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Everything posted by smashradio

  1. I've been saying for a while that AI will eventually replace many of us if we don't adapt. When I decided that I was actually proud to work on Fiverr, not ashamed, I got a lot of bile from the tophats in the business. Let's just say that the same people still use ISDN and want to get paid 5000 bucks for something you can easily get for 500 on Fiverr today while complaining about the "less talented" people undercutting them at every turn. Do I think that AI can replace a voice actor? Absolutely. In some cases. The nuance of a human can't easily be replicated, and I think that AI voices will eventually compete with us for cheap explainer video scripts and mindless Youtube-videos. At least, that's true of prominent languages like English. I'm lucky enough to be Norwegian, and we can't even get a decent Google Home voice in 2023. I might have five years left before I start to feel it. I've also been on Fiverr since 2014, and though I'll admit I started with some cheap gear, I quickly understood that if I wanted to succeed (for real) in the business, I needed to up my game. My experience over the last decade (in addition to my years in radio before that) has helped separate me from the cheap microphone people (and I'm using that as a term for sellers who think they can just upload a stock photo and record in their bathrooms). Oh, wait. You can do that now, with your phone, and still get a decent result, as I wrote about in my AI voice enhancer post. Good lord. However, I don't think AI can easily replace a true human actor with years of experience, but it can most certainly supplement it. I use AI like ChatGPT and Bing frequently to assist me in creative processes but never to replace them. I think that's the key to understanding and using AI: it's a tool helping to perfect your craft: not a craftsman (or woman). Even so, I think it's foolish not to be slightly afraid of AI technology. While embracing it, we should strive to balance the risks because even the creators of AI, such as ChatGPT, are a bit afraid. Let's not walk into a trap where AI becomes a new religion but, rather, a new science. That includes discussing the risks, especially in the short term, as layoffs will happen. Most people have no idea what's coming, and it will hit them hard. The end result will be hungry people. "Hunger is the mother of anarchy." - Herbert Hoover We won't have the technology to feed everyone in the medium and short term, as they become irrelevant. We're not into Star Trek replicator territory yet. And we need to get there sooner rather than later because this race toward AI will cause upheaval in more ways than one. That said, seeing how talent uses this new tech to create positive outcomes is exciting and I'm looking forward to see what can come of your projects in the future.
  2. I'm not sure I understand the question. You're saying a buyer requested a cancellation, but you refused and asked the buyer to accept an extension. The remaining time was too short, so you delivered the order anyway and requested to extend the delivery time again. How could you ask for more time if you had already delivered the order? The buyer is offline, and you have contacted support to extend the time or cancel the order. Is that correct? If so, this sounds like a case of poor communication between you and your buyer. Why did the buyer wish to cancel? If you need more time, why did you not ask for enough time to complete the task? If you delivered the order without making the agreed-upon changes or completing the work properly, that's not allowed, and you shouldn't do that. What is the current order status, and what are you hoping to achieve?
  3. This applies to the universe at large. Pitching can be acceptable. It depends on how it's used. I'm guessing you're not into Scooter. I'm a product of the times I grew up in. Smurfs can go to hell, though.
  4. I'm sorry to hear about your experience and about you ending up in the hospital! You should never let work ruin your health. Not everyone is cut out for the freelancer lifestyle. Running your own business is tough, and it's not meant to be fair or relaxing. Everyone has different levels of stress they can handle before getting burnt out or even seriously ill. You should listen to your body and health and not work yourself into the ground. Unfortunately, I've seen many people come into the freelancing marketplace (not just on Fiverr, mind you!) with the "finally, I can be my own boss" attitude. But being your own boss also means you have all the responsibility when nothing goes as planned, and the going gets tough. Absolutely! And the truth is that not everyone can deal with the stress of running their own business, even if they want to. It's unfortunate to hear about people working themselves nearly to death before they realize it. Without your health, you have nothing.
  5. A Lemmy-after-three-bottles-of-Jack-on-a-blown-amp-without-protection-equipment-solo. But beyond that? No. But I do like Safri Duo. Does that count?
  6. Hey Andreea! You could probably do with some better gig videos. It has a watermark on it and no voice-over explaining your service. The valuable seconds in a video can be put to better use. I suggest hiring a professional video editor/animator to help you with it, and don't use an AI voice-over - please. 🤣 You claim to be a top-rated seller in your gig description. That's not true, as you're a level 2 seller. If I were looking for a seller to make my logo, I wouldn't pick the one with false claims in their gig description. Selling for five bucks is not a good idea. It comes across as cheap (and when most buyers think cheap, they think "low quality"). Nobody is going to put effort into a logo design when they earn 2-3 bucks for the job. That's just the truth, unless you're happy to work for nothing. Besides, the algorithm prefers higher-priced gigs. Just look at the search results for your category. Do you see any five-dollar gigs at the top? Hope this helps 🙂
  7. I suggest confirming with customer support first as well, just to have a record of that on your account in case you get into trouble for it later on.
  8. I'm not from Pakistan, so I'm asking out of curiosity: what makes Payoneer complicated to use? As I understand it, they're the market leader in international payments in Pakistan. I don't think Fiverr will start offering country-specific withdrawal options as long as there is a solution like Payoneer. There are thousands of sellers from Pakistan on Fiverr. They would move on if they didn't get their money, making me think that Payoneer is satisfactory, even if you'd like more accessible options. I would love Revolut as an option, but I don't think that will come anytime soon. Setting up the infrastructure for this is a costly and challenging process that Fiverr probably wants to avoid. When it comes to attracting more sellers with easier withdrawal methods... Frankly, I don't think you should even be on Fiverr if you can't manage to set up a Payoneer account. 🤣
  9. Every seller experiences ups and downs on Fiverr. Gig rotation or a drop in your performance can cause you to become less visible on Fiverr. Remember that buyers can leave two reviews: a star rating and a private review. You wouldn't know if they've left a negative private review unless it ends up hurting your visibility in the marketplace, which is why I always suggest looking at your performance first: did you perform at your absolute best, making sure you under-promised, over-delivered, kept buyers updated on progress, made 100% sure that you understood every buyer requirement before starting work, avoided that buyers had to ask for revisions and anticipate their needs in every single case? If not, you might have increased your chances of getting less than stellar private feedback, which can tank your visibility.
  10. You can edit your gigs whenever you want. That's up to you. I suggest doing some research before editing, including checking out your competition and how they are pricing their gigs. It can give you some strategic insight into how you could outperform them.
  11. I suggest checking with Payoneer support as well. Beyond that, there's not much you can do. Unless you're a Pro, Top Rated or Plus seller, you can expect support to take 24 - 72 hours to get back to you on Fiverr.
  12. To get clicks, you need to have attractive gigs. Your thumbnails have the wrong aspect ratio and don't have enough "air" around the text, making them look messy and in part, unreadable. The design you've used also doesn't follow basic design trends and uses color and fonts in a way that makes them look very 2009. You claim to be a graphic designer with a passion for design. I suggest using those design skills to create stunning gig thumbnails.
  13. I would say no. Make it clear that you did the work as described, and because of it, the buyer can't get a refund, not even a partial one. They might force the matter, but if you stand your ground, you can make it clear to the buyer that you will be the one taking legal action. I know I would. Unfortunately, this might be one of those cases where support is focusing on stopping the buyer from leaving the platform because of their "bad experience", and they might side with the buyer. But that doesn't stop you from taking them to court, if you know who they are. It could be more difficult if you don't, but I'd stand my ground no matter what. Giving him a partial refund is like saying you did something wrong, and you'll have no recourse.
  14. Most likely not, and if he can't prove that your work was less than described to Fiverr, he will probably realize that he can't prove it in court, either. But, I have heard of sellers getting their orders canceled by support months and even years after it was completed. Again, I can only take your word for it when it comes to what you delivered, but going by that, he probably won't get far with any claims to Fiverr.
  15. By the way, the following from the payment terms on Fiverr is very relevant in this case: "Completed orders (or, where applicable, completed milestones) may be canceled, upon review of our Customer Support team, up to 14 days after the order (or Milestone) is marked as complete. Please be advised that orders cannot be partially canceled (i.e. we can only cancel the entire order when it is justified)."
  16. He's probably just one of those entitled people thinking he can push you around. Explain in a professional yet firm manner that, no, you don't offer refunds, nor partial refunds, because you can't take back the finished product (it's digital and customized) and that he is free to take matters to court if he so desires. Good on you for standing up for yourself! I hate bullies.
  17. The pricing structure depends on the category. For example, voice-over uses price-per-word and not packages. Regarding packages, I see it as an opportunity to upsell more easily. People are more likely to buy the mid-tier, and you can use "decoy pricing" to increase revenue. I wrote a post about that here if you're interested. Most of my buyers contact me for a custom offer anyway, so beyond this, I've never given it much thought. A great thing about dealing with custom offers is that you can adapt and tailor each order to your buyers' needs. Using chat is also a great way to upsell. "Do you want synchronization and background music with that?"
  18. First, I'm sorry to hear about your experience with this buyer. While I can't speak to the truth of any claims made by them (or you), I will consider that you're in the right for the sake of this argument. Also, I need to point out that I'm no legal expert, photo expert, filter expert, or expert of any kind relevant to your issue beyond having some experience with horrible clients over the years myself. If the buyer threatens legal action, and you're sure it wouldn't stand up in court, I suggest you contact your attorney. Send all documentation, including the initial order conversation, current inbox conversation, preset files, and examples that support your claim (such as using the two filters on the same image to demonstrate differences, for example – I guess you'd know what works best in this case). Inform your buyer that he's more than welcome to bring the matter to the courts, in which case his attorney may contact yours. Since you're not allowed to share contact information here on Fiverr, confirm with Customer support first to avoid violating any terms! Explain to them that the buyer is considering taking legal action, and you want to respond with a counter-claim. Ask how you can share the contact information with your attorney, etc. Alternatively, they would have to go through Fiverr by starting a legal process against them to get to you. Again, I'm no legal expert! Most likely, the buyer will understand that you feel confident enough to bring the matter to court and drop the matter then and there. If he doesn't, you have a prepared attorney, and if/when it ends up in court, take it with a smile when he has to pay the court costs. If your local laws allow it, claim compensation for lost time at work and all the stress this has caused you. Document everything so you can demonstrate any negative consequences his behavior has had. In my experience, 95% of clients who say they will take "legal action" will disappear when I refer them to my attorney and go about my day. If you're (un)lucky and he decides to take matters to court, and you know you're right, you could put him in his place in front of a judge or mediator. Worst case scenario? You end up losing even more time, some money, and your pride. But it most likely won't come to that if you're in the right here, and I'm guessing you are, based on your OP. Best of luck!
  19. Your inbox response time can show up as n/a (not available) if there aren't any stats to count (i.e., no messages in the past 60 days), or it might be a bug, as this happens to me sometimes. All stats show up as "n/a" until I refresh the page, and everything is fine. If refreshing the page doesn't solve the issue, it's likely you haven't received enough messages to have a response time calculated. When you get a message, respond quickly (but accurately) to the first message that comes in from any potential buyer. That will help you achieve a good response rate and response time. Based on your post, I see that you have very few impressions. This could happen because of the following: Negative private reviews/ratings. A gig not being optimized, i.e., Fiverr doesn't see your gig as relevant for specific search terms. You recently got promoted to Level 1 and no longer benefit from being a New Seller (new sellers often get a slight boost at the beginning to get them started before you're on your own) Your performance has dropped I can't say for sure if any of these are true for you. But it's some of the most common reasons for a level one seller to experience a drop like this. I checked out your gig. First impressions matter a lot. Your thumbnail isn't very good. Even if you get impressions, people won't click a gig with a bad thumbnail. Given that you're offering design services, amongst other things, I recommend that you update your skills and stay on top of current design trends. It won't just help you make better thumbnails but also improve the service you offer your buyers. Your profile picture isn't very professional, either. I recommend hiring a professional photographer and have some real business shots taken. It would help you stand out from the crowd and helps create trust. Dress nicely and find a nice location (i.e. not your kitchen or living room). Consider your own performance as of late. Could you have communicated better with one of your buyers? Are you sure they were absolutely happy with your delivery? Your performance matter more than anything else on Fiverr. Buyers can leave private feedback on Fiverr (secret review), and even if they leave a five-star public rating (or no rating at all), they might say something entirely different to Fiverr in private. Make sure all your deliveries are top-notch and your support stellar by: Under-promise and over-deliver Ensure you're always on the same page as your buyer and thoroughly understand their needs before you begin working. Keep buyers updated on the progress to help them feel safe and involved. And, of course, deliver great work every time! I hope this helps!
  20. You don't pay a tip until after the order has been completed and accepted. Of course people would exploit this! Have you seen the sort of scammers that use this platform? You just need to take a look around the forum, and you'll find questions like (and I'm paraphrasing to make their bad auto-translations understandable here) "how can I cheat the system by using auto-refresher?" or "my account was removed for breaking the rules, now I made another and it was also removed". Others are discussing how to best use AI to produce cheap content for ignorant buyers so they can pretend to be professional "expart" content writers. You have workers jumping off buildings in Japan because of long working hours, you have slaves being beaten to death for taking too many sips of water at work, you have kids getting beaten up in sweatshops because their fingers have grown too much to make cheap t-shirts even cheaper. And you call Fiverrs 20% "abuse"?
  21. The name has be picturing a slightly stern woman of high class. With one of these.
  22. It doesn't matter? You posted a load of auto-generated content that stinks AI from miles away, instead of actually creating something yourself. If you find AI to be more reliable than yourself, you should consider working on that. Oh, and like @vickiespencer said, it's against forum rules.
  23. Stop with this AI-generated spam. You do not impress anyone.
  24. Could you share a screenshot of it? (Without sharing the username of the seller in question, please).
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