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I'm thinking of testing a new AI gig idea. Fiverr should love it, right?


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As we all know, Fiverr is madly and blindly in love with AI. Until it comes to its senses and realizes that AI is a cheatin' good for nothing [badword], we're all just going to have to live with it. 🧿

So I was looking today at the listings for "hybrid content", also known as "hybrid ai content", which Fiverr chooses to call a "complex AI service". I was very surprised to see that the seller who has made $2m selling exactly these services was nowhere to be found - she'll happily promote her hybrid writing and team of expart writers off-platform, but on-platform, it's strictly "human writing" and never mind those reviews.

Of course, this is all perfectly legit under Fiverr's Community Standards, which mean nobody has to tell anyone they use AI unless the buyer asks. And the buyer really needs to ask first and do due diligence, not trust that the Fiverr marketplace, bustling as it is with integrity and vetted, trustworthy professional sellers.

 You know what happens when you pop the words "hybrid content" and "hybrid AI content" into search? Yeah, nobody's selling this complex AI service. Or at least they're not mentioning it if they do.

Now, I'd quite like $2m dollars. So since this is a super-in-demand service that buyers are rushing to pick up, why shouldn't I give myself the only gig that's like, in the niche? Open. Honest. Transparent. Explaining my process. You know, being a seller with integrity.

On the other hand, I have a feeling there's a reason that this $2M seller doesn't fully disclose what she's doing, and maybe she wouldn't have all this money if she did things differently. So, shall I waste time on this test or not?

It's very simple really: AI writes content, I make sure it's not 💩. But it'll still look like an AI wrote it, because that's essentially what hybrid content is. Mind you, I'd probably cut out the top notches and lighten the fluff. That'll really demonstrate the complexity of this and totally make me a millionaire.

What do you guys think? This will be a really easy gig to launch because I'll just use AI to make everything so it's pretty much zero effort on my part. 2 million dollars, here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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I was thinking of running this by my success manager, but then I realized she was on vacation until my membership either gets cancelled or increases in cost by 100% despite a price lock.

So there's that. I am adrift in a sea of ideas with no guidance 😞

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12 minutes ago, emmaki said:

Now, I'd quite like $2m dollars.

Who wouldn't 🙂 

12 minutes ago, emmaki said:

On the other hand, I have a feeling there's a reason that this $2M seller doesn't fully disclose what she's doing, and maybe she wouldn't have all this money if she did things differently. So, shall I waste time on this test or not?


If you stay within the Fiverr rules, I don't see why you shouldn't test this. At worst, it won't work and you just waste time creating the gig. But it might be great, 

The problem with that seller, and I know who you are talking about, is they specifically want people to think they are writing everything manually, and also themselves. That inspires trust with people. Even if that person outsources and also uses AI, Fiverr won't care since it makes them the 20% and people are happy. Yes there are some complaints but who cares, everyone has a bad review here and there right? 

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4 minutes ago, emmaki said:

I was thinking of running this by my success manager, but then I realized she was on vacation until my membership either gets cancelled or increases in cost by 100% despite a price lock.


I will experiment and see if sticking with the Standard instead of Premium is ok for me. So I will pay $20 for a month or two, and if this feels useless, then I will cancel altogether. But I don't see myself paying $40 a month. I just don't see the value. Fiverr sales have dropped quite a bit for me, so I don't see any justification. 

Even if promoted gigs is successful for me, they also take into account subsequent orders, which I am not a fan of. If Fiverr helped me get a $10 order from a client, that's what they should be showing me. Not that the client was happy and after that placed a $100 order or whatever, that has nothing to do with promoted gigs, it's just me doing a good job and keeping the client. 

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I wouldn't make a gig without looking at the keywords first. And in general - this won't shock anyone here - the most popular kw for AI writing revolve around finding and using an AI writer (or just vanilla GPT).

When it comes to hiring someone to write your AI article for you, at most the traffic is around 20 (take this with a grain of salt, as even low traffic kw can  yield good traffic). On GTrends, terms like complex ai services and hybrid content don't even have data.

In contrast, terms like "hire copywriter" "writing service" etc. have much better traffic, even when you niche down. What does this tell us, everybody?

The only thing that puts me off this is the whole "value of delivery" thing really. That and potentially losing RTO. And probably not being able to use the gig as a soapbox warning against deceptive AI practices on Fiverr.

Hey, I have another gig idea! "THE GIG VET" in which I get hired to vet sellers for buyers since Fiverr can't do that job for some reason.


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9 minutes ago, emmaki said:

As we all know, Fiverr is madly and blindly in love with AI. Until it comes to its senses and realizes that AI is a cheatin' good for nothing [badword], we're all just going to have to live with it. 🧿

So I was looking today at the listings for "hybrid content", also known as "hybrid ai content", which Fiverr chooses to call a "complex AI service". I was very surprised to see that the seller who has made $2m selling exactly these services was nowhere to be found - she'll happily promote her hybrid writing and team of expart writers off-platform, but on-platform, it's strictly "human writing" and never mind those reviews.

Of course, this is all perfectly legit under Fiverr's Community Standards, which mean nobody has to tell anyone they use AI unless the buyer asks. And the buyer really needs to ask first and do due diligence, not trust that the Fiverr marketplace, bustling as it is with integrity and vetted, trustworthy professional sellers.

 You know what happens when you pop the words "hybrid content" and "hybrid AI content" into search? Yeah, nobody's selling this complex AI service. Or at least they're not mentioning it if they do.

Now, I'd quite like $2m dollars. So since this is a super-in-demand service that buyers are rushing to pick up, why shouldn't I give myself the only gig that's like, in the niche? Open. Honest. Transparent. Explaining my process. You know, being a seller with integrity.

On the other hand, I have a feeling there's a reason that this $2M seller doesn't fully disclose what she's doing, and maybe she wouldn't have all this money if she did things differently. So, shall I waste time on this test or not?

It's very simple really: AI writes content, I make sure it's not 💩. But it'll still look like an AI wrote it, because that's essentially what hybrid content is. Mind you, I'd probably cut out the top notches and lighten the fluff. That'll really demonstrate the complexity of this and totally make me a millionaire.

What do you guys think? This will be a really easy gig to launch because I'll just use AI to make everything so it's pretty much zero effort on my part. 2 million dollars, here I come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm not sure why, but I've been feeling like watching the movie Daybreakers lately. It made me think of this AI fetish. In the film, nearly everyone is a vampire and society has adjusted accordingly. The remaining humans are few and far between and hunted for their blood. With so few humans left, vampires have to make do with coffee containing just 5% blood. As you'd expect, things go south fast and vampires not getting blood turn into winged batzombiemonstergremlins. This situation reminds me of what’s happening with Fiverr. They're clinging to the AI fetish and  we, the sellers, are expected to shut up, have our 5% blood coffee and slowly turn into batzombiemonstergremlins, with fewer and fewer buyers left too. Even when they find a way to become human again so they can avoid becoming batzombiemonstergremlins, the vampire bosses are doing everything they can to stop them. 

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3 minutes ago, emmaki said:


When it comes to hiring someone to write your AI article for you, at most the traffic is around 20 (take this with a grain of salt, as even low traffic kw can  yield good traffic). On GTrends, terms like complex ai services and hybrid content don't even have data.

In contrast, terms like "hire copywriter" "writing service" etc. have much better traffic, even when you niche down. What does this tell us, everybody?



But, but, but... They told us AI is the future and that they want to empower us on our AI journey. 🙃

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Posted (edited)

I already made a terrible gig image for the gig vet gig! You can tell it was made by hand, since it looks rubbish and only took 5 minutes.


I will dominate this niche.

Edited by emmaki
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6 minutes ago, emmaki said:

I already made a terrible gig image for the gig vet gig! You can tell it was made by hand, since it looks rubbish and only took 5 minutes.


I will dominate this niche.

This reminded me of a seller who also runs a group outside of Fiverr and "The Gig Doctor"

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Posted (edited)

Now why would you ever give someone that impression? 

I noticed on his FB that he doesn't understand how Fiverr's search works.

[image removed to preserve people's modesty]

Or perhaps that's some contrived ignorance for his marketing. Who knows?

really need to get in on this game. 

Edited by emmaki
modesty in an immodest world
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Posted (edited)

Of all the things you shouldn't AI, that's one of them. But who did the AI? the original gig vet or JL? Given that on other pages, testimonials come with terrifyingly large headshots, I'm inclined to think this one might be a little fib. 

That site is fascinating. It's like 1997 all over again!

Edited by emmaki
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I provide AI  services off here but make it clear they are AI services (not just hybrid content) but other services. I wouldn't risk it on here. It will probably tank your success score (mine is already in the toilet). With the hordes of people expecting to get cut-price Hamlet there is a high percentage risk of having people decimate your success score. Why? there is a perception that AI content is cheap content and should cost less as its generated content. Ive yet to hear one person make any attempt to address this & that perception is there. you had better have a good reason to justify your pricing otherwise, you are going to be on a hiding to nothing.

As for using hybrid content. It's still going to get detected as AI. I spent the whole weekend testing a tool, and it detected every piece of content. Hybrid or AI. No matter how well it was written or what prompts were used. The only way to get it to pass as human-written was to use mostly human-written content. Even content from a certain blog kept coming up as AI-written. Every piece of original content that I put through it passed as human-written. It's the first tool Ive used that is highly effective.

There is no way the top-notch demographic is doing this or will do it. To be brutally honest, many have enough of a problem tying their shoelaces, and AI is the only way they can string something together that is understandable. Buyers can see this when the conversation with the seller sounds like it has gone through a food blender while the content is reasonably easy to read and understand (this is something people should be told to check when ordering articles from anyone)

I wonder what sellers are telling people, and I have heard some questionable statements being made to customers. I've had conversations with businesses away from here (I had a well-known language school admitting to using it), and many are not scared of using it to save time (this is the #1 reason I've been told they are using it) until you explain the potential consequences (goodbye Google rankings). If they are willing to take risks, that is up to them.

A great many businesses are now aware of writers using chat GPT, even when they say they are not, and many state they are going to check for AI content and do not want this. So what are AI writers (oxymoron) telling them? Unfortunately, there are a lot of porky pies being told. Here are some I have heard a lot.

#1 The tool you are using is not very accurate, and all our content is written by us & no AI detection tools work ( this is a favourite and used to be true but some tools now are very accurate)

#2 The AI detector is detecting the content but google will not (yes, I've heard this a lot)

#3 we use special prompts provided by us (this 99% means they copied the prompts), and the content will rank (it doesn't even get indexed)

#4 All the paragraphs are short & similar in length because that is how we write them.

I really want to hear from anyone how you are going to justify your pricing model and how you will get rid of the perception that Ai content (hybrid or otherwise) is not fit for purpose other than just bland, generated McDonald's content that leaves you and your readers ill after digesting it.

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7 minutes ago, markp said:

I really want to hear from anyone how you are going to justify your pricing model

My top-notch content will make me at least 


But you're right, I just need to not tell anyone it's AI content and lie about forget to mention it to my customers and then come up with unconvincing excuses when I'm rumbled. 

It does rather strike me that "hybrid content" is a marketing term invented just to gloss over the problem with AI content: that it's AI content. To add to your list, what about copyright issues? I don't only mean the accidental plagiarism of AI rewriting whatever's in its knowledge bases, but also the high probability that courts will find gen AI contents to be uncopyrightable, which is fine if you're playing around with it, not so great if you want to trademark etc. it. 

Which neatly brings me to another awkward part of Fiverr's AI community standards: 


A random blog on Google: 


Question for Fiverr: Why are you allowing sellers to deceive their clients like this? Why did you change your community standards from requiring disclosure to not requiring disclosure? Isn't this just a nasty can of worms waiting to be sprung on a seller you'll be forced to make an example of in future? Not that I'll feel particularly sorry for the seller, but ultimately, you're allowing this to happen and profiting from it. 

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1 hour ago, emmaki said:

Why are you allowing sellers to deceive their clients like this?

To get money.

Just like they were allowing selling likes, subscribes, followers, reviews... Before it became too risky for Fiverr.

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