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  1. Well, it was going to happen eventually! Today will be my last day on Fiverr, once my last payment clears I will be closing down my account and leaving the platform. I joined back in 2020 as a way to make some extra money to support my hobbys and have done pretty well over the years, making it up to TRS and completing over 400 orders. There have been ups and downs along the way but that is all going to end. Why am I leaving? Basically EU tax regulations. I'm an expat that has lived abroad but due to dual taxation regulations I have been able to declare my taxes in my home country for the entire time I have been on Fiverr. This has been good for me because my income at home was effectively zero and I was able to pay tax at a very low rate. This was completely legal and above board however, Fiverr is now requiring me to file these earnings in Europe which unfortunately means paying these taxes at the same rate as my main income (around 50%!). With Fiverr taking 20% plus 50% taxes and some currency conversion shenangigans there is literally no way I can offer my service as I want to offer it while remaining competitive. I could double my prices but customers already give me low scores for "value for money" (if the limited info on success score is anything to go by) and I don't feel like dealing with an increase in problem customers which is what has happened whenver I have tried to increase my prices in the past. It's been a pleasure chatting with you all here over the years and I hope I have brought some value to the forum! Good luck everyone! Andy PS, If anyone is struggling to make it here on Fiverr and wants the secret sauce from my successful top rated business offering conversion rate optimisation audits, feel free to send me a DM and I would be happy to discuss the potential sale of my assets (for the right price of course!).
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  2. @jorgetukuy that is so weird - it actually does fix the issue. What kinda broke-ass website are we using here? 😄 😄 😄
  3. Hey Fiverr team, I'm a seller on your platform and I'm having a really weird issue. Just recently, whenever I have a Fiverr tab with an active order open in my browser, my computer CPU usage goes through the roof and the fans start blowing really hard. As soon as I tab out of that page (for example into the forum or my clients websites or whatever), it all slows down again and goes back to normal near silent operation (this is likely because I have Chrome memory saver running which suspends any tabs that aren't active). Suffice to say, a relatively static page like order details shouldn't be consuming such a massive amount of resources that my computer goes into melt down. I'm working on a 2020 Macbook Pro which operates absolutely fine under most normal loads.
  4. Don't forget, you aren't the only person in the rankings... other sellers are constantly updating their gigs, new sellers are being introduced, some people leave the platform this all impacts the rankings and it can change multiple times per day. The rankings are also customised to each buyer with machine learning, it's not static search results like the old days of the internet, every customer will see different results. The only guaranteed way to appear at the top is to use paid listings.
  5. With all of your extensive "AI" knowledge how are you not able to automatically catch and ban these people sending the spam messages? Surely there are some common patterns you can use to catch them out?
  6. Zero. As you can see from my account I am a Top Rated Seller and have been on Fiverr for about 4 years and have completed hundreds of orders. I do not keep Fiverr open. I have the app installed on my phone and notifications switched on. If people message me I will usually respond within 30 minutes as long as I am awake. But I am not "online". The only time you will see me "online" is if I am actively working on an order.
  7. Nicely done.... although I would have hit the block button after the first "no" 😉
  8. What do we do with customers who abuse the revision button? Just this week I had a customer request a revision without any feedback or details I could use to improve the work. When I pressed them, they responded with what effectively amounts to "I don't know, I just don't like it" and then had the gall to demand a cancellation. I have denied the cancellation and not heard from them since, but I expect to see an unfair public and private review even if I successfully "win" the money (and even if I allow the cancellation, they STILL get to leave a negative review so I'm screwed either way).
  9. What if I decide to take my gig on the road? Say I decide to become a digital nomad and bounce all over the world spending no more than a couple of weeks in each country. What then? Is there a way to flag my account as "on the move"?
  10. btw... Fiverr have just posted about this exact topic 3 hours before you posted your own!
  11. Unfortunately, Fiverr (and most other big companies) will not engage with people once they have flagged you as "high-risk" for any reason. Location inconsistencies can be a bunch of issues from sharing a network connection with other Fiverr sellers to using a VPN and appearing in different countries or even physically travelling from one location to another!
  12. I think it's worth bearing in mind as well that the designer has effectively "put your project to bed". It's likely that they will have to stop work on other projects to go back to yours. Given that you approved the work and effectively signed off on it as happy, you may want to consider offering them a small token amount to pick this back up again (if nothing else, it'll certainly help grease the wheels and get things moving). But first course of action, is probably just to ask - you can still message them as if you were a new customer, no problem!
  13. Kesha, did you use AI to write this? 🙂
  14. If it makes you feel any better, I am TRS, Level 9 and my gig also shows "strong negative impact" for client satisfaction.
  15. Hey folks, Today I had two deliveries come back as “revision requests” for things that aren’t actually revision requests (one asking for a completely different project and another asking for a quote). In both cases I have asked them to withdraw the revisions but neither customer can figure out how. i have obviously tried googling “Fiverr withdraw revision request” but didn’t find anything useful. Thanks!
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