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Hey gang!

It's been a while since I've posted. 

I am working through stuff. 🙂 

So I had an interesting interaction the other day.

I see Fiverr pushing sellers to use the amazing Buyer Insights tool, you know that gizmo that lives in our inbox and let's us know if a buyer is brand new, or their average spending, reviews etc.


So here's the thing: I see people posting periodically about how a brand new account is a "Red flag". Sure that makes sense from a certain POV but that's not always the case.

Depending on whether or not you are in a position to capture qualified leads, you can do amazing things even with a brand new account that has a poor average spend.

Case in point: 


about buyer insights fiverr.png


How many of you would see the account creation date and average spend, and decline even asking them questions?

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38 minutes ago, frank_d said:

How many of you would see the account creation date and average spend, and decline even asking them questions?

I agree with you Frank. Don't judge a book by its covers. 

I for one don't have a problem if the buyer is new or the average spend is very low or very high. But I do think that the buyer insights tool is still really helpful when it comes to identifying hard people to work with. 


I was just contacted by this.. and after checking his seller reviews, that's not a person to work with. Either they gave a negative review saying the work was great, or they were extremely picky with things for the second review.  

So it's very helpful to have this tool. If you use it right, it can help you quite a bit. Asking questions always helps, and then you will see if they know exactly what you are dealing with. Sometimes it pays off to trust your gut, but other times you can be wrong. 

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I've had one buyer create numerous accounts and order with me, let me carry out the work, then request to cancel. He's done this many times and after doing it a few times, also realised he could request to cancel then close down the account and he'd get an immediate refund. This was a massive problem until those insights were introduced, and since it's helped me recognise his many accounts (new account, same country, not to mention I now recognise his music style/quality). I also agree with @donnovan86, being able to look at ratings given raises a flag, which allows sellers to look further into the buyer. Definitely a fantastic addition to the inbox which I now use with every buyer that messages me.

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@donnovan86 @callyofficial

Oh absolutely, don't get me wrong: buyer insights can definitely help spot red flags, unless the buyer has opted out of certain fields. (which is still an indicator IMO)

My post was more about: how we shouldn't jump into conclusions just becase we see something written right next to the chat. It's a bunch of numbers, just listen to what the buyer says. Sometimes the numbers and the context of the convo, don't line up. 🙂

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13 minutes ago, frank_d said:

My post was more about: how we shouldn't jump into conclusions just becase we see something written right next to the chat. It's a bunch of numbers, just listen to what the buyer says. Sometimes the numbers and the context of the convo, don't line up. 🙂

Completely agree with your comments, I was just giving my feedback on buyer insights as I hadn't seen another forum post on it. I didn't know a buyer could opt out of certain fields and always wondered why information for some buyers wouldn't show. This is great to know and definitely a red flag.

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45 minutes ago, michmikaia said:

@frank_dI couldn't agree more. 

Here is one of my experience, talking about judging immediately with what is written. Everything written is all positive, but after a long conversation, it will never line up with me. 




Yes the opposite can also be true.

It’s important to use Fiverr’s tools as solid indicators but our decision making tree needs to be based on what makes us successful in the first place: our gut feeling and ability to read people.

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This is one of my favorite additions Fiverr's made over the years. I absolutely do not dismiss new buyers automatically, but the data does help determine if someone is worth extra effort sometimes. It's like a risk assessment metric when the contact feels slightly off for one reason or another.

The "With You" tab helps more, although I wish we could add our own note to buyer's IDs for our inbox!

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