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Everything posted by Alex.M

  1. If the buyer accepts it then it shouldn't be a problem, of course, this has to be done before the order gets marked as 'late'.
  2. True however the buyers now have the option to extend the review time so hopefully we'll see a change from last year(s) although I doubt it.
  3. I am discussing it with my success manager at the moment but I suspect nothing will happen and I won't get compensated or anything like that.
  4. Some of the reviews received on canceled orders are fair some aren't... some buyers are trying to manipulate sellers to cancel orders knowing exactly how the game works. I just had a case 10 minutes ago. "I don't need to leave a rating or review that is negative but If I don't get my money back I will be forced to'' so as we discussed when this feature was announced months ago some buyers will try to manipulate the system... if "I don't need to leave a review but I will if you don't cancel the order"
  5. might be the other way around 🙃
  6. Well, many things were different, prices were much lower... I remember that there was a period when I had 100-120 orders in queue. But it was the same work for a 5$ order as it's not for a 100$ order ( at least in my case ) so I would never want to have 100 5$ orders in queue. There were other rules as well, bad reviews could be eliminated with cancellation requests after the completion of the order and so on. Fun times 🙂
  7. :)) I did that as well a few hours ago
  8. yes it seems to be working haha 😄 I have no idea how did I got there though
  9. I though it was just on my end... I haven't done anything and I am having the same problem. Temporary fix , right click on tab and mute tab . Not sure if this is something from me or it's a general problem
  10. what makes you think that? any arguments behind that statement? Don't get me wrong please, I am curious and I want to add something else to the conversation instead of the 10's of 'congratulations' spam messages that are above.
  11. Well... if you are a graphic designer you should know this, am I wrong ?
  12. If you redeliver the buyer has another 3 days to review the files, the order gets marked as complete after that.
  13. and is sounds strange to you that your new account isn't approved?
  14. not sure what this is exactly... perhaps you can give us more details
  15. you can use Fiverr there, the problem is that I heard the internet is kinda limited, not sure exactly.. perhaps someone who knows the situation better can explain more
  16. You can try and tell us how it goes, I tried as well 🙂 It usually doesn't end up good
  17. completely irrelevant, the buyer can give you a bad private review even if he gives you 5 stars.. also if he leaves a 1 star review how do you think his private feedback will be?
  18. I believe that honestly always wins , if I am having a bad experience with a buyer I will sure let others know just to avoid putting them in the same situation that I was ... but that's only what I would do.
  19. It was a long time ago... I bought a car 😄 my parents freaked out they were asking about where I got the money from. They thought that I was a drug dealer or something like that :))
  20. Definitely not, it can go away at any time. Sometimes it lasts for a few hours other times for a few days
  21. reviews are private, if you feel like you should leave a 1 star review then leave a 1 star review,it's your right, don't worry about private feedbacks either... if he gives you 5 stars and a bad private feedback it's the same thing
  22. not exactly, that's because of negative private feedback most likely 🙂
  23. not really, everything could be easily solved if Fiverr would remove that modification button after the number of revisions requested by the buyer is met, unfortunately, it's not the case at the moment.
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