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Is fiverr dying

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2 hours ago, developerlikhon said:

I also understand your concern, but we can point out their mistake without hurting them, so no one can do the same mistake again.

I pointed out statistics, basically. I can't control how you feel about that. 

Edited by mandyzines
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1 hour ago, mandyzines said:

I pointed out statistics, basically. I can't control how you feel about that. 

Wow, after a break from the forum I decided to check out the old neighborhood, and the decline is truly shocking. Seems you, @donnovan86 and @vickiespencer may be the only original folks still even bothering to keep this forum going. Otherwise it has quite literally deteriorated into a library of whining, superstition, misinformation and other assorted hokum. 

Edited by newsmike
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3 hours ago, newsmike said:

Wow, after a break from the forum I decided to check out the old neighborhood, and the decline is truly shocking. Seems you, @donnovan86 and @vickiespencer may be the only original folks still even bothering to keep this forum going. Otherwise it has quite literally deteriorated into a library of whining, superstition, misinformation and other assorted hokum. 

If you check my profile and look at the number of posts I have made in recent months, you will see that I, too, have taken a break from the forum until recently. Did you know that everyone is now limited to ten posts? 

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20 hours ago, developerlikhon said:

I also understand your concern, but we can point out their mistake without hurting them, so no one can do the same mistake again.

Oh, they will keep doing the same thing over and over again, because they believe that posting whatever on the forum will magically bring them orders and make them rich.

And don't worry, they're not hurt. They don't even know what @mandyzines posted, because they don't bother to read.

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On 6/19/2024 at 9:33 AM, donnovan86 said:

There are less buyers. There are also WAYYYY more new sellers, many of which use AI and have little to no talent. So you can see why they added that success score thing, to differentiate the millions of sellers/gigs. There are less buyers on Fiverr based on the latest info, however the platform itself is not dying. Yet due to having more competition and less buyers, you can see a lot of sellers, even the older ones, struggling.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts. It's definitely an interesting time with AI becoming more common on platforms like Fiverr. I get why there are concerns about new sellers using AI and the impact on quality.

But I also think AI can be a great tool when used the right way. While some might rely on it too much, others can use it to enhance their skills and offer even better services. The success score system seems like a good idea to help separate those who really provide value from those who don’t.

With more competition and fewer buyers, things can get tough. But I believe that if we keep improving our skills and adapt to new tools, including AI, we can still succeed.

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On 7/2/2024 at 5:45 PM, dponzio said:

I did ask the question on the marketing that Fiverr is doing to attract buyers,  and of which quality,  in another thread but I did not get a response. I saw a few ads on youtube last year, to me they did not seem to target serious and valuable buyers.  

As an affiliate (as well as a seller and buyer) for Fiverr, I was told by a member of the team that manages affiliates that their main buyers come from the following markets (not necessarily in any order, but US is the foremost at this point). I have targeted my ads for first-time buyers accordingly:

US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Hong Kong, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus, Puerto Rico (US territory).

My own experience so far: Since I started earlier this year, I have received commissions for first-time buyers from: Namibia, Kuwait, Serbia. I also have over 700 new registrations associated with my affiliate account, overwhelmingly from Africa-Middle East-Indian subcontinent region. I was told that most of these are likely seller accounts, but FTB buyer commissions may occasionally be generated over the course of the year.


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8 hours ago, mark_sgp said:

As an affiliate (as well as a seller and buyer) for Fiverr, I was told by a member of the team that manages affiliates that their main buyers come from the following markets (not necessarily in any order, but US is the foremost at this point). I have targeted my ads for first-time buyers accordingly:

US, Canada, UK, Ireland, Australia, New Zealand, Israel, Oman, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Slovenia, Hong Kong, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Austria, France, Spain, Portugal, Malta, Cyprus, Puerto Rico (US territory).

My own experience so far: Since I started earlier this year, I have received commissions for first-time buyers from: Namibia, Kuwait, Serbia. I also have over 700 new registrations associated with my affiliate account, overwhelmingly from Africa-Middle East-Indian subcontinent region. I was told that most of these are likely seller accounts, but FTB buyer commissions may occasionally be generated over the course of the year.


Thanks for casting some light on the geographical sources, some of which are affluent countries - I wonder why the platform, with some rare exceptions,  attracts the most clueless, delusional and budgetless buyers. Those whose only "business plan" seems to try to get free or bottom cost services, and of course they expect the highest quality and 24/7, immediate assistance. Those who have grandiose plans, but miss $50 for a professional online consultation. Was it the platform's marketing that convinced them to be able to get everything at zero cost? At least this happens in my service segment, which is B2B business development and sourcing. What do you think?

Edited by dponzio
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