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My Visitors: An Interesting but Rather Serious Spooky Issue


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The best way to get rid of a spirit is to simply say this outloud:
“To any spirits who are present in this home/building, In the name of God, please go away.” in a very stern and serious manner. This will let them know they

If it is not a truly strong or dark entity, the spirit should go away. The entity that the OP is describing does not seem to harm the OP so the entity should leave fairly quickly once done.

Other suggestions to removing a spirit from a household is indeed burning sage in the house - in a few cases I have done paranormal investigators is trickle a bit of holy water into certain rooms that I feel alot of energy in, maybe draw in an imaginary cross with my fingers on the side of a wall with the holy water.

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You can’t really block a portal but you can close it.
A popular example of a portal would be using a ouija board - once you use this board you open up a portal to a different dimension where spirits of all kinds can enter - both good and evil. You close the portal by placing the planchette telling the spirit “goodbye.” If you do not do so, it would create an easy path for spirits of all sorts to follow you.

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I’m not watching this. I already watched one the other day which had several people around the world all talking about very similar experiences to ones I’ve been having.

For someone who hasn’t experienced seeing something in the same room as them in whatever capacity, it’s easy to dismiss like UFO’s etc. However, hearing other people discuss exactly the same phenomenon that you are experiencing is quite unnerving. More than that, it’s just wrong.

Lately, mines seeming to just be watching me. However, I’m having some really messed up dreams now too. They all start like I’m fully awake and someone I know is in the same room. An old friend, an ex girlfriend etc. We start chatting but I start to realize that my ‘friend’ is always hiding their eyes and starting to grin the more that they realize that I’m slowly realizing what they are doing. Then as I realize finally that it’s not them, bamb, it’s like they rush at me and everything goes black.

So, that’s more lights on, later nights, earlier mornings and more $$'s on coffee each day. Yey! - In fact, this could all be some kind of curse implemented by my local cafe owner. No wonder he’s always so busy.

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