together with a Plex intro. I thought it was a fun transition. To me, no series even comes close to X-files, though. I grew up on that stuff, and man do I get the good vibes when I hear the intro late at night, sitting alone in my dark home theatre with a cup of tea after a long day.
  4. Why would you do that, instead of setting up your own Payoneer account? (Sorry @theratypist I didn't see your answer before I hit save)
  5. Let me see if I get this straight: you wish to segregate people based on their ethnicity in the forums, because you don't like what they are posting? I agree that spam is a huge pain in the neck. But you can't seriously expect Fiverr to start sorting their forum members based on ethnicity? This suggestion comes across as racist if you ask me. And if we want a solution to the problem, it's staring us in the face: hire a bunch of new moderators among the more active and dedicated members of the forum, and have them help out sort the posts. Combine that with a bit of programming to keep certain categories away from the home-page of the forum, and we're nearly there. Then the spammers (regardless of their ethnicity) can spam among themselves in some hidden corner of the forum. Will it happen? I don't know. But I'd sure as hell not come up with a suggestion to start sorting people by their ethnicity. That's just wrong. End of story.
  6. THATS AWESOME. Yes, in capitals. I love seeing sellers doing fun stuff with other sellers as well. Your drag queen video is hilarious - I love it. And don't worry about "hijacking" my thread, I love fun stuff like this.
  7. House MD is awesome, too! I would have put Chernobyl on the list, but since it's a mini-series I didn't. But I agree, that's some high-quality stuff right there! Thanks! :D
  8. Got inspired to do something else than work for once. I'm constantly responding to messages, recording or writing and translating. What did I spend my hard-earned cash on? A freakin' home theater with Dolby Atmos, electric smart recliners, and a 150" projector screen filled with a gorgeous 4K projector. (Yes, yes, I know, the wife already told me it was a stupid idea, but a man needs a cave. More on that later!) But the problem is that I never, ever get to use it, because I'm constantly working. So I decided to stay up a while longer and consume some content for once, rather than creating it. So this leads me to my question: What's your favorite TV series? My favorites are: X-Files Breaking Bad Prison Break Mr. Robot Back to the wife telling me it was a stupid idea.... So I made this awesome cinema intro with the help of the great voice of Honest Trailers from Youtube (he's on Fiverr!). It's supposed to remind you of those intros before the show starts when you go to a proper cinema, but with a personal touch towards the end. Happy wife, happy life. Intro at the bottom. Dolby content borrowed (with permission) from Dolby. Custom video at the end is from another seller here on Fiverr. Home Theatre Plex Pre-roll with custom trailer voice (Dolby Cinema intro).mp4
  9. It doesn't affect your ranking as far as I know, but it's always fun to get buyers from new countries. Not much you can do to increase it, though, since it will depend entirely on what you're offering and where the demand comes from. So don't worry so much about it. It can be fun to have a higher number, but you should focus on improving your gigs, services, and knowledge. Offer great value and high-quality services to your buyers, and instead of focusing solely on getting as many buyers as possible, try getting great buyers and keep them coming back. Your repeat business score matters because having many repeat buyers can get you a nice badge on your profile, which might increase sales. Buyers can't see your "world domination", and I think this is more for fun than anything else.
  10. I don't mean to be negative, but if you just had a cash advance and recently paid down the loan, but still want another cash advance right away, you're on a slippery slope. Living off of credit is never a good thing, even if you don't have to pay interest.
  11. Indeed. I wrote a post on the same topic a year or so ago. If your English skills suck, I'll automatically assume we'll have communication issues, and someone else will get the order. I am. At least, I'm suggesting that people should make an effort. It's darn easy to install the Grammarly extension. There's no excuse. Ok, so I wouldn't be bothered by the odd typo here and there (I have them myself), but it's apparent that these people aren't making an effort at all. They don't care. Thank you bro in law! Or was it lawn.. Brotha in lawn! That's it.
  12. @uk_webcreations Generalizing people from India is unnecessary at best , at worst, racist. I've worked with many sellers from India who do excellent work, and I don't think the forum reflects any single group of people from any nation. I think the problem with the forum is this: it attracts sellers with no talent. The sellers with talent have limited time for the forum because they are doing real work. Then you have the group of people that I consider myself a part of - the sellers who have plenty of work - yet are also engaged in the community because we want to help. But there are fewer and fewer as time goes by, precisely because the state of the forum has bottomed out. We agree on that. But generalizing people from specific countries isn't making the forum better, either. I know you said you weren't here to improve the forum, but I'm gonna take you at your word: "I wouldn't mind helping out genuine freelancers who need help selling their genuine skills" - and say that you want to help as well. And I think that's great. I'm in the same mood as you when it comes to the forums. Here is an example of a PM I got on the forum the other day. It would be funny, if it wasn't like this all day long.
  13. I didn't expect you to come here to make friends. But expecting fellow members to behave in a civilized manner when communicating in the forum - perhaps especially when they are complaining about the state of the forum - I think is very sensible. What do you think you'll gain by using derogatory terms? The forum is by no means a mandatory part of Fiverr. You can sell your services on the platform without even touching the forum button. I agree, the forum is not fit for purpose anymore. And I agree that the admins should be more involved in the day to day operation of the forum. I'd love to see a more involved team on the forum. But I don't think name-calling and rude behaviour will get you a response any sooner. That's just my opinion.
  14. Calling people a complete waste of space on the forum is no better than asking people to pray for you every five minutes. I was going to post about how I agree with the forum getting worse, but now I just want to point out that speaking to people the way you did just there is worse. You're setting a bad example if you want to improve the forum, in my opinion, by behaving in this manner. With all that being said: The forum has become a place for useless and repeated nonsensical content. I know several of us "oldies" from the forum, who used to write guides and helpful posts, and responding to a lot of the requests for help, have just given up. I'm still at it when I can, but anything I write will dissapear in a sea of "pray for me" posts and "I got 1 order congratulate me". It's sad. The state of the forum is sad. It needs a big team of active moderators who will sift through and remove pointless posts, or at least, put them in a category hidden from the front page of the forum. Something has to be done, because I'm not sure how long I wanna keep sifting through the useless posts to help sellers with actual questions, or spend two hours of my life writing content that hardly anyone reads, because 90% of the forum now consists of people with no work ethic who won't even spend five minutes to learn new stuff, but just want to confirm that staying online 24/7 will get you X amount of orders.
  15. Welcome, dear miss madam! Happy to have you in the forums! :D Smileys are ok - sometimes! It all depends on the tone your buyer sets, in my opinion. I prefer to not use smileys to begin with, but if the buyer uses them, they might find it friendly if I do, too. Personally, I don't think smileys have anything to do in business communication, but I'm letting the buyer set the mood when it comes to that. If the buyer uses no smileys, I just avoid them.
  16. Just search for Dark Mode Everywhere. There's extentions for that. But yes, I agree, a dark mode would be lovely.
  17. I use a Whisper Room audio booth, Scarlett 2i2 (upgrade to Clarett in progress), Røde Broadcaster/Røde NT1/Neuman TLM 103/Sennheiser MK416 microphones, depending on the job, and Adobe Audition as my DAW.
  18. Aha! This sounds like a bit more of a plan. If you own a gas station on the side and you can make an income from that, plus freelancing, you should be ok. It's brave and cool to make the choice to chase your dreams. I do it every day when I do voice-overs. Loving what you do is crucial to your happiness in life. Stick to it. As long as you have a way to put food on the table until you built something great you should be ok! Yes, the chances of making it are low, but if you have a passion for what you do, and the financial terrain to keep at it, you're already on your way. :) PS. Don't call people "sir". I've written a post about why you should avoid sir, mam, madam, dear etc. here: Good on you for following your passions! It makes me happy to see when people do that. Another advice, if you're good at design, is to get more gigs out there (as long as you're good at the different things you do). Don't bet everything on just one gig, and maximize your visibility by offering gigs across categories if you can offer something great! :)
  19. I was hoping this was a joke when I saw the title. You quit your steady job before you had any viable alternative to make up for the lost income? I don't mean to put you down or anything, and I love reading stories about people who finally get out of their 9-5 and start following their dream of becoming a freelancer. There's so much to that word: freelancer. But in these day and age, quitting a steady job without any groundwork for what you're going to do might very well be the dumbest move in your career. I won't say it is, because you never know: you might find great success, and I hope you do! But you're probably going to find out that getting started on Fiverr is much harder than most people think. It takes a long time of hard work, dedication, a bit of luck, and of course, skills that will make you stand out in the overcrowded marketplace. It can be done, but I really hope you have a big rainy-day fund to fall back on, because you're in for a tough ride. I really hope you make it! I love working on Fiverr. It's a great marketplace, it has (mostly) great buyers, and it has given me the freedom to work from home, or the beach, or the hotel. Looking at your gig, here's what I would get cracking at first: Don't offer unlimited revisions. You'll be taken advantage of, and you'll regret it! Offering one or two revisions is fine, but going unlimited sets you to be the victim of bad buyers who will get you to work for free in endless revision loops. I would also look into your gig description. It has bad grammar. You're claiming that you were a top rated seller once. If that's correct, you probably should know all these things by now. Anyway, I'm not sure if you're allowed to use that type of wording, since ranks/levels on Fiverr is meant to be handed out/taken away by Fiverr. At least this is true for profile pics and gig images, where you're not allowed to use levels.
  20. You should get in touch with Fiverr support for assistance, since this sounds like a technical issue. You can contact them here: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/new Best of luck.
  21. Yes, the attention you give to each buyer when responding is crucial indeed. But I know for a fact (after actually measuring this in a spreadsheet, because I like data) that responding to messages after the 1-hour mark drops your chances of landing a sale (at least in my case) by about 30%. If the response time is +3 hours, the chances drop by about 50% on average. Messages sent at night have an on average lower drop rate than messages sent during normal business hours. Since you'll have clients from all over the world on Fiverr, "normal business hours" will depend on where your main income comes from. So there is something to this. But that doesn't mean you should just send "Hello. I will get back to you." just to keep your response time low. The response should always be useful and well thought out, otherwise you're just wasting the buyers time.
  22. Wait, what?! Are you trying to advise people to work for free? That's wrong on so many levels. First of all: you should never work for free, nor should you send your potential buyers "60-70%" of their project without getting paid for your time. If you have to do that, you're way off track when it comes to how you're presenting yourself, in my opinion. If you want a job at a company, you don't just walk into their office, sit down, do some work, then apply for the job. As a voice-over talent, I'm used to doing auditions for jobs. And that's fine. But I would never do "60-70% of the work" for an audition! I may read a line or two, perhaps even three, depending on the length of the script. But working without knowing you'll get paid? Maybe you'll land a couple of gigs, sure, but will they be lasting respectful relationships? I doubt it. Exposure doesn't pay the bills, and frankly, if I ever got "60-70%" of the work done for free, I would think this person is desperate. If they are desperate, they most likely aren't very good at what they do because if they were, the clients would be waiting in line to pay them for their work. So if you ever are going to do this, you better be sure that you're good at what you do (that means knowing a lot more than "the basics"), because I would look at your work with highly sceptical eyes. And you better be sure that the person won't just take your word, say bye-bye, and go on their way with an almost finished, free project. The chance of wasting your time is high. At least that's my take on this. If you want to work for free, then, by all means, go right ahead. Oh, and one last piece of advice: if you want to succeed doing freelance work online, keep religion out of it. You risk alienating people by doing so. Remember: most of your buyers probably won't be a part of your religion, and most religious people (and even non-religious people) can be very touchy about the subject. 🙂
  23. I prefer to cancel, rather than to get a bad review. This is because, if you get a single cancelled order, and you keep delivering other orders as normal, the cancellation rate is something that will get back to normal at some point. A single cancellation isn't the end of the world. A bad review, on the other hand, stays there. It doesn't go away. You can't change it. It's ever-lasting, not to mention, it is public. Your cancellation rate isn't. Success depends on perception: if people view you as a serious and successful seller, they are more likely to buy from you. If you have several bad reviews under you belt, that's less likely to happen. With that being said: I believe there are ways to solve these things before it gets to a bad review or cancellation. By using customer service skills, being helpful, polite, friendly and professional, you should be able to avoid most cancellations. I got an order the other day that I wasn't able to complete due to personal ethical reasons. That meant I had to cancel it. That's life. But honestly, most cases can be solved without cancelling or getting a bad review. If you're a successful seller on Fiverr, you're likely to experience them both at some point, and none of them means the end of your carreer.
  24. I agree. A bit late to edit now, but you make a good point. I think I touched on it by pointing out that it might piss buyers off, because they expect a quick response when they aren't getting one. Yeah, unfortunately, so. But every now and then you'll get someone with actual talent and willingness to learn who takes the advice we give to heart. And if I can help even 1 or 2 sellers to become better, it was worth it for me. But it's sad to see the state of the forums at times. This is why I suggested to the Fiverr team in a Community Leader chat I had with them, that we need a forum only for level 2s and TRS. A place for real discussions and work. Unfortunately, that didn't happen. We just got a new technical platform for spammers to use.
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