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Stop complaining. You don't deserve anything. You EARN it


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I posted this as a response to a topic, but I think it needs its own thread. So, I’ve re-posted this (with some additions) so that more “entitled” sellers see it, and refocus their flawed ideas about selling here on Fiverr.

To those who are complaining about not “receiving sales”:

Come on, guys. You don’t “receive” orders, you EARN them.

Don’t just sit back and expect people to come flocking to your services. That’s not how Fiverr works. You need to do hard work, you need to market, promote, optimize, enhance, research, experiment, etc. Your gigs are your business, and ALL businesses require daily work to make them successful.

And, no, merely plastering your links all over social media is NOT productive marketing. No on cares about those links. If you want sales, you go where your customers are. But you also need to figure out who those people are, and where they are located. Those are the only people that will purchase your services. Connect with them. Get to know them.

Get out there and work. Build your own success. Don’t expect someone to give it to you just because you have a gig sitting here on Fiverr. Work… work… WORK.

You can either work hard every day – and be successful. Or you can sit back, complain, and expect everyone else to do the work for you…. and fail. Those are your options.

Stop complaining, and start working.

Notice how many times I wrote the word “work” in that post? I did that on purpose. Figure out a productive strategy for your success. And get to work!

You don’t deserve sales. Get out there and EARN them.

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I agree with what you said here, but I hope you don’t get spam messages in your inbox, asking you stuff like "OK, I read your post. I will
promote my gigs and go look for my customers…but HOW do I do that? Please tell me!"
I got a lot of “How do I…?” messages a lot. Does anybody offer “I’ll teach you how to reach out to customers and promote your gig without spamming” gigs here??

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I do, as one aspect of my “right hand man” gig. The reality is that none of these people who moan want to/are willing to actually pay someone for professional help. Instead they read the outdated, useless, affiliate link written drivel that is available on various blogs and sites that suggests things like sending spam messages to other sellers begging for work, posting in the buyer requests section and spamming the forum. The amazing thing is that most of those moaning don’t even seem to read the fantastic tips that are available on the Forum.
I used to have a specific gig for it but was plagued by those looking for free advice so I deleted it.
The usual way it goes is:
“blah blah blah, saw your great posts on the forum. I think you are the right person to be my mentor to help me on Fiverr”.
Sends custom offer explaining how I can help

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You’re absolutely right. That’s what I personally believe myself. Now I’ve not been receiving orders for a couple of months now but I know it’s my own fault as I’m not trying to work on new tactics to get through, to beat my competitors and things like that.
We must make sure to keep researching unique methods to provide unique services otherwise, it’s hard to get along.

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I’m glad to hear that you understand that success comes with hard work. You’re already a few steps above the new “make me successful” sellers on here. Good luck as you continue to find your niche, and develop your strengths as a Fiverr seller. 🙂

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  • 2 weeks later...

Although on one side I agree with you: Fiverr gigs are a business and should be treated as such, and it is hard work, and everything you said, on the other part I think that it shouldn’t be like that.

I mean, you’re giving 20% of your earnings to Fiverr because you’re basically paying them to expose you to a larga amount of possible buyers. Your job should just be offering good stuff so people decides to buy a service from you. Because if you’re going to spend so much time and money on marketing, why not just do it outside of Fiverr, and on your own?

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Hosting your gigs here on Fiverr means that you have a marketplace, available tools, and a space to feature your work. But every business needs good marketing. Never, ever just sit back and hope the sales roll in. That is bad business. Work hard, promote harder.

Keep in mind too, you can, most definitely choose to build your business on your own (without Fiverr gigs), but then YOU need to build a website to host your gigs, pay hosting fees, and you don’t have a freelance marketplace to feature your services in. Always, always market. Marketing builds visibility. Visibility builds success.

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