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The Impact of Incorporating FAQs on Your Gig

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Wondering how to enhance your gigs and improve your chances of becoming a Top Rated Seller? Try adding Frequently Asked Questions, otherwise known as FAQs, to your gigs.

FAQs are curated responses that address common queries potential buyers tend to have about collaborating with you. 

For sellers hoping to reach Top Rated Seller levels, having 3-5 FAQs on your profile can truly tip the scale toward your goal. Beyond helping to boost your seller level, it can help increase your conversions. How would it do that? Well, when buyers land on your page and can find answers to their most important questions without having to take any additional steps, it facilitates a quicker and more confident decision to collaborate with you. 

Further, adding FAQs to your gigs can significantly reduce the amount of canceled orders you experience. Since misalignment in communication is a common reason for cancellations, outlining your processes & policies can help clarify potential points of confusion. Should any issues arise during the order, your FAQs can help, by explaining your terms, and protecting you against claims of uncommunicated expectations.  

When determining which FAQs to add, focus on addressing the most common questions you get from interested buyers. Consider where your orders have had issues in the past and identify potential areas for misunderstandings. Even if the information is covered in your gig, there is no harm in repeating essential details in the FAQs to ensure the information is easily accessible and hard to miss. FAQs are also a great place to go into more detail if you reach your gig description character limit. 
Examples of effective FAQs include clarifying what qualifies as a revision and what your revision policy is, specifying if you have any project restrictions (e.g., no political or religious work), and outlining your usage rights.

In summation, by strategically incorporating FAQs, you not only increase your chances of achieving Top Rated Seller status but also enhance your ability to convert more sales and establish a smoother, more efficient collaboration process between you and your buyer. Therefore, we encourage all sellers who have not already done so to add FAQs to their gigs today. 

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4 hours ago, Kesha said:

FAQs are also a great place to go into more detail if you reach your gig description character limit. 

Though FAQs also have quite a low character limit. Sometimes you want to add a bit more to an answer to make sure it states everything fully but there aren't enough characters to say everything you want to.

Also some forum members have tried adding an 11th FAQ to their gig and got an unclear error message (something like "item is not in list"). Maybe it would help if Fiverr allowed about 12 FAQs in gigs so people would be more likely to have enough. And also it would help sellers if a clearer error message was displayed if they did try to add an FAQ when there was already the maximum number of FAQs on the gig.

1 hour ago, navid_zafar said:

you can strategically integrate your keywords into those FAQs.

Yes, but if you've had people in the inbox asking if you offer X and you don't and you put an FAQ in your gig saying "Do you offer X?" and an answer saying you don't, it could then use what you said as a keyword making it more likely you'll get more people finding your gig with the thing you said you don't do - and then lowering your conversion rate and so maybe lowering your position in results (unless you pay extra for seller plus (and are eligible for it) and can enter 5 negative keywords - when negative keywords should really be a basic thing for all sellers if it helps the search engine find the most relevant gigs for what the buyers are searching for).

Edited by uk1000
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On 2/5/2024 at 4:03 AM, uk1000 said:

Maybe it would help if Fiverr allowed about 12 FAQs in gigs so people would be more likely to have enough

While I like the idea, I'm not sure how many buyers read FAQs, and therefore, how many would go through a list of 12. I mean, some of them don't even read the gig description. Or barely even read the title. 

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46 minutes ago, catwriter said:

While I like the idea, I'm not sure how many buyers read FAQs, and therefore, how many would go through a list of 12. I

It could just be for the gigs that need it. And in the OP it mentions having 3-5 FAQs "can help increase your conversions".

There does seem to be a rough correlation between nr of FAQs and nr of orders (though whether that's because successful gigs get more enquiries and so add more FAQs or whether it's the FAQs that are helping it might be difficult to say, though since it says it increases conversions, and some of that might be through keywords in them sometimes helping get found in search results - when they're not negative ones -  it might be worth it).

So maybe it's in a bit more complex gigs (especially if they were higher priced) it might help the user to check better if there were the full amount of FAQs. Some sellers needed them so even if just a lower % of buyers read them it still might help them.

Edited by uk1000
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4 hours ago, melanielm said:

I've poked around, and can't figure out where to put FAQs on my actual profile. Can someone help?

On the gigs, yes... I have those, but not on my profile.

Sorry for the confusion, @melanielm! FAQs can only be added to gigs.

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On 2/4/2024 at 7:00 PM, Kesha said:

When determining which FAQs to add, focus on addressing the most common questions you get from interested buyers. Consider where your orders have had issues in the past and identify potential areas for misunderstandings.

Hi @Kesha! I really like this point because it shows sellers how strategic they need to be when deciding which FAQs to include on their gigs. There are some sellers who put up FAQs just to hit the number of 3-5 FAQs per gig. Those FAQs hardly ever get read.

Then there are other sellers who are thinking about their customers, their needs, and their overall experience (even before an order is placed). These sellers know what questions their buyers will be asking and anticipate problems that could arise in communication before orders are placed. These FAQs are customer-centric and are written to make the buyer's life more easier. These sellers' FAQs are much more effective in engaging potential buyers, building up their confidence, and converting them into sales. This is why FAQs can be a powerful tool.

Having good, well-thought-out FAQs will show your customers that you know them and their needs, and will take care of them, should they decide to place an order with you.

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11 hours ago, Kesha said:

We recommend 3-5 FAQs. 

But on average, do gigs with more FAQs than that (including closer to 10) get more conversions and orders per week?

Do you recommend 3-5 FAQs because you don't want sellers to create too many FAQs too quickly (in case they over-complicate a new gig) and would prefer them to create them more gradually to go with the types of real questions that actual buyers/those interested in buying the gig ask?

Edited by uk1000
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So the question was asked "how many FAQ are best in numbers?" and it was stated above that 3-5 FAQs are recommended.

But in some of the best selling gigs, eg:

"I will create minimalist logo design for your business" No. of reviews: 45724, No. of FAQs: 9
"I will design an outstanding logo" No. of reviews: 60115, No. of FAQs: 6
"I will design 3 original logo design concepts for your business" No. of reviews: 24493, No. of FAQs: 7
"I will record a pro voiceover, british or american female accent" No. of reviews: 28377, No. of FAQs: 8
"I will record any american or british female voice over or narration, today" No. of reviews: 30670, No. of FAQs: 10
"I will design professional book cover or ebook cover" No. of reviews: 47582, No. of FAQs: 8
"I will design an eye catching ebook or kindle cover with bonus" No. of reviews: 42871, No. of FAQs: 10
"I will create modern minimalist business logo design" No. of reviews: 38760, No. of FAQs: 9
"I will do modern line art text or badge logo design" No. of reviews: 25047, No. of FAQs: 6
"I will create 2 stunning logo designs" No. of reviews: 55441, No. of FAQs: 6

all the above have more than the recommended 3-5 FAQs. All those gigs have >24,000 ratings, and all have between 6 and 10 FAQs. Surely having that many FAQs has helped them become that successful. So surely in some cases, having >5 FAQs in gigs might help a lot if it clarifies things enough to the buyers. I assume those gigs have had many enquiries and enough orders to create enough legit FAQs for their gigs with the things buyers mostly tend to ask or clarifying things about the gig.

Edited by uk1000
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  • 3 months later...
On 2/7/2024 at 1:40 AM, uk1000 said:

So the question was asked "how many FAQ are best in numbers?" and it was stated above that 3-5 FAQs are recommended.

But in some of the best selling gigs, eg:

"I will create minimalist logo design for your business" No. of reviews: 45724, No. of FAQs: 9
"I will design an outstanding logo" No. of reviews: 60115, No. of FAQs: 6
"I will design 3 original logo design concepts for your business" No. of reviews: 24493, No. of FAQs: 7
"I will record a pro voiceover, british or american female accent" No. of reviews: 28377, No. of FAQs: 8
"I will record any american or british female voice over or narration, today" No. of reviews: 30670, No. of FAQs: 10
"I will design professional book cover or ebook cover" No. of reviews: 47582, No. of FAQs: 8
"I will design an eye catching ebook or kindle cover with bonus" No. of reviews: 42871, No. of FAQs: 10
"I will create modern minimalist business logo design" No. of reviews: 38760, No. of FAQs: 9
"I will do modern line art text or badge logo design" No. of reviews: 25047, No. of FAQs: 6
"I will create 2 stunning logo designs" No. of reviews: 55441, No. of FAQs: 6

all the above have more than the recommended 3-5 FAQs. All those gigs have >24,000 ratings, and all have between 6 and 10 FAQs. Surely having that many FAQs has helped them become that successful. So surely in some cases, having >5 FAQs in gigs might help a lot if it clarifies things enough to the buyers. I assume those gigs have had many enquiries and enough orders to create enough legit FAQs for their gigs with the things buyers mostly tend to ask or clarifying things about the gig.

Please someone should address these matter because I am really confused with the 3-5 FAQs, while most of the best selling gigs are having minimum of 6 FAQs.

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On 5/12/2024 at 10:24 AM, raff_cv said:

Please someone should address these matter because I am really confused with the 3-5 FAQs, while most of the best selling gigs are having minimum of 6 FAQs.

We find that 3-5 is a sweet spot, but certainly having more does not hurt!

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
On 6/28/2024 at 4:00 PM, hasnain_sami said:

Do we need to include keywords or tags in FAQs as well??


There are no significant benefits of including keywords in FAQs. I would recommend focusing on having them mostly in your title and meta tags for the best results. 

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Why is an important FAQ on fiverr? Insofar as I know, its a gig ranking fast page; its an amazing tool on Fiverr. but buyer only focus your gig title, checking your working experience and sometimes reading about your gig . that's why its a clear message  There is no need for a buyer FAQ. FAQ helping sellers make SEO on your gig. 

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1 hour ago, mahi1nsarkar said:

Why is an important FAQ on fiverr? Insofar as I know, its a gig ranking fast page; its an amazing tool on Fiverr. but buyer only focus your gig title, checking your working experience and sometimes reading about your gig . that's why its a clear message  There is no need for a buyer FAQ. FAQ helping sellers make SEO on your gig. 


4 hours ago, ratanml said:

Profile and gig FAQ have some importance?


6 hours ago, sayedur_rahaman said:

does any buyer read FAQs?

Not every single buyer will read your FAQs, but some will. It's one of those things that does not hurt to have and can only help you. Also, to be considered at Top Rated Seller, you must have FAQs so I would recommend always having them.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/5/2024 at 9:05 PM, Kesha said:

Also, to be considered at Top Rated Seller, you must have FAQs so I would recommend always having them.

There's a seller who joined in March 2023 who is a TRS but neither of that seller's gigs have an FAQ. That seller seems to have become TRS this year.

Is it a very recent rule-change about TRS needing FAQs? Or do only some staff who pick TRS check for that?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/5/2024 at 6:51 AM, catwriter said:

While I like the idea, I'm not sure how many buyers read FAQs, and therefore, how many would go through a list of 12. I mean, some of them don't even read the gig description. Or barely even read the title. 

I have my FAQ set for all of my gigs, and I make revisions when needed. But you're right. Some potential clients don't read the FAQ. And will contact you with questions that could've been answered if they had just bothered to read the Frequently Asked Questions portion of the gig. So while the FAQ is helpful to have as an option, I wish more people actually took the time to give it a peek. At least... a peek.

Edited by nickj2013
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