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Everything posted by frank_d

  1. I would totally be up for this type of model. I think it’s a win-win: barrier is high enough to eliminate drifters and scammers, plus it’s a great incentive for top-performers. I could definitely see part of the existing products also bundled in that same price level to sweeten the deal (seller plus/promoted gigs coupon, etc)
  2. Oh 100% agreed. That option would be horrible. And to be honest, after a certain level of revenue, everyone starts thinking about what percentage they pay on the platform and for what. So if anything, such an approach would make a lot of Pros not happy.
  3. Think of it this way: Your office is a 45' drive from your home. A brand new highway is built, which helps you get to your office in 5'! Awesome! You start using it and love the fact that it seriously cuts down your commute time. However, more and more people start using it. Now there's a traffic jam every morning. And then the occasional fender bender. And there's always that guy who thinks he can merge without signaling. But I digress. Point is, you are now back to a 45' minute drive, if not worse. Then toll booths are introduced. It's $5 a pop to use the highway. People who don't value the highway at $5, will stop using it. Traffic congestion is eliminated, you are once again enjoying your lightning fast commute. This is essentially why I am OK with this probability. But that's me and how much I value this highway. Other people's mileage varies, and I understand that.
  4. Hey @raghnalltuathai Yes that was pretty much the gist of what I said. I have 0 confirmation from Fiverr, this is pure speculation, but I foresee that we are roughly 2 years away from a paid membership option that will introduce an entry barrier to the platform. This isn't about Fiverr making money off of a series of products. (which they do) This also has the potential of benefiting both sellers and buyers by making sure that sellers have some skin in the game from day 1 and therefore don't spam the marketplace with a full set of 7 gigs, therefore diluting the talent pool considerably. We're not there yet, as there are several indicators I have yet to observe, but make no mistake: this is quite possibly the only solution that would work, even if it's not applied to the entire marketplace and we see a clear split between Fiverr "regular" and Fiverr "Pro".
  5. Multiple gigs from one account can perform well and be positioned well, at the same time period. To the best of my knowledge there is no restriction that would limit an account to just one gig being served to buyers at a time. It would also make very little sense business wise.
  6. I see that you have formulated a template answer, please find my reply about why this is not a great idea. I think the OP is suffering by a hit in their "buyer satisfaction" rate, as while their public review may have been 5 stars, but their private evaluation may have been completely different. If you want to get back in the game, you need to work a bit harder in order to become relevant again. Adding tags no longer works, at least not in any way that truly matters.
  7. I can definitely see some correlation here, worth exploring. 😆
  8. Oh man, I love your banner collage!

    1. enunciator


      Thank you kindly, but it is just a repurposed image from my funny/unusual spokesperson gig with my username plastered on it! 😄

  9. Can you feel it? Something new and exciting is coming our way… 🤑

  10. Feel free to follow my forum account so you can get notified when I create new content! 🙂



    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. frank_d


      So nice to hear from you again! Yes this does takes some getting used to!

    3. genuineguidance


      Holy crud! Welcome back @emmaki! Missed your input on the forum. Always witty, wise and wonderful!


    4. emmaki


      I had a feeling that the update might unban me (I mean, it's probably a lot of boring and mostly unnecessary work to do that, right?)

      This is a very confusing layout overall at first glance. BUT it does look like it will be easier to just not see those kind of posts anymore unless we hunt for them, so it's a bit of a win. 

      I shall endeavor not to get banned again; I didn't like coming to look and only seeing those kind of posts as visitors have no handy filters. I am refraining from naming the type, but I'm sure you both know which type of posts I mean. Those ones. 

  11. Feels good to be back! 🙂

    1. emmaki


      I guess you literally win the 'first!' prize with this forum, then? 

  12. I think that’s a great suggestion. Most people when joining the platform used a very personal screen name, or something that they grew out of. So this would be a great feature actually. Maybe they could allow a total of 2 changes in a member’s lifetime? And we would need to apply and have some sort of check on Fiverr’s end? (so that no one can game the system)
  13. Thank you @amirbeno for your clarification!
  14. The “currently” seems to indicate they might launch it for other categories too, yes, I was just wondering whether some categories might not be considered at all for this, as from the ones listed so far, it might perhaps be limited to “visuals” and music/VO. I’m hoping not, because it would be beneficial in other categories as well. Well, wait and see, I guess. But thanks for the reply, it definitely makes sense if there’s some “verification” to check claim/sample. No I don’t think there are categories that are NOT being considered at all. It will be harder to implement on some categories but Fiverr wants this across the board.
  15. This is a “system-wide” feature as far as I am aware of, and it drastically changes how matches are made. So while initially the roll out will be in select categories, this will soon be available to everyone. Essentially, if you have a tag claiming you do X, and you can also prove it via a sample, the algo will heavily favorite you, over someone who just makes the claim via SEO but hasn’t registered a relevant sample. And then on top of that, I assume how relevant and of what quality said sample is, will also play a huge part.
  16. I made the official explainer video for this feature. 🙂 I worked closely with Roi and he explained how this feature will be expanded and worked on after launch, and I do think that this is an exciting thing for all sellers, as it provided transparency in how matches are made.
  17. The marketplace has changed drastically since I posted this, even though it’s only been a couple of months. There are a lot more variables now in play, like: sponsored gigs, seller plus program, and a few more that are now being tested and are not yet announced. The formula keeps getting complicated, but the premise is the same: It’s all about the right fit, and performance is key.
  18. Cool shots Stefan. I like playing the guitar, taking pictures of every day life and writing treatments for imaginary sitcoms. 🙂
  19. There go my plans to groom the next TRS via my private slack channel.
  20. No, he should grow a beard instead - works well for Frank and I. Clearly that is what it must be, it couldn’t be any of the info in this thread. The algorithm now punishes clean shaven guys. Darn it Eoin, are you giving away the secret??
  21. I edited all my GIGs and now the funny thing is that for a certain keyword most of my GIGs come up as result, so basically, the entire first page is my gigs mixed with others but due to my branding of thumbnail, you can’t miss me 😃 Do not know will it convert to orders, it is a holiday so it is too early to tell. My opinion on the bookmark feature remains that it helps in no way to rank you better. I asked 4 different Fiverr employees over a span of 2 years. It’s not surprising though as there are facebook groups that make a big deal out of favorite exchange and even sell favorites to rubes. P.S. that seller is not the brightest tool in the shed, as there is no way to confirm that someone “hearted” them unless they violate ToS.
  22. @pvitalsolutions you are free to do what you want and you can also disregard everything I said. This is a lot more complicated than you think and I get the impression you think that following someone’s advice and doing one or two things will “fix” something. That is not what this post was about. If anything the take away should be how much more complex this whole “ranking” thing is and how many variables there are.
  23. Well some cancellations can’t be avoided. Due to Fiverr’s multiples system, people can order 20x the regular package for its normal deadline, which is obviously extremely bad for the seller. Many think that the deadline is the same, regardless of how much they order. That’s one of the major reasons behind cancellations for me. I even had a person that asked for a revision saying they don’t like the content, and I spent 2 weeks trying to contact him almost every day, he entered Fiverr and didn’t reply. So… I had to cancel that too. Add to that people that order academic content without even contacting me (which needs to be canceled obviously) and also scammers, so you have a variety of situations when you have to cancel. I did notice that if you have too many cancellations, they do remove you from search. It’s unavoidable in some cases. The more sales you get, the higher the chances of cancellations are. Pro-tip: the higher you are priced, the lower the chances of cancellations. It also helps with the whole “multiple gigs” situation. Pivot from a “commodity” positioning to a higher-value proposition to solve 80% of your problems. 😉
  24. Fiverr 3.0 ABSOLUTELY HATES THAT. I cannot stress this enough. One cancellation alone is bad enough, multiple cancellations are definitely worse. You need to understand though that Fiverr is not punishing you. Nor is it sending “bad leads” your way on purpose. You may be getting less traffic because the algo sees you as a higher risk when compared to others. I think others gave you the same advice I am about to: calm down, no need to edit everything into oblivion. Learn from your recent cancellations, see what you can amend so it doesn’t happen as often. That’s short term. Long term? Look to diversify.
  25. I am not paid a dime, I assure you. If anything, I am spending precious “billable” time. 🙂
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