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  1. Hello Fiverr Team, @Lena @ana_tomy @Lyndsey_Fiverr @Kesha Could you please help me too? My account was permanently disabled, and it has been 90 days since then. This week, I received an email from Fiverr containing a link to withdraw my funds. However, when I opened the link in my browser, it showed that "The link has expired." I have reached out to the Fiverr support team multiple times, but I keep receiving a nonsensical response every time and they mark the request as solved. It seems to be an automated reply. You've assisted other customers who have the same problem as me, and I hope someone from your team could help me too. Thank you for your Effort,
  2. @shihabahamednr Yes, I know that Fiverr provides a link that stays active for 7 days after we open it. Unfortunately, immediately after I opened the link, it showed that "The link has expired," not after 7 days as they have mentioned. I tried to contact the Fiverr Support Team multiple times. Today , I've sent them 4 support requests, and I keep receiving the same answer every time, which makes no sense. It's surely an automatic response. This is why I'm here, hoping that somebody from the Support Team in this forum sees my problem and helps me. Otherwise, I will lose all my money.
  3. Hello Fiverr Forum, My account was permanently disabled, and it has been 90 days since then. This week, I received an email from Fiverr containing a link to withdraw my funds. However, when I opened the link in my browser, it showed that "The link has expired." I have reached out to the Fiverr support team multiple times, but I keep receiving nonsensical responses every time. It appears to be an automated reply, and I am not making any progress. I hope someone could assist me. Thank you.
  4. Hello Fiverr Forum, I am facing the same issue with My account . My account was permanently disabled, and it has been 90 days since then. This week, I received an email from Fiverr containing a link to withdraw my funds. However, when I opened the link in my browser, it showed that "The link has expired." I have reached out to the Fiverr support team multiple times, but I keep receiving nonsensical responses every time. It appears to be an automated reply, and I am not making any progress. I hope someone could assist me. Thank you.
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